Core Supplement
Provides updated guidance aiming to reduce slip incidents occurring in interior and exterior walking surfaces using improved design, maintenance and operation. Covers testing, selection and management of walking surfaces. Also looks at various issues including: contamination, cleaning, footwear, environment, human factors, generic flooring and building elements. Includes case studies.
Carpenter, J., Lazarus, D., and Perkins, C.
Supersedes C652 Safer surfaces to walk on: reducing the risk of slipping (CIRIA, 2006 and 2010). First published 2006. Reprinted with errata 2014. Based on Research Project RP 713. This document refers to an accompanying CD-ROM with presentation and training material which is not available within CIS. Errata 2014: In the notes to tables 4.1 and 4.2 the reference to Stage 13 should be Stages 11, 12. Table 10.1 the text for M5 should say "As M4" rather than "As M12" in the comments' column. Table 10.1 the text for N7 should say "As N6" rather than "As N5" in the comments' column.
CIRIA was formerly known as the Construction Industry Research and Information Association. They are a member-based research and information organisation who publish reports and technical papers covering building and civil engineering as well as transport and utilities infrastructure.
NBS has produced specification systems and information products for construction industry professionals for more than 40 years. The National Building Specification is the recognised UK national standard and is used by over 5,000 organisations. NBS is part of RIBA Enterprises Ltd.
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