CIRIA documents within the Construction Information Service
- Abandoned mine workings manual
- Above ground proprietary prefabricated oil storage tank systems
- Action in the case of non-conformity of concrete structures
- Addressing crime and disorder in public places through planning and design
- Adhesion of piles in stiff clays
- Application of Eurocode 7 to the design of flood embankments UK/Ireland
- Archaeology and construction: good practice guide
- Archaeology and development - a good practice guide to managing risk and maximising benefit
- Archaeology and development: case studies. Supplementary guide
- Asbestos in soil and made ground good practice site guide
- Asbestos in soil and made ground: a guide to understanding and managing risks (including Errata August 2014)
- Asbestos in soil and made ground: a guide to understanding and managing risks: ready reference
- Assessing risks posed by hazardous ground gases to buildings
- Assessing the impacts of construction-induced ground movement on framed buildings
- Assessment and management of unexploded ordnance (UXO) risk in the marine environment
- Barriers liners and cover systems for containment and control of land contamination
- Beach management manual. 2nd edition
- Beach recharge materials - demands and resources
- Behaviour of reinforced concrete flat slabs
- Benchmarking for construction - a strategic review
- Benchmarking knowledge management practice in construction
- Benchmarking the performance of design activities in construction
- Benefit trading: a practical guide for construction
- Benefits of large species trees in urban landscapes: a costing, design and management guide
- Biodiversity indicators for construction projects
- Bioengineering: the Longham Wood cutting field trial
- Biological methods for assessment and remediation of contaminated land: case studies
- Blue roofs - a guide to implementation
- Bridge detailing guide
- Bridges - design for improved buildability
- Brownfields - managing the development of previously developed land
- Build lean. Transforming construction using lean thinking
- Buildability: an assessment
- Building greener: guidance on the use of green roofs, green walls and complementary features on buildings
- Building on derelict land
- Building response to tunnelling. Case studies from construction of the Jubilee line extension, London. Volume 1: projects and methods
- Building response to tunnelling. Case studies from construction of the Jubilee line extension, London. Volume 2: case studies
- Buildings for all to use 2 - improving the accessibility of public buildings and environments
- Business case for knowledge management in construction
- Business data for recycling: Business planning guidance for aggregates recycling companies
- Care and treatment of steel reinforcement and the protection of starter bars
- Cast in-situ concrete - a model for error reduction
- CDM 2015 - workplace "in-use" guidance for designers. 2nd edition
- CDM2015 - construction work sector guidance for designers. 4th edition
- Chemical storage tank systems - good practice
- Chromium contamination: field and laboratory remediation trials
- Civil engineering design and construct - a guide to integrating design into the construction process
- Civil engineering sealants in wet conditions: review of performance and interim guidance on use
- Cladding fixings: good practice guidance
- Clients guide to greener construction - a guide to help clients address the environmental issues to be faced on building and civil engineering projects
- Climate change risks in building - an introduction
- Coastal and estuarine managed realignment - design issues
- Coastal and marine environmental pocket book. 2nd edition
- Coastal and marine environmental site guide. 2nd edition
- Code of practice for property flood resilience. Edition 2
- Code of practice for property flood resilience: guidance for local authority planners. Edition 2
- Communication and engagement in local flood risk management
- Communication and engagement techniques in local flood risk management: companion guide
- Composite beams and slabs with profiled steel sheeting
- Concrete mixes - planning and design for transporting, placing and finishing
- Concrete pressure on formwork
- Concrete technology for cast in-situ foundations
- Concreting deep lifts and large volume pours
- Construction contract incentivisation schemes - lessons from experience
- Construction of bunds for oil storage tanks
- Consultation workshop report
- Containment systems for the prevention of pollution: Secondary, tertiary and other measures for industrial and commercial premises
- Contaminated land risk assessment - a guide to good practice
- Contaminated sediments: a guide for risk assessment and management
- Control and suppression of pressure surges in pipelines and tunnels
- Control of cracking caused by restrained deformation in concrete (revised with errata 2019, 2020)
- Control of groundwater for temporary works
- Control of infiltration to sewers
- Control of pollution from highway drainage discharges (1997 reprint)
- Control of quality on construction sites
- Control of risk: a guide to the systematic management of risk from construction (2012 reprint)
- Control of water pollution from construction sites: guidance for consultants and contractors
- Control of water pollution from linear construction projects: site guide
- Control of water pollution from linear construction projects: technical guidance
- Controlled permeability formwork
- Crane stability on site: an introductory guide. 2nd edition
- Creating water sensitive places - scoping the potential for water sensitive urban design in the UK
- Crops in construction handbook
- Culvert, screen and outfall manual
- Dam and reservoir conduits - inspection, monitoring, investigation, maintenance and repair
- Dealing with vandalism - a guide to the control of vandalism
- Delivering better water management through the planning system
- Delivering biodiversity benefits through green infrastructure
- Delivering biodiversity benefits through green infrastructure - case studies
- Delivering wellbeing at site level
- Demonstrating waste minimisation benefits in construction
- Demonstration of the Geodur solidification/stabilisation system
- Design and construction of buried thin-wall pipes
- Design and construction of ground anchors. 2nd edition
- Design and construction of joints in concrete structures
- Design for inherent security. Guidance for non-residential buildings
- Design for movement in buildings
- Design for movement in buildings
- Design guidance notes for friction grip bolted connections
- Design of deep beams in reinforced concrete