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Department for Communities and Local Government documents within the Construction Information Service
English housing survey - headline report 2012-13
English housing survey - headline report 2013-14
English housing survey - headline report 2013-14: errata
English housing survey - headline report 2014-15
English housing survey - headline report, 2015-16
English housing survey - homes 2011
English housing survey - households 2012-13
English housing survey - housing costs and affordability, 2015-16
English housing survey - housing stock report, 2014-15
English housing survey - potential stock improvements, 2015
English housing survey - profile of English housing 2012
English housing survey - profile of English housing 2013
English housing survey - technical report 2013-14
English housing survey - technical report 2014-15 (revised September 2016)
English housing survey - technical report 2015-16
English housing survey bulletin - issue 1
English housing survey bulletin - issue 10
English housing survey bulletin - issue 11
English housing survey bulletin - issue 12
English housing survey bulletin - issue 13
English housing survey bulletin - issue 2
English housing survey bulletin - issue 3
English housing survey bulletin - issue 4
English housing survey bulletin - issue 5
English housing survey bulletin - issue 6
English housing survey bulletin - issue 7
English housing survey bulletin - issue 8
English housing survey bulletin - issue 9
Ensuring a five year supply of land for housing
Enterprise zones monitoring report 2002/03
Enterprise zones monitoring report 2003/04
Enterprise zones monitoring report 2004/05
Enterprise zones monitoring report 2005/06
Enterprise zones monitoring report 2006/07
Environmental impact assessment: a guide to good practice and procedures - a consultation paper
Equality impact assessment - amendments to the Town and country planning (determination of appeals by appointed persons) (prescribed classes) regulations 1997 (SI 420/1997)
Estate regeneration national strategy - alternative approaches
Estate regeneration national strategy - better social outcomes
Estate regeneration national strategy - case studies
Estate regeneration national strategy - executive summary
Estate regeneration national strategy - financing and delivering estate regeneration
Estate regeneration national strategy - resident engagement and protection
Estate regeneration national strategy - the role of local authorities
Estate regeneration national strategy. Good practice guide - part 1
Estate regeneration national strategy. Good practice guide - part 2: activity map
Estate regeneration national strategy. Good practice guide - part 3: design and quality checklist
Estimating housing need
European Commission's proposed Construction products regulation: consultation on the proposals and development of a UK negotiating line: Summary of responses
European Commission's proposed Construction products regulation: impact assessment
Evaluating homelessness prevention
Evaluating the impact of an enhanced energy performance standard on load-bearing masonry domestic construction: Understanding the gap between designed and real performance: lessons from Stamford Brook
Evaluation of minerals policy statements. Volume 1 - final report
Evaluation of minerals policy statements. Volume 2 - appendices
Evaluation of planning delivery grant 2005/06
Evaluation of the mixed communities initiative demonstration project - initial report: baseline and early process issues
Evaluation of the mixed communities initiative demonstration project - initial report: baseline and early process issues
Evaluation of the mixed communities initiative demonstration projects - final report
Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - econometric modelling of neighbourhood change
Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - final report
Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - final report: annexes
Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - improving educational attainment in deprived areas
Evaluation of the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - local research project
Evaluation of the new homes bonus
Evaluation of the role and impact of regional assemblies - final report
Evaluation of unventilated pitched roofs with vapour permeable membrane. Final report: BD2415
Evidence review of scoping in environmental impact assessment
Exploring and explaining change in regeneration schemes: evidence from the new deal for communities programme. The new deal for communities national evaluation: final report - volume 5
Extend the permitted development rights to increase in the number of flats that can be created above shops without requiring a planning application - impact assessment
Extending permitted development rights for homeowners and businesses - impact assessment
Extending permitted development rights for homeowners and businesses - technical consultation
Extending permitted development rights for homeowners and businesses - technical consultation: summary of responses
Extending the life of planning permissions - impact assessment
Extent of retail development taking place in England, 2007
External review of Government planning practice guidance
F1 (means of ventilation) - provision of mechanical ventilation in two new bathrooms forming part of an extension
F1 (means of ventilation) - two new en-suite bathrooms, forming part of a two storey extension to a house
Feasibility study to examine making the Thames Gateway a low carbon/carbon neutral development area
Feasibility study to examine making the Thames Gateway a low carbon/carbon neutral development area - technical appendices
Feasibility study to examine making the Thames Gateway a low carbon/zero carbon development area - interim report
Fifteen years of the survey of English housing: 1993-94 to 2007-08
Final regulatory impact assessment - building a greener future
Final regulatory impact assessment: Changes to Part B (fire safety) of the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended) and Approved document B
Final report - non householder minor development consents review
Final report - spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
Financial viability study of the eco-towns programme (consultation)
Findings from the Ledbury Estate
Fire and rescue authorities operational guidance. Rescue from confined spaces - collapsed structures
Fire and rescue authorities operational guidance. Rescue from silos
Fire and rescue authorities operational guidance. Rescues from confined spaces
Fire and rescue national framework for England
Fire and rescue service operational guidance. Incidents in tunnels and underground structures
Fire and rescue service operational guidance. Rescues from lifts and escalators
Fire performance of escape stairs
Fire performance of escape stairs guidance document
Fire performance of green roofs and walls
Five-year housing land supply coverage in England
Fixing our broken housing market. Cm 9352
Floorspace and rateable value of commercial and industrial properties 1st April 2008, (England and Wales)
Full regulatory impact assessment (RIA) - amendments to the Town and country planning (determination of appeals by appointed persons) (prescribed classes) regulations 1997 (SI 420/1997)
Further amendments to permitted development rights for petroleum exploration site investigation and monitoring - Government response to the consultation