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CIRIA documents within the Construction Information Service
Grassmoor lagoons: organic sludge bioremediation field trials
Green roofs - an introduction and overview of benefits
Ground engineering spoil: good management practice
Ground-borne vibrations arising from piling
Groundwater control - design and practice
Grouted anchors and soil nails: inspection, condition assessment and remediation
Grouting for ground engineering
Grouting for reservoir dams - a guide to good practice
Groynes in coastal engineering. Guide to design, monitoring and maintenance of narrow footprint groynes
Groynes in coastal engineering: data on performance of existing groyne systems
GRP sanitaryware sewer pipes - integral corrosion-resistant linings
Guidance on catastrophic events in construction
Guidance on designing for crowds - an integrated approach
Guidance on embedded retaining wall design
Guidance on glazing at height
Guidance on glazing at height: An introduction for the client
Guidance on the assessment of masonry arch bridges
Guidance on the code of practice for property flood resilience
Guidance on the construction of SuDS
Guidance on the costing of environmental pollution from construction
Guidance on the disposal of dredged material to land
Guidance on the management of landfill sites and land contamination on eroding or low-lying coastlines
Guidance on the use of plastic membranes as VOC vapour barriers
Guide for safe working on contaminated sites
Guide on the uses of groynes in coastal engineering
Guide to British stratigraphical nomenclature
Guide to cost standards for dredging equipment 2024
Guide to developing effective learning networks in construction
Guide to good practice for the design and installation of refractory sprayed concrete linings
Guide to ground treatment
Guide to rabbit management
Guide to small brownfield sites and land contamination
Guide to sustainable procurement in construction
Guide to the design of thrust blocks for buried pressure pipelines
Guide to the management of building refurbishment
Guidelines for checking computer analysis of building structures
Guidelines for the use of metocean data through the life cycle of a marine renewable energy development
Habitat translocation - a best practice guide
Handbook of supply chain management: the essentials - building down barriers
Hazardous ground gas - a site management guide
Hidden defects in bridges - guidance for detection and management
How much noise do you make - a guide to assessing and managing noise on construction sites
Hydraulic design of stepped spillways. 2nd edition
Hydraulic measures for the control and treatment of groundwater pollution
Impact of European Communities' policy on quality management in construction
Implementation for remedial options for contaminated land - training material
Implementing lean in construction: a lean guide for client organisations
Implementing lean in construction: health and safety synergies of lean
Implementing lean in construction: lean and the sustainability agenda
Implementing lean in construction: lean benefits realisation management
Implementing lean in construction: lean construction and BIM
Implementing lean in construction: lean tools and techniques - an introduction
Implementing lean in construction: overview of CIRIA's guides and a brief introduction to lean
Implementing lean in construction: selecting and working with a lean consultant
Infiltration drainage - manual of good practice
Infrastructure cuttings condition appraisal and remedial treatment
Infrastructure embankments - condition appraisal and remedial treatment
Infrastructure embankments condition appraisal and remedial treatment
Inland dredging - guidance on good practice
Innovation at the cutting edge: the experience of three major infrastructure projects
Innovation in Japanese prefabricated house-building industries
InSAR and Earth Observation techniques for infrastructure
In-situ stabilisation of chemical waste
Instrumentation and analysis of an anchored sheet-piled wall at Felixstowe Dock
Integrating safety, quality and environmental management
Integrating value and risk in construction
Integration of non-flood defence structures into the flood defence system - a review
Integrity testing in piling practice
Intelligent monitoring of concrete structures
Interim code of practice for sustainable drainage systems
International levee handbook. Chapter 1 - Introduction
International levee handbook. Chapter 10 - Construction
International levee handbook. Chapter 2 - Levees in flood risk management
International levee handbook. Chapter 3 - Functions, forms and failures of levees
International levee handbook. Chapter 4 - Operation and maintenance (O and M)
International levee handbook. Chapter 5 - Levee inspection, assessment and risk attribution
International levee handbook. Chapter 6 - Emergency management and operations
International levee handbook. Chapter 7 - Site characterisation and data requirements
International levee handbook. Chapter 8 - Physical processes and tools for levee assessment and design (including Errata May 2014)
International levee handbook. Chapter 9 - Design (including Errata May 2014)
International levee handbook. Glossary, abbreviations and notations
International levee handbook. Title page, inside front cover, foreword, acknowledgements and contents (including Errata May 2014)
Interpreting measurements of gas in the ground: methane and associated hazards to construction
Invasive species management for infrastructure managers and the construction industry
Investing in tomorrow's company: Improving sustainability communications between property and construction companies and the investment community
Iron and steel bridges - condition appraisal and remedial treatment
IT in construction - quantifying the benefits
It's a people thing: practical ideas for accelerating change
Key performance indicators for water use in hotels
Key performance indicators for water use in offices
Lack of fit in steel structures
Land contamination - management of financial risk
Land use management effects on flood flows and sediments - guidance on prediction
Laterite in road pavements
Lessons from incidents at dams and reservoirs - an engineering guide
Livestock manure and silage storage infrastructure for agriculture. Part 1 Selection guide
Livestock manure and silage storage infrastructure for agriculture. Part 2 Design and construction
Low temperature thermal desorption: hydrocarbon and PCB remediation studies
Low-cost options for prevention of flooding from sewers
Maintenance of coastal revetments