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Department for Transport documents within the Construction Information Service
"Mova" signal control system
"Scoot" urban traffic control system
"Thumps" thermoplastic road humps
20 mph speed limit zones
2008 core national local authority accessibility indicators - final report
20mph speed limits and zones
75mm high road humps
A lean toolkit for highway services. Annex 1: Case studies. Version 1 December 2013
A lean toolkit for highway services. Version 1 December 2013
Access control
Accessibility statistics 2012
Action for roads. A network for the 21st century. Cm 8679
Active travel strategy
Active travel strategy
Active travel: local authority toolkit
Advanced motorway signalling and traffic management feasibility study: a report to the Secretary of State for Transport
Advanced stop lines for cyclists
Advice note to local authorities: People with severe temporary impairments
Airports national policy statement: new runway capacity and infrastructure at airports in the South East of England. Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 9(8) of the Planning Act 2008 - moving Britain ahead
Analyses from the national travel survey
Analysis and synthesis of evidence on the effects of investment in six cycling demonstration towns
Annex A: Value for money assessment (consultation package)
Annex F - consultation questions (consultation package)
Annex to the DfT Advanced motorway signalling and traffic management feasibility study report
Appendices 1 to 8 - knowledge review of the social and distributional impacts of DfT climate change policy options
Appendix 10 - knowledge review of the social and distributional impacts of DfT climate change policy options
Appendix 9 - knowledge review of the social and distributional impacts of DfT climate change policy options
Area-wide authorisations and special directions guidance note
Aviation policy framework. Cm 8584
Aviation, core cities and regional economic development
Benchmarking of local cycling policy
Best value road condition surveys (deflectograph and visual surveys) for local highway authorities 2003/2004
Bike and rail - a good practice guide
Bike and ride
Bikerail: combined journeys by cycle and rail
Bollards and pedestrian movement (as amended October 2017)
Booklet of supporting documents to the Department for Transport's consultation on amending the Traffic management act 2004 - revising the permit scheme approval process (for local highway authorities in England)
Building sustainable transport into new developments - a menu of options for growth points and eco-towns
Bus back better. National bus strategy for England
Bus based park and ride
Bus priority
Bus priority in SCOOT
Capturing housing impacts in transport appraisal. Case studies
Carriage of dangerous goods: approved derogations and transitional provisions
Changing climate: Impact on the Department for Transport
Chapter 8: Traffic safety measures and signs for road works and temporary situations. Part 3: Update
Chicane schemes
Code of practice for recording of underground apparatus in streets
Code of practice for traffic control and information systems
Community transport
Compact MOVA
Consultation paper issued by the Department for Transport on amending the Traffic management act 2004 - revising the permit scheme approval process (for local highway authorities in England)
Contraflow cycling
Control of development in airport public safety zones
Core accessibility indicators 2009
Core accessibility indicators guidance (revised 2010)
Creating growth, cutting carbon - making sustainable local transport happen. Cm 7996
Creating the culture to deliver toolkit. Supporting highways authorities in adapting ways of working to achieve success. Version 1
Cycle audit and review
Cycle infrastructure design
Cycle parking - examples of good practice
Cycle routes
Cycling and walking investment strategy
Cycling and walking investment strategy - investment inputs, outputs and outcomes
Cycling and walking investment strategy report to Parliament 2022
Cycling bibliography
Cycling bibliography (Superseded but remains current)
Cycling delivery plan
Cycling factsheet, England: 2020
Cycling for better health
Cycling in pedestrian areas
Cycling initiatives register
Cycling to work
Cycling traffic index, England
Cyclists at road narrowings
Cyclists at road works
Cyclists at roundabouts: continental design geometry
Decarbonising transport. A better, greener Britain
Decarbonising transport. A better, greener Britain. One year on
Delivering a sustainable transport system - consultation on planning for 2014 and beyond
Delivering a sustainable transport system - main report
Delivering better local transport - key achievements and good practice from the first round of local transport plans
Delivering better transport: progress report
Delivering sustainable low carbon travel - an essential guide for local authorities
Delivering sustainable transport for housing growth - case studies from local communities
Delivery of the national cycling strategy: a review
Department for Transport ninth statement of new regulation: a list of all measures in scope of one-in, two-out and EU measures to come into force between 1 January and 30 June 2015 (SNR9)
Department For Transport sustainable development action plan April 2009 - March 2010
Deregulation of street works qualifications - summary of consultation submissions and Government response
Design and maintenance guidance for Local Authority roads: provision of road restraint systems on Local Authority roads
Design and use of directional informatory signs
Design of traffic signs
Design standards for accessible railway stations (version 04)
Developing a sustainable framework for UK aviation: scoping document
Development of Standard specification and standard details for local highway maintenance. Appendix 1 - Specification and notes for guidance. Version 1 - November 2012
Development of Standard specification and standard details for local highway maintenance. Appendix 2 - Standard details. Version 1 - November 2012
Development of Standard specification and standard details for local highway maintenance. Version 1 - November 2012
Devolving local major transport schemes: consultation responses
Devolving local major transport schemes: next steps
East Midlands - regional planning assessment for the railway