CIRIA documents within the Construction Information Service
- Making your property more flood resilient - how the code of practice for property flood resilience can help. What households and businesses need to know
- Management of accelerated low water corrosion in steel maritime structures
- Management of advanced numerical modelling in geotechnical engineering: good practice
- Management of gully pots for improved runoff quality
- Management of safety-critical fixings. Guidance for the management and design of safety-critical fixings
- Management of technical excellence within design organisations
- Managing project change - a best practice guide
- Managing urban flooding from heavy rainfall - encouraging the uptake of designing for exceedance: case studies
- Managing urban flooding from heavy rainfall - encouraging the uptake of designing for exceedance: lessons and success factors
- Managing urban flooding from heavy rainfall - encouraging the uptake of designing for exceedance: recommendations and summary
- Manual of good practice in sealant application
- Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures - supplementary guide
- Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures. 2nd edition
- Marine sand and gravel in north-west Europe. A fact-finding and scoping study
- Masonry arch bridges: condition appraisal and remedial treatment
- Material durability in aggressive ground
- Maximising the use and exchange of coastal data: guide to best practice
- Measurement of methane and other gases from the ground
- Methane investigation strategies: methane and associated hazards to construction
- Methane: its occurrence and hazards in construction
- Methodology for quantifying the benefits of offsite construction
- Minimising risk through responsible sourcing: a handbook for the construction industry
- Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreement for rainwater and greywater use systems
- Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreement for rainwater and greywater use systems - booklet
- Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreements for SUDS
- Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Planning obligation - incorporating SUDS provisions. Town and country planning act 1990
- Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Private SUDS model agreement
- Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. SUDS maintenance framework agreement
- Modular gravity retaining walls: design guidance
- Monitoring, maintenance and rehabilitation of water supply boreholes
- More for less: a contractors guide to improving productivity in construction
- Movement and cracking in long masonry walls
- Multi-functional artificial reefs scoping study
- Natural flood management manual
- Natural slopes and landslides - condition, assessment, and mitigation
- Networks, learning and innovation in the UK construction industry
- New paint systems for the protection of construction steelwork
- Noise and vibration from road and rail
- Non-biological methods for assessment and remediation of contaminated land - case studies
- Non-destructive testing of civil structures
- Observational method in ground engineering: principles and applications
- Offsite construction - concept design and delivery
- Old waterfront walls
- On-site curing of concrete - microstructure and durability
- On-site sewage disposal options
- Open space opportunities for previously developed land
- Operation and maintenance manuals for buildings - a guide to procurement and preparation
- Overview of questionnaire survey results
- Painting steelwork
- Performance measurement of design activities: a summary report and key performance indicators
- Performance of a piled bridge abutment at Newhaven
- Performance of sealant-concrete joints in wet conditions. Results of a laboratory testing programme Research project RP 355: Phase 2, Stage 3. Volume 2: Schedules of detailed test results
- Performance of sealant-concrete joints in wet conditions. Results of a laboratory testing programme. Volume 1: Main results and discussion
- Permanent formwork in construction
- Pile load testing procedures
- Piled foundations in weak rock
- Piling in "Boulder Clay" and other glacial tills
- Pipework, valves and associated equipment in dams. A guide to operation, maintenance, condition assessment and rehabilitation
- Planning for SuDs - making it happen
- Planning to build? A practical introduction to the construction process
- Post-tensioning systems for concrete in the UK: 1940 - 1985
- Potential for water pollution from railways
- Potential use of alternatives to primary aggregates in coastal and river engineering
- Precast concrete tunnel linings - a review of current test procedures
- Prediction and effects of ground movements caused by tunnelling in soft ground beneath urban areas
- Prestressed concrete beams: controlled demolition and prestress loss assessment
- Principles of design for deconstruction to facilitate reuse and recycling
- Prop loads in large braced excavations
- Proprietary trench support systems. 3rd edition
- Protecting development from methane: methane and associated hazards to construction
- Protection and provision for safe overtopping of dams and flood banks
- Protection of reinforced concrete by surface treatments
- Protection of river and canal banks
- Pumping stations - design for improved buildability and maintenance
- Quality management in construction - contractual aspects
- Quality management in construction - implementation in design services organisations
- Quality management in construction - survey of experiences with BS 5750. Case study information
- Quality management in construction - survey of experiences with BS 5750. Report of key findings
- Quality management in construction: interpretations of BS 5750 (1987) - 'quality systems for the construction industry'
- Quantitative assessment methods for the monitoring and inspection of flood defences: new techniques and recent developments
- Rainwater and greywater use in buildings - best practice guidance
- Rainwater and greywater use in buildings: decision-making for water conservation
- Rapid characterisation of contaminated sites using electrical imaging
- Reclaimed and recycled construction materials handbook
- Regional seabed sediment studies and assessment of marine aggregate dredging
- Reinforcement connector and anchorage methods
- Remedial engineering for closed landfill sites
- Remedial processes for contaminated land - principles and practice
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume I: introduction and guide
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume II: decommissioning, decontamination and demolition
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume III: Site investigation and assessment
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume IV: Classification and selection of remedial methods
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume IX: In-situ methods of remediation
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume V: Excavation and disposal
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume VI: Containment and hydraulic measures
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume VII: Ex-situ remedial methods for soils, sludges and sediments
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume VIII: Ex-situ remedial methods for contaminated groundwater and other liquids
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume X: Special situations
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume XI: Planning and management
- Remedial treatment for contaminated land: Volume XII: Policy and legislation