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Department for Transport documents within the Construction Information Service
Eastern - regional planning assessment for the railway (covering North and East London and the East of England)
Effects of smarter choice programmes in the sustainable travel towns - summary report
Emergency services traffic calming schemes: Code of practice
Entry treatments
Equestrian crossings
Evaluating the economic and social impacts of cycling infrastructure: considerations for an evaluation framework
Executive note to the School crossing patrol sign (England and Wales) regulations 2006. SI 2006/2215
Extended working hours at road works
Final report of the working group on delivering success criteria for transport
Focus on freight 2006 edition
Focus on personal travel. 2005 edition
Focus on ports
Form of contract for highway maintenance services - HMEP agreement and contract data. October 2016 - Version 3
Form of contract for highway maintenance services - method of measurement. July 2015 - Version 1
Form of contract for highway maintenance services - notes for guidance. Version 2 - July 2015
Form of contract for highways maintenance services. HMEP Service information. October 2016 - Version 2
Framework for a local walking strategy
Freight management
Fresh start for the strategic road network: managing our roads better to drive economic growth, boost innovation and give road users more for their money
Fresh start for the strategic road network: managing our roads better to drive economic growth, boost innovation and give road users more for their money: FAQs
Fresh start for the strategic road network: the Government response
Funding transport infrastructure for strategically significant developments
Further development of advanced stop lines
Future of mobility: urban strategy
Future of transport - a network for 2030. Cm 6234
Future of transport. Helping local authorities to unlock the benefits of technology and innovation in rural transport
Future of urban transport
Gear change - a bold vision for cycling and walking
General principles of traffic control by light signals. Part 1 of 4
General principles of traffic control by light signals. Part 2 of 4
General principles of traffic control by light signals. Part 3 of 4
General principles of traffic control by light signals. Part 4 of 4
Good practice for encouraging walking and cycling
Government response - consultation on major infrastructure planning reform: amendments to the definitions for highways and rail nationally significant schemes in the Planning Act 2008
Government response - stopping up and diversion orders: reform of the application process for local highways
Government response to consultation on the future of lane rental. Moving Britain ahead
Government response to consultation on transforming the Highways Agency into a government-owned company. Cm 8855
Government response: interim report considering implementation of option 1. Stopping up and diversion orders: reform of the application process for local highways
Guidance for BV187 for 2007/08
Guidance for claiming emergency capital highway maintenance funding from the Department for Transport
Guidance for surveys for BV224b in 2007/08
Guidance for transport impact evaluations - choosing an evaluation approach to achieve better attribution
Guidance on accessibility planning in local transport plans
Guidance on agreements with the secretary of state for transport under section 278 of the highways act 1980
Guidance on local transport plans
Guidance on LTP annual progress reports. 2nd edition
Guidance on preparatory costs for major local transport schemes
Guidance on preparing bus strategies
Guidance on second local transport plan (LTP2) progress reports (2008)
Guidance on the design, assessment and strengthening of masonry parapets on highway structures
Guidance on the management of highway drainage assets
Guidance on the preparation of airport master plans
Guidance on the preparation of port master plans
Guidance on the use of tactile paving surfaces
Guidance to regions on delivering a sustainable transport system
Guidance to regions on DFT funding support for development work on 'Delivering a sustainable transport system'
Guide to TWA procedures
Halifax historic core zone
Handbook of rules and guidance for the national safety camera programme for England and Wales for 2005/06
Handbook of rules and guidance for the national safety camera programme for England and Wales for 2006/07
High occupancy vehicle lanes
High speed rail. Cm 7827
High street renaissance - delivering - renewing - improving
High Street route, Shrewsbury
Highway infrastructure asset management guidance document
Highways - maintaining a vital asset: What should Councillors know about asset management?
Highways (road humps) regulations 1996
Highways adoption. The adoption of roads into the public highway (1980 Highways Act)
Highways economics note No.1: 2005 valuation of the benefits of prevention of road accidents and casualties
Historic core zone: Bury St Edmunds
Home zones - challenging the future of our streets
Home Zones - Public participation
Home zones: planning and design
Horizontal deflections
Household location modelling: final report. Part 1 - model design
Impact assessment for the Carriage of dangerous goods and use of transportable pressure equipment regulations 2009: Proposed amendment
Impact assessment for the strategic road network and the delivery of sustainable development
Impact assessment of DfT Circular - Policy on roadside facilities on the strategic road network (consultation package)
Improved cycle parking at South West Trains stations in Hampshire
Inclusive mobility. A guide to best practice on access to pedestrian and transport infrastructure
Inclusive mobility: a guide to best practice on access to pedestrian and transport infrastructure
Inclusive transport strategy: achieving equal access for disabled people
Influence of bollards on pedestrian evacuation flow (as amended October 2017)
Innovatory cycle scheme Manchester - Mancunian way signalled cycle crossing
Installation of Puffin pedestrian crossings
Installation of traffic signals and associated equipment
Instructions for tenderers. Notes for guidance. Version 2 - July 2016
Integrated systems - a generic approach
Integration of pedestrian traffic signal control within SCOOT-UTC systems
Integration of regional transport strategies with spatial planning policies
Interim changes to the Guidance on the use of tactile paving surfaces - moving Britain ahead
Interim guidance on Local authority major schemes
Investing in cycling and walking - the economic case for action
Investment in highways transport schemes
ITS in Bristol - VIVALDI
ITS in local government
Keeping buses moving - a guide to traffic management to assist buses in urban areas. 2nd impression 2001
Key elements of cycle parking provision