Department of the Environment documents within the Construction Information Service
- Evaluation of garden festivals
- Evaluation of planning enforcement provisions
- Examination of the effects of the use classes order 1987 and the general development order 1988
- Framework for contaminated land
- Gas works, coke works and other coal carbonisation plants
- General development order consolidation 1995 (Valid in Wales only)
- Good practice on the evaluation of environmental information for planning projects
- Green belts
- Greening the city: a guide to good practice
- Guidance on good practice for the reclamation of mineral workings to agriculture
- Guidance on the assessment and redevelopment of contaminated land. 2nd edition (Withdrawn)
- Guide on preparing environmental statements for planning projects
- Guide to published advice on green building and estate management
- Guide to risk assessment and risk management for environmental protection
- Guidelines for the provision of silica sand in England and Wales (Valid in Wales only)
- Gypsy site provision and policy
- Gypsy sites policy and unauthorised camping (applies to England only)
- Handbook on the design of tips and related structures
- Handling geographic information: report of the Committee of Enquiry chaired by Lord Chorley
- Hedgerows Regulations 1997: a guide to the law and good practice
- Hedgerows regulations: your questions answered
- High hopes. Concierge, controlled entry and similar schemes for high rise blocks
- Home energy conservation act 1995
- Home energy efficiency scheme
- Homes insulation act 1978
- Houses in multiple occupation. Guidance on the provisions in part II of the Housing Act
- Houses in multiple occupation: guidance to local authorities on managing the stock in their area
- Houses in multiple occupation: guidance to local housing authorities on standards of fitness under section 352 of the housing act 1985 (Withdrawn)
- Houses into flats: A study of private sector conversions in London. Volume 1: Report of the main findings
- Housing (right to manage) regulations 1994
- Housing and Planning Act 1986: planning provisions (Valid in Wales only)
- Housing grants, construction and regeneration act 1996: Part 1. Changes to the renovation grant test of resources
- Impact of environmental improvements on urban regeneration
- Index of planning guidance
- Indicative forestry strategies
- Industrial renewal in the Inner City: an assessment of potential and problems
- Inner Urban Areas Act 1978 (Valid in Wales only)
- Integrated planning and the granting of permits in the EC
- Integrated pollution control: a practical guide
- Introduction to energy efficiency in sports recreation centres
- Land compensation and compulsory purchase (Valid in Wales only)
- Land use planning policy and climate change
- Landfill completion
- Landfill design, construction and operational practice
- Landfill gas. 2nd edition (Withdrawn)
- Landfill sites: development control
- Landfilling wastes
- Landslide investigation and management in Great Britain: a guide for planners and developers
- Licensing of metal recycling sites
- Licensing of waste management facilities
- Local authorities and housing associations: miscellaneous works and re-improvements
- Local authority building control and related services. Approved inspectors. Uncompetitive practices
- Local government (access to information) act 1985
- Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (Valid in Wales only)
- Local government and housing act 1989: Housing renovation grants
- Local government, planning and land act 1980 - various provisions
- Local government, planning and land act 1980 financial objectives specifications 1994. Local government act 1988 financial objectives specifications 1994
- Local government, planning and land act 1980: Health services act 1980: town and country planning: development control functions (Valid in Wales only)
- Managing demolition and construction wastes
- Managing the coast: a review of coastal management plans in England and Wales and the powers supporting them
- Managing urban spaces in town centres: good practice guide
- Memorandum on overcrowding and houses in multiple occupation: the housing act 1985: parts X, XI and XII
- Metal manufacturing, refining and finishing works: electroplating and other metal finishing works
- Metal manufacturing, refining and finishing works: iron and steelworks
- Metal manufacturing, refining and finishing works: lead works
- Metal manufacturing, refining and finishing works: non-ferrous metal works (excluding lead works)
- Metal manufacturing, refining and finishing works: precious metal recovery works
- Methane and other gases from disused coal mines: the planning response. Summary report
- Mineral workings - legal aspects relating to restoration of sites with a high water table (Valid in Wales only)
- Minerals planning and the General Development Order (Valid in Wales only)
- Monitoring environmental assessment and planning
- New streets (Valid in Wales only)
- Occurrence and significance of erosion, deposition and flooding in Great Britain
- Oil refineries - and bulk storage of crude oil and petroleum products
- Park life: better parks, better cities
- Part VII of the environmental protection act 1990: establishment of nature conservancy council for England
- Party Wall etc. Act 1996
- People, parks and cities: a guide to current good practice in urban parks
- Pipe-Lines Act 1962
- Planning and compensation act 1991 (Valid in Wales only)
- Planning and Compensation Act 1991: interim development order permissions (IDOs) - conditions (Valid in Wales only)
- Planning and Compensation Act 1991: interim development order permissions (IDOs) - statutory provisions and procedures (Valid in Wales only)
- Planning and compensation act 1991: new development plans system: transitional arrangements (England and Wales)
- Planning control over oil and gas operations (Valid in Wales only)
- Planning controls over demolition (Valid in Wales only)
- Planning for affordable housing
- Planning for rural diversification
- Planning for rural diversification: a good practice guide
- Planning inquiry commissions (Valid in Wales only)
- Planning policy guidance and minerals planning guidance
- Planning, pollution and waste management
- Policy appraisal and the environment
- Policy guidelines for the coast
- Post Office operational land regulations
- Potential for woodland establishment on landfill sites
- Power stations (excluding nuclear power stations)
- Private housing development process: a case study
- Private water supplies
- Profile of miscellaneous industries, incorporating charcoal works, dry cleaners, fibreglass and fibreglass resins manufacturing works, glass manufacturing works, photographic processing industry and printing and bookbinding works
- Progress on adoption of area wide local plans and UDPs