Department for Communities and Local Government documents within the Construction Information Service
- Supporting local growth
- Survey of arisings and use of alternatives to primary aggregates in England, 2005 - construction, demolition and excavation waste: final report
- Survey of arisings and use of alternatives to primary aggregates in England, 2005 - other materials: final report
- Survey of Building Control Bodies
- Sustainable and secure buildings act 2004. Progress towards the sustainability of the building stock in England: fifth parliamentary report
- Sustainable communities act 2007 - a guide
- Sustainable communities act 2007 - decisions on proposals submitted following the 2008 invitation
- Sustainable communities act 2007 - update report on first invitation proposals
- Sustainable development action plan 2007-08
- Tackling overcrowding in England - a discussion paper
- Tackling overcrowding in England - an action plan
- Tackling overcrowding in England - lessons from the London pilot schemes and sub-regional coordination
- Taking forward the Government's response to the Killian Pretty review - progress report
- Taking forward the Government's response to the Killian Pretty review - second progress report
- Tall buildings - performance of passive fire protection in extreme loading events - an initial scoping study (BD 2467)
- Technical consultation on planning
- Technical housing standards - nationally described space standard (including May 2016 update)
- Technical manual for SBEM: Simplified Building Energy Model: Part of the National Calculation Methodology: SBEM for assessing the Energy performance of buildings. UK volume. 31 March 2011. Northern Ireland
- Technical review of planning appeal procedures - consultation
- Technical review of planning appeal procedures - consultation: summary of responses
- Thames Estuary path - survey 2008
- Thames Gateway - eco-region: a prospectus
- Thames Gateway annual report 2008/09
- Thames Gateway delivery plan
- Thames Gateway eco-quarter - consultation
- Thames Gateway evidence review
- Thames Gateway interim plan: development prospectus
- Thames Gateway interim plan: policy framework
- Thames Gateway parklands vision
- Thames Gateway parklands vision - summary
- Tool to assess the impact of European Union directives on United Kingdom sub-national planning policies
- Towards a more efficient and effective use of strategic environmental assessment and sustainability appraisal in spatial planning - final report
- Towards a more efficient and effective use of strategic environmental assessment and sustainability appraisal in spatial planning - summary
- Towards lifetime neighbourhoods - designing sustainable communities for all: a discussion paper
- Town and country planning (fees for applications and deemed applications) (amendment) (England) regulations 2010
- Town and country planning (fees for applications, deemed applications, requests and site visits) (England) regulations 2012
- Town and country planning (general permitted development) (England) (amendment) (no.2) order 2017. SI 2017/619 and Town and country planning (compensation) (England) (amendment) (no.2) regulations 2017. SI 2017/620
- Transfer of planning appeals to inspectors - consultation
- Transferable lessons from the new towns
- Transforming places, changing lives - a framework for regeneration
- Transforming places, changing lives - taking forward the regeneration framework
- Tree preservation orders - proposals for streamlining: consultation
- Tree preservation orders - proposals for streamlining: Government response to the consultation
- Trees in towns II - a new survey of urban trees in England and their condition and management: executive summary
- Understanding builder to builder residential land transactions - draft final report 3.3: 23rd June 2008
- Understanding permeable and impermeable surfaces: Technical report on surfacing options and cost benefit analysis
- Update on financial support for neighbourhood planning in 2016/17
- Update to planning policy statement 10
- Updating the evidence base on English cities - final report
- Urban development corporations' quinquennial review - consultation
- Urban settlements 2001 - data methodology guide
- Usability research - Approved Document B: Fire safety. Approved Document M: Access to and use of buildings. A report for the Department of Communities and Local Government
- Use of structural Eurocodes - EN 1995 (Design of timber structures). Companion document to EN1995-1-1
- User guide to cSAP: Interim checking software for Part L 2013. Implementing SAP 2012 methodology: Part of the National Calculation Methodology: (cSAP
- User guide to iSBEM: an interface for SBEM (Simplified Building Energy Method): Part of the National Calculation Methodology: SBEM for assessing the Energy performance of buildings. (iSBEM version 4.1.e) (for Office 2007). Northern Ireland. 28 January 2013
- User guide to Section 63 assessments for Scotland using iSBEM
- Using evidence in spatial planning - spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
- Value, impact and delivery of the community infrastructure levy - report of study
- Value, impact and delivery of the community infrastructure levy - technical annex
- Valuing the benefits of regeneration. Economics paper 7: summary
- Ventilation and indoor air quality in Part F 2006 homes. BD 2702
- Water efficiency calculator for new dwellings: The Government's national calculation methodology for assessing water efficiency in new dwellings in support of: The Code for sustainable homes, May 2009 and subsequent versions, The Building regulations 2000 (as amended) and The Building (approved inspector etc.) regulations 2000 (as amended)
- Water efficiency in new buildings: a joint Defra and Communities and Local Government policy statement
- Why place matters and implications for the role of central, regional and local government - economic paper 2
- Wind-loading calculation for cladding
- Withdrawal of structural design standards (British Standards) and updating Approved Documents A and C
- Woodland establishment on landfill sites - summary
- Woodland establishment on landfill sites - ten years of research
- World class places - the Government's strategy for improving quality of place
- Written ministerial statement: Building Regulations
- Zero carbon for new non-domestic buildings - consultation on policy options
- Zero carbon for new non-domestic buildings - consultation on policy options: summary of responses
- Zero carbon for new non-domestic buildings - impact assessment
- Zero carbon homes - impact assessment (May 2011)
- Zero carbon non-domestic buildings: Phase 3 final report