Department for Transport documents within the Construction Information Service
- Public transport priority
- Published Eddington evidence base
- Puffin good practice guide
- Puffin pedestrian crossing
- Quality audit
- Quick guide to temporary white on red signs at road and street works
- Quick reference guide - client - service provider collaboration
- Quick reference guide - lean toolkit for highway maintenance services
- Quiet lanes
- Quiet lanes and home zones (England) regulations 2006
- Raised rib markings
- Regional spatial strategies - guide to producing regional transport strategies
- Regional transport statistics: 2008 edition
- Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) for the quiet lanes and home zones regulations and the associated amendment to the traffic signs regulations
- Regulatory impact assessment for the School crossing patrol sign (England and Wales) regulations 2006
- Regulatory signs
- Review of the Airports Commission's final report
- Revised future aircraft noise exposure estimates for UK airports
- Revision of Chapter 8 of the Traffic signs manual. (Consultation notice)
- Revision of the speed limit circular - summary of consultation responses
- Rising bollards
- Road condition statistics - a basic guide and quality assessment
- Road conditions in England - notes and definitions
- Road conditions in England to March 2018
- Road conditions in England to March 2019
- Road conditions in England to March 2022
- Road conditions in England to March 2023
- Road conditions in England to March 2023
- Road conditions in England to March 2024
- Road conditions in England, years ending March 2020 and March 2021
- Road conditions in England: 2014
- Road conditions in England: 2015
- Road conditions in England: 2016
- Road conditions in England: 2017
- Road humps and ground-borne vibrations
- Road humps: discomfort, noise and ground borne vibration
- Road markings
- Road network policy consultation
- Road network policy consultation - response
- Road traffic forecasts 2018. Moving Britain ahead
- Road use statistics - Great Britain 2016
- Roadside facilities on the strategic road network: Public consultation on policy proposals (consultation package)
- Rumble devices
- Rumblewave surfacing
- Rural traffic calming: Bird Lane, Essex
- Safeguarding aerodromes, technical sites and military explosives storage areas: the Town and Country Planning (Safeguarded Aerodromes, Technical Sites and Military Explosives Storage Areas) Direction 2002
- Safety at street works and road works - a code of practice. October 2013. 2nd impression (with amendments), June 2014
- SCOOT (Split Cycle and Offset Optimisation Technique) urban traffic control system
- SCOOT estimates of emissions from vehicles
- SCOOT gating
- Second cycling and walking investment strategy (CWIS2)
- Setting local speed limits
- Shared services toolkit. Setting up and operating a shared service for highway services. Version 1 - March 2013
- Signal control at junctions on high speed roads
- Signal controlled roundabouts
- Signal-controlled pedestrian facilities at portable traffic signals (revised December 2015)
- Sinusoidal, "H" and "S" road humps
- Smart motorway safety. Evidence stocktake and action plan
- Smarter choices - changing the way we travel. Volume 1
- Smarter choices - changing the way we travel. Volume 2: Case study reports
- South Eastern - regional planning assessment for the railway (covering south east London, Kent and the Hastings Line)
- South West - regional planning assessment for the railway
- Southern - regional planning assessment for the railway (covering south and south west London, Surrey, East and West Sussex, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and part of Berkshire)
- Specification for the reinstatement of openings in highways - electric vehicle addendum
- Specification for the reinstatement of openings in highways. 4th edition
- Speed assessment framework: balancing safety and mobility objectives on rural single carriageway roads
- Speed control humps - Scotland, England and Wales
- Speed cushion schemes
- Speed cushions
- Statutory guidance for highway authorities. Permit scheme national conditions
- Stopping up and diversion orders: reform of the application process for local highways. Consultation paper
- Strategic environmental assessment guidance for transport plans and programmes
- Strategic road network and the delivery of sustainable development
- Streamlining the application process on stopping up and diversion orders - impact assessment
- Street lighting indicator BV215(a) and BV215(b) for 2006/07
- Street works (charges for occupation of the highway) (England) regulations 2012 - impact assessment
- Street works inspections (coring). Moving Britain ahead
- Street works qualifications in England: guidance for operatives and supervisors
- Summary of main proposed changes to TWA procedures
- Summary of responses to consultation on an interim solution for lane rental. Moving Britain ahead
- Summary of responses to the consultation on revising the strategic national corridors
- Supply and demand for cycle parking
- Supporting cities - a discussion paper on plans for an urban challenge fund
- Sustainable future for cycling
- Sustainable highways: a short guide
- Technical guidance on accessibility planning in local transport plans
- Technical note: road condition and maintenance data
- Temporary traffic signs for special events
- Thames Valley - regional planning assessment for the railway (covering west London, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire)
- Toucan - an unsegregated crossing for pedestrians and cyclists
- Toucan crossing development
- TRACS-type surveys for local roads scoping study
- TRACS-type surveys of the principal road network advice note and specification
- Traditional direction signs
- Traffic and traveller information services
- Traffic bollards and low level traffic signs
- Traffic calming
- Traffic calming bibliography
- Traffic calming in villages on major roads
- Traffic calming on major roads - A49, Craven arms, Shropshire