CIRIA documents within the Construction Information Service
- Remediating and mitigating risks from volatile organic compound (VOC) vapours from land affected by contamination
- Replacement ties in cavity walls: a guide to tie spacing and selection
- Repurposing and reconfiguring buildings
- Residual stresses in a steel box girder bridge
- Response of buildings to excavation-induced ground movements
- Response of buildings to excavation-induced ground movements. Proceedings of the international conference held at Imperial College, London, UK, on 17-18 July 2001
- Retention of masonry facades - Best practice guide
- Retention of masonry facades - Best practice site handbook
- Retrofitting hazardous ground gas protection measures in existing or refurbished buildings
- Retrofitting to manage surface water
- Reuse of foundations
- Review of bearing pile types. 2nd edition
- Review of testing for moisture in building elements
- Review of the design and management of constructed wetlands
- Rising groundwater levels in Birmingham and the engineering implications
- Risk assessment for methane and other gases from the ground: Methane and associated hazards to construction
- Risk from construction: preparation of a client's guide
- Risk management for UK reservoirs
- River weirs. Design, maintenance modification and removal
- Rock manual. The use of rock in hydraulic engineering. 2nd edition (2016 reprint)
- Rock netting systems - design, installation and whole-life management
- Role and responsibility in site investigation
- Roles, responsibilities and risks in management contracting
- Rolled concrete for dams - a laboratory study of the properties of high flyash content concrete
- Safe access for maintenance and repair. Guidance for designers. 2nd edition 2009
- Safer escalators in public places
- Safer stairs in public places - assessment of existing stairs
- Safer surfaces to walk on: reducing the risk of slipping (2014 reprint)
- Safety in ports - ship-to-shore linkspans and walkways. A guide to procurement, operation and maintenance
- Scope for control of urban runoff. Volume 1: Overview
- Scope for control of urban runoff. Volume 2: A review of present methods and practice
- Scope for control of urban runoff. Volume 3: Guidelines
- Scope for control of urban runoff. Volume 4: A review of legislation, procedures, economic and planning issues
- Scoping the assessment of sediment plumes from dredging
- Screeds, flooring and finishes: selection, construction and maintenance
- Sea outfalls - construction, inspection and repair
- Sea walls: Survey of performance and design practice
- Sealant joints in the external envelope of buildings: a guide to design, specification and construction
- Sealants - microbiological deterioration under wet conditions
- Seawall design
- Securing the contractor's contribution to buildability in design
- Sediment management in urban drainage catchments
- Selecting contractors by value
- Selecting package wastewater treatment works
- Selection and use of fixings in concrete and masonry
- Selection of remedial treatments for contaminated land: a guide to good practice
- Septic tank systems: a regulator's guide
- Septic tank systems: a users guide
- Septic tank systems: design and installation
- Septic tanks and small sewage treatment works: a guide to current practice and common problems
- Setting-out procedures
- Setting-out procedures for the modern built environment
- Settlement of structures on clay soils
- Shaft friction of CFA piles in chalk
- Simple guide to building
- Simple guide to controlling risk
- Siphons in dams - design, installation, operation, management and testing
- Site guide to foundation construction
- Site handbook for the construction of SUDS
- Site health handbook. 2nd edition
- Site investigation manual
- Site safety for the water industry
- Site safety handbook. 4th edition
- Small embankment reservoirs
- Soil nailing - best practice guidance
- Soil reinforcement with geotextiles
- Sound control for homes
- Source control using constructed pervious surfaces: Hydraulic, structural and water quality performance issues
- Spalling of concrete in fires
- Specifying, detailing and achieving cover to reinforcement
- Standard tests for repair materials and coatings for concrete. Part 1: Pull-off tests
- Standard tests for repair materials and coatings for concrete. Part 2: Permeability tests
- Standard tests for repair materials and coatings for concrete. Part 3: Stability, substrate compatibility and shrinkage
- Standardisation and pre-assembly - adding value to construction projects
- Standards for the repair of buildings following flooding
- Starting on site
- Steel reinforcement
- Strengthening metallic structures using externally bonded fibre-reinforced polymers
- Structural and geotechnical design of modular geocellular drainage systems
- Structural health monitoring in civil engineering
- Structural renovation of traditional buildings (1994 reprint with amendments)
- Structural stability of buildings during refurbishment
- Study of the impact of urbanisation on the Thames Gravels aquifers
- SuDS manual
- Suggested design procedure for accuracy in building
- Supervision of sewers for adoption
- Survey of problems associated with the installation of displacement piles
- Sustainability champions: case studies compilation
- Sustainable construction award schemes - guidance for supply chain leaders
- Sustainable construction procurement - a guide to delivering environmentally responsible projects
- Sustainable construction: company indicators
- Sustainable construction: implementing targets and indicators: experiences from CIRIA's Pioneers' Club
- Sustainable drainage systems. Hydraulic, structural and water quality advice (Superseded by C697 but remains current)
- Sustainable management of surplus soil and aggregates from construction
- Sustainable urban drainage systems - design manual for England and Wales (Withdrawn)
- Sustainable urban drainage systems - design manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland (Withdrawn)
- Sustainable water management in land-use planning
- Sustainable water management in schools
- Target and cost-reimbursable construction contracts - Part A: A study of their use and implications
- Target and cost-reimbursable construction contracts - Part B: Management and financial implications