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Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland documents within the Construction Information Service
Access to the Northern Ireland countryside
Addendum to planning policy statement 7: residential extensions and alterations
Addendum to planning policy statement 7: safeguarding the character of established residential areas
Amusement centres (revised October 2019)
Application of the councillors' code of conduct with regard to planning matters
Assessing enabling development - best practice guidance to planning policy statement 23 'enabling development for the conservation of significant places' (revised November 2019)
Best practice guidance to planning policy statement 18 'renewable energy' (revised October 2019)
Bookmaking offices (revised October 2019)
Building on tradition - a sustainable design guide for the Northern Ireland countryside. Supplementary planning guidance to PPS 21 (revised October 2019)
Control of advertisements
Control of development in airport public safety zones
Councils schemes of delegation
Creating places - achieving quality in residential developments (revised October 2019)
Demolition and planning control
Design and access statements
Design guide for rural Northern Ireland
Determination of planning applications
Draft supplementary planning guidance to PPS 18 'renewable energy' - aerobic digestion: public consultation (revised November 2019)
Enabling development for the conservation of significant places
Environmental impact assessment (revised October 2019)
Guidance on pre-application discussions
Householder's planning guide for the installation of antennas, including satellite dishes
Housing in existing urban areas (revised October 2019)
Implementation of planning policy for the retention of zoned land and economic development uses
Introduction: context for local development plans
Local policies plan
Ministerial statement on the weight to be accorded to the economic aspects of development proposals
Natural heritage
Non-material change
Northern Ireland housing land availability summary report 2013 (revised July 2014)
Open space, sport and outdoor recreation
Plan strategy
Planning and economic development
Planning and economic development - clarification of Policy PED 7
Planning and flood risk
Planning and waste management
Planning controls for hazardous substances (revised October 2019)
Planning in the coastal area - a developer's guide to planning considerations and environmental responsibilities
Planning permission and farm diversification
Planning policy statement 12 (PPS 12) - housing in settlements. Policy HS 3 (amended) - travellers accommodation
Planning policy statement 18 - renewable energy
Planning registers and statutory charges registers
Planning strategy for rural Northern Ireland
Planning, archaeology and the built heritage
Pre-application community consultation - guidance
Pre-application community consultation (and pre-application discussions)
Preferred options paper
Public houses (revised October 2019)
Publicity arrangements and neighbour notification
Quality residential environments
Renewable energy development within the curtilage of a dwelling house - permitted development rights
Residential and nursing homes (revised October 2019)
Restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets (revised October 2019)
Siting and design of radio telecommunications equipment (revised October 2019)
Statement of community involvement (SCI)
Statement of community involvement (SCI)
Statement of community involvement (SCI)
Strategic planning policy statement for Northern Ireland (SPPS) - planning for sustainable development
Strategy for surveillance and monitoring of European protected habitats and species in Northern Ireland - implementing Regulations 3 and 6 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009 for the protection of habitats and species of Community interest in Northern Ireland
Supplementary planning guidance to planning policy statement 4 - policy PED 8: 'development incompatible with economic development uses' (revised October 2019)
Sustainability appraisal incorporating strategic environmental assessment
Sustainable development in the countryside
Taxi offices (revised October 2019)
Tree preservation orders - a guide to protected trees
Trees and development: a guide to best practice
Use of planning conditions
Vehicular access standards (revised October 2019)
Your permitted development rights and environmental assessment