Department for Communities and Local Government documents within the Construction Information Service
- Impact of policy measures. Sustainable and secure buildings act: report on the policy measures as required by section 6(2) (a) to (d)
- Impact of social rent changes on the delivery of affordable housing
- Impact of societal change on the building regulations
- Impact on site density of Lifetime homes
- Implementation of European directive 2005/36/EC for architects - consultation
- Implementation stage impact assessment of revisions to Parts F and L of the Building regulations from 2010
- Implications of the EU water framework directive for plans, plan making and development control
- Improving engagement by statutory and non-statutory consultees - consultation
- Improving outcomes for people in deprived neighbourhoods: evidence from the new deal for communities programme. The new deal for communities national evaluation: final report - volume 4
- Improving permitted development - consultation
- Improving permitted development - consultation: summary of responses
- Improving public access to better quality toilets - a strategic guide
- Improving public access to toilets - guidance on community toilet schemes and SatLav
- Improving the appeal process in the planning system - making it proportionate, customer focused, efficient and well resourced: consultation
- Improving the energy efficiency of our buildings: a guide to display energy certificates and advisory reports for public buildings
- Improving the energy efficiency of our buildings: Local weights and measures authority guidance for the enforcement of the requirements of the Energy performance of buildings (England and Wales) regulations 2012 (as amended)
- Improving the energy efficiency of our homes and buildings - energy certificates and air-conditioning inspections for buildings
- Improving the flood performance of new buildings - flood resilient construction
- Improving the process of discharging planning conditions - final report
- Improving the use and discharge of planning conditions - consultation
- Improving the use of planning conditions - government response to consultation
- Increasing the fees for entering Energy performance certificates and related documents onto the Energy performance certificate registers
- Independent Grenfell Recovery Taskforce - second report
- Independent Grenfell Recovery Taskforce - the Taskforce Initial Report - 31 October 2017
- Independent review of Building Regulations and fire safety - terms of reference
- Independent review. Building Regulations and fire safety. Call for evidence
- Infrastructure delivery - spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
- Infrastructure planning (environmental impact assessment) (amendment) regulations 2012 - impact assessment
- Infrastructure planning (transitional provisions) direction 2012
- Infrastructure planning commission - implementation route map: December 2009
- Innovative construction products and techniques
- Interventions in housing and the physical environment in deprived neighbourhoods - evidence from the new deal for communities programme
- Introducing a definition of houses in multiple occupation into the use classes order - impact assessment
- Introduction to neighbourhood planning
- Introduction to the housing infrastructure fund
- Investigation into overheating in homes. Analysis of gaps and recommendations
- Investigation into overheating in homes. Literature review
- Investigation of real fires: Final report - BD2651
- Involving local people in regeneration: evidence from the new deal for communities programme. The new deal for communities national evaluation: final report - volume 2
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - alterations to a stair to give access to a first floor extension
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - headroom over stair, forming part of completed building work comprising the conversion of listed barns into dwellings
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - new stair from second to third floor
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - spiral stair, forming part of a loft conversion
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) and B1 (means of warning and escape) - construction of a stair case
- K1 (Stairs, ladders and ramps) in Part K (Protection from falling, collision and impact) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended), in respect of a proposed spiral stair, forming part of a loft conversion
- K1 (stairs, ladders, ramps) in Part K (protection from falling, collision and impact) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended), in respect of a loft conversion
- K1 (stairs, ladders, ramps) in Part K (protection from falling, collision and impact) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended), in respect of new detached bungalow replacing existing private dwelling
- K2 (protection from falling) - guarding at a change of floor levels between living areas, forming part of the erection of a new dwelling
- Key lessons for development control: an overview of the evaluation of planning standards authorities 2005/06
- Key messages and evidence on the housing market renewal pathfinder programme 2003-2009
- Killian Pretty review: planning applications - a faster and more responsive system. Final report
- L1 (conservation of fuel and power - dwellings) - glazing within the windows, forming part of building work to convert a listed barn to a dwelling
- L1 (conservation of fuel and power) - the need to provide SAP 2005 regulations calculations
- L1 (conservation of fuel and power) in Part L (conservation of fuel and power) of Schedule 1 to the Building regulations 2010 in respect of a material change of use by converting of two dwellings into one
- L1 (conservation of fuel and power), M1 (access and use), M4 (sanitary convenience in dwellings), regulation 17C (carbon emissions) - extensive building work
- L1(a) in Part L (conservation of fuel and power) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended), in respect of the construction of an ... Swimming pool enclosure over the existing outdoor pool at a primary school
- L1(a) in Part L (reasonable provision for conservation of fuel and power) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended), in respect of conversion of a barn
- L1(a)(i) (conservation of fuel and power) - in respect of the use of multi-foil insulation in the proposed roof construction, forming part of a loft conversion
- Land supply assessment checks
- Land use change in England to 2005: additional tables (LUCS 21A)
- Land use change in England to 2006: additional tables (LUCS 22A)
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2005 (LUCS 21)
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2005. Update - July 2006
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2006 (LUCS 22)
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2006. Update - January 2008
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2006. Update - July 2007
- Land use change statistics - statement of quality assurance
- Land use change statistics 2013/14 - methodology changes guidance
- Land use change statistics in England: 2011
- Land use change statistics in England: 2013/14
- Land use change statistics in England: 2014/15
- Land use change statistics in England: 2015-16 (March 2017)
- Landscape character and prematurity in planning decisions
- Large-scale landscaping development using waste
- Lifetime homes technical forum
- Lifetime homes, lifetime neighbourhoods - a national strategy for housing in an ageing society
- Lifetime neighbourhoods
- Lifetime neighbourhoods - practice examples
- Living working countryside - the Taylor Review of rural economy and affordable housing
- Local authorities (contracting out of community infrastructure levy functions) order 2011
- Local authorities' role in new consenting process for nationally significant infrastructure projects
- Local authority housing statistics, England 2010-11 - housing strategy statistical appendix (HSSA) and business plan statistical appendix (BPSA)
- Local authority housing statistics: April 2012 to March 2013 England
- Local authority housing statistics: year ending March 2015, England
- Local authority registers of building control information consultation - a consultation paper
- Local democracy, economic development and construction act 2009. Chapter 20. Explanatory notes
- Local environmental quality - a new view on measurement
- Local environmental quality - valuing the neighbourhood in which we live
- Local infrastructure fund - prospectus
- Local planning
- Local planning authority green belt: England 2013/14
- Local planning authority green belt: England 2014/15
- Local planning authority green belt: England 2015/16
- Local planning authority green belt: England 2016/17
- Local planning regulations - consultation: summary of responses
- Local plans
- Long term evaluation of local area agreements and local strategic partnerships - case studies issues paper
- Long term evaluation of local area agreements and local strategic partnerships 2007-2010 - final report
- Looking after our town centres
- M1 (access and use) - provision of a single step, forming part of building work to an existing visitor centre