Department for Transport documents within the Construction Information Service
- Knowledge review of the social and distributional impacts of DfT climate change policy options
- Lane rental - summary of consultation responses and government response
- Lane rental schemes. Guidance for English local highway authorities. Moving Britain ahead
- Leicester - Star Trak real time information system
- Leigh park area safety scheme: Havant - Hampshire
- Lifecycle planning toolkit incorporating default carriageway deterioration models. User guidance. November 2012
- Lincoln - InterConnect flexible bus services
- Lincoln historic core zone Newport arch
- Local area walking and cycling statistics: England 2012/13
- Local area walking and cycling statistics: England, 2013/14
- Local area walking and cycling statistics: England, 2014/15
- Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans - annexes A to C
- Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans - technical guidance for local authorities
- Local highway authorities collaborative alliance toolkit. Setting up and operating collaborative alliances for highway maintenance services. Version 1
- Local highway authority supply chain collaboration toolkit: maximising savings, efficiency and employment/skills benefits from new and existing highways maintenance contracts
- Local sustainable transport fund annual report 2011/12
- Logic mapping: hints and tips for better transport evaluations
- Long term process and impact evaluation of the local transport plan policy - final report
- Maintaining pavements in a changing climate
- Major infrastructure planning reform - amendments to the definitions for highways and rail nationally significant schemes in the Planning Act 2008
- Making residential travel plans work - summary
- Making residential travel plans work: good practice guidelines
- Management of electronic traffic equipment: a code of practice
- Managing our roads
- Managing the accidental obstruction of the railway by road vehicles
- Managing the accidental obstruction of the railway by road vehicles. Moving Britain ahead. Revised July 2017
- Manual for streets - a summary
- Mapping underground assets
- Maximising client/provider collaboration in highways maintenance services. A toolkit covering the essential attributes for successful implementation. Version 1
- Mini roundabouts - good practice guidance
- Mixed priority routes: Practitioners' guide
- Monitoring local cycle use
- Monitoring walking
- Motorcycle parking
- NATA refresh: appraisal for a sustainable transport system
- National adaptation programme - transport
- National networks - review of plans, policies and programmes
- National networks national policy statement
- National policy statement for ports
- National travel survey 2019: notes and definitions
- National travel survey 2022: introduction and main findings
- National travel survey 2023: introduction and main findings
- National travel survey. England 2021 main results
- National travel survey. England 2022 main results
- National travel survey: change in travel since 1965
- National travel survey: England 2019
- National travel survey: England, 2013
- National travel survey: England, 2014
- National travel survey: England, 2015
- National travel survey: England, 2016
- National travel survey: England, 2017
- National travel survey: England, 2018
- Network north. Transforming British transport
- New road signs and markings
- New roads and street works act 1991: Code of practice for the co-ordination of street works and works for road purposes and related matters. 4th edition (revised October 2012)
- New roads and street works act 1991: Lane rental schemes: guidance to English local highway authorities
- New technology for transport
- North East - regional planning assessment for the railway
- North West - regional planning assessment for the railway
- Northern powerhouse - one agenda, one economy, one north: a report on the northern transport strategy
- NTS 2023: notes and definitions
- Official Journal of the European Union - Procedures. HMEP Notes for guidance. Version 1 - February 2013
- Operational guidance to local authorities: parking policy and enforcement - Traffic management act 2004. Revised edition November 2010
- Overrun areas
- Parking for disabled people
- Parking guidance and information
- Pavement parking
- Pedestrian crossings - assessment and design
- Pedestrian facilities at signal-controlled junctions. Part 1
- Pedestrian facilities at signal-controlled junctions. Part 2
- Pedestrian facilities at signal-controlled junctions. Part 3
- Pedestrian facilities at signal-controlled junctions. Part 4
- Pedestrian guardrailing
- Penfold review of non-planning consents - Highways Agency implementation report as at 10 July 2012
- Permit schemes - summary of consultation responses
- Permit schemes: statutory guidance for highway authorities
- Policies and best practice handbook
- Policy Annex A: Design and use of traffic signs (consultation package)
- Portable traffic signals for the control of vehicular traffic
- Ports policy - your views invited. DfT discussion document for the ports policy review
- Post legislative assessment of the Local Transport Act 2008 - memorandum to the Transport Select Committee. Cm 8752
- Potential for developing a regional hub within Scotland
- Potholes review - Prevention and a better cure - a follow-up report
- Preparation of final local transport plans: next steps
- Pre-qualification questionnaire. Notes for guidance. Version 1 - February 2013
- Prevention and a better cure: potholes review
- Prevention and a better cure: potholes review: action plan for implementation of the report's recommendations
- Prevention and a better cure: potholes review: Appendix B1 - Case studies
- Prevention and a better cure: potholes review: Appendix B2 - Technical notes
- Prevention and a better cure: potholes review: Appendix B3 - Guidance documents on materials and pavement design
- Prevention and a better cure: potholes review: Appendix B4 - Research projects
- Prevention and a better cure: potholes review: Appendix B5 - National Highway Sector Schemes
- Prevention and a better cure: potholes review: Appendix B6 - Highway Authorities product approval scheme (HAPAS)
- Primary route destinations in England by region (draft)
- Procedures for dealing with optimism bias in transport planning - guidance document
- Procurement route choices for highway maintenance services. Use of toolkit and guidance document. Version 2 - August 2014
- Production of the TTS-based best value performance indicator report for BV96 - condition of principal roads
- Promoting connectivity between the capital cities of the United Kingdom - a consultation on revising the strategic national transport corridors
- Proposed changes to the criteria for strategic national corridors - letter to stakeholders
- Public transport information