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CIRIA documents within the Construction Information Service
Target and cost-reimbursable construction contracts - Part C: Preparation of contract conditions (relating to the ICE conditions - 5th edition)
Temporary access to the workface
Temporary propping of deep excavations - guidance on design
The standard penetration test (SPT): methods and use
Thin flooring on solid floors - visual imperfections
Tools for measuring and forecasting waste generated on site
Tower crane foundation and tie design
Transfer of adhesives technology: feasibility study
Transport infrastructure drainage: condition appraisal and remedial treatment
Treated ground: engineering properties and performance
Trenching practice. 2nd edition (2001 revision)
Trenchless and minimum excavation techniques: planning and selection
Trenchless construction for underground services
Tunnels: inspection, assessment and maintenance
Underground service reservoirs: waterproofing and repair manual
Unexploded ordnance (UXO) risk management guide for land-based projects
Unexploded ordnance (UXO): a guide for the construction industry
Unmanned aerial vehicles for managing assets
Use and influence of bentonite in bored pile construction
Use of concrete in maritime engineering: a guide to good practice
Use of epoxy, polyester and similar reactive polymers in construction: Volume 1 - materials and their practical applications
Use of epoxy, polyester and similar reactive polymers: Part 2 - specification and use of the materials
Use of epoxy, polyester and similar reactive polymers: Part 3 - materials technology
Use of industrial by-products in road construction - water quality effects
Use of screens to reduce noise from sites
Use of sewage sludge in construction
Use of vegetation in civil engineering
Using SuDs to reduce nitrogen in surface water runoff
Value by competition - a guide to the competitive procurement of consultancy services for construction
Value management in construction: a clients guide
VOCs handbook: investigating, assessing and managing risks from inhalation of VOCs at land affected by contamination
Wall technology: Volume A: Performance requirements
Wall technology: Volume B: Loadbearing small units
Wall technology: Volume C: Small units on framed buildings
Wall technology: Volume D: Large lightweight units on framed buildings
Wall technology: Volume E: Large heavy units on framed buildings and in-situ concrete
Wall technology: Volume F: Glazing, curtain walls and overcladding
Wall technology: Volume G: Applied finishes
WaND. Guidance on water cycle management for new developments
Waste minimisation and recycling in construction - a review
Waste minimisation and recycling in construction - boardroom handbook
Waste minimisation and recycling in construction - technical review
Waste minimisation and recycling in construction: design manual
Waste minimisation in construction: site guide
Water key performance indicators and benchmarks for offices and hotels
Water mains: guidance on assessment and inspection techniques
Water sensitive urban design in the UK: ideas for built environment practitioners
Waterproofing and repairing underground reservoir roofs
Water-resisting basements
Water-resisting basements (Summary report)
Web buckling of rolled steel beams
Whole-life infrastructure asset management: good practice guide for civil infrastructure
Wildlife fencing design guide
Working with wildlife: guidance for the construction industry