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Department for Communities and Local Government documents within the Construction Information Service
Regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005 - guidance note 3: fire safety on sub-surface railway stations
Regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005: Enforcement
Re-imagining urban spaces to help revitalise our high streets
Relaxation of planning rules for change of use from commercial to residential - summary of consultation responses and the government's response to the consultation
Relaxation of planning rules for change of use from offices to residential - impact assessment
Removing inconsistency in local fire protection standards
Removing inconsistency in local fire protection standards: final impact assessment
Renewable energy capacity in regional spatial strategies - final report
Replacement appendix D to Department of the Environment Circular 9/95: general development consolidation order 1995 (Valid in Wales only)
Report of economic research related to the 2010 review of Building Regulations Parts A and C
Report on carbon reductions in new non-domestic buildings
Requirement B1 (Means and warning of escape) in Part B (Fire safety) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) in respect of side extension
Requirement B1 (Means of escape) in Part B (Fire safety) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) in respect of building extension and addition of a new mezzanine floor
Requirement B1 of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010, taking account of the guidance in paragraph 0.24 (unsupervised group homes) in Approved Document B volume 2 (Fire safety - buildings other than dwelling houses) (2006 edition incorporating 2007, 2010 and 2013 amendments)
Requirements of the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) relating to the conversion of a dwelling into two separate units
Research on tools to assess the impact of EU Directives on UK sub-national planning policies - case studies
Research to review the Code for sustainable homes water calculator: Annex to BD2735
Research to review the Code for sustainable homes water calculator: Final report BD2735
Research to understand the rural impacts of regional spatial strategies - report
Residential car parking research
Residential sprinkler installation practice to maximise functionality and to prevent possible fire penetration - BD 2551
Review of Approved document J - Backward and forward looks - BD 2736
Review of coalfields regeneration
Review of coalfields regeneration - Government response to recommendations
Review of communities and local government consent regimes
Review of health and safety risk drivers - BD 2518
Review of how the planning system in England can support the delivery of mobile connectivity - call for evidence
Review of information requirements for the validation of planning applications (part of the Killian Pretty Review)
Review of international research on structural robustness and disproportionate collapse
Review of planning enforcement - summary of recommendations
Review of planning practice guidance - consultation
Review of the alternative approaches to regional casino-led regeneration
Review of the barriers to institutional investment in private rented homes (the Montague Report)
Review of the call-in process
Review of the impact of the draft European basic safety standard directive on Building Regulations: BD 2849
Review of the implementation of Part L 2006. BD 2702
Review of the operation and impact of the Construction products directive in the UK through the Construction products regulations 1991: BD 2696
Review of the planning enforcement system in England - final regulatory impact assessment (RIA)
Review of the sustainability of existing buildings: The energy efficiency of dwellings - initial analysis
Revised circular on costs awards in appeals and other planning proceedings - impact assessment
Revision of building regulation policy on radon - impact assessment
Right to build vanguards: invitation for expressions of interest
Right to build: supporting custom and self build. Consultation
Risk assessment decision making tool for building control bodies: final risk assessment guidance
Risk assessment decision making tool for building control bodies: summary report
Road ahead - final report of the independent task group on site provision and enforcement for gypsies and travellers
Robust details and Robust Details Ltd: 3 year report
Role and scope of spatial planning - literature review. Spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of spatial planning
Role of planning in preventing major-accident hazards involving hazardous substances - technical consultation (revised November 2014)
Safety checks following Grenfell Tower - further guidance regarding protocol for sampling of aluminium composite material cladding
Safety checks following Grenfell Tower fire
Safety of large panel system buildings
Safety of large panel system buildings with piped gas
Safety of stairs investigate over a range of rise and goings: Final report - BD2438
Scale of maps in applications for development consent for offshore nationally significant infrastructure - impact assessment
Schemes of insurance for approved inspectors pursant to section 47(6) of the Building act 1984
Scope of an MOT test for buildings: BD2510
Section 106 affordable housing requirements - review and appeal
Section 4A Petroleum act 1998 - provision of information when granting planning permission for shale gas applications
Securing the future supply of brownfield land - Government response to English Partnerships' recommendations on the national brownfield strategy
Sensitive information in planning applications
Sensory and cognitive impairment and the built environment
Simplified arrangements for production of CO2 emission rate calculations for new buildings under the Building Regulations 2000 - consultation: Summary of responses
Simplified arrangements for production of CO2 emission rate calculations for new buildings under the Building Regulations 2000. Annex E: impact assessment
Simplified arrangements for production of CO2 emission rate calculations for new buildings under the Building Regulations 2000. Consultation
Simplifying the provisions of Part B2 of the Building Regulations - impact assessment
Site clearance capability - a guide for effective local planning, response and recovery
Small-scale renewables and low-carbon technology, non-domestic permitted development review - final report
Spatial plans in practice - supporting local planning reforms
Sprinkler effectiveness in care homes
Stakeholder involvement - spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
Starter homes exception sites - guidance
State of the gateway: a baseline for evaluating the Thames Gateway programme
Stepping on the ladder. High quality starter homes for first time buyers - consultation response
Strategic environmental assessment of the revocation of the East Midlands regional strategy - environmental report (consultation)
Strategic environmental assessment of the revocation of the East of England regional strategy - post adoption statement
Strategic environmental assessment of the revocation of the North East regional strategy - post adoption statement
Strategic environmental assessment of the revocation of the North West regional strategy - post adoption statement
Strategic environmental assessment of the revocation of the South East regional strategy - post adoption statement
Strategic environmental assessment of the revocation of the South West regional strategy - post adoption statement
Strategic environmental assessment of the revocation of the West Midlands regional strategy - post adoption statement
Strategic environmental assessment of the revocation of the Yorkshire and Humber regional strategy - post adoption statement
Strategic environmental assessment/habitats regulations assessment screening report of the proposed cancellation of planning policy statement 1 eco-towns supplement
Strategic housing role of local authorities - powers and duties
Strategy for seaside success - securing the future of seaside economies
Streamlining information requirements for planning applications - consultation
Streamlining information requirements for planning applications - impact assessment
Streamlining information requirements for planning applications consultation - Government response
Streamlining the consenting process for nationally significant infrastructure planning - the government's response to the summer 2014 technical consultation
Streamlining the planning application process - consultation
Streamlining the planning application process - consultation: Government response
Strong and prosperous communities - the local government white paper. Cm 6939-I
Strong and prosperous communities - the local government white paper. Cm 6939-II
Strong and prosperous communities - the local government white paper. Final implementation plan
Strong and prosperous communities - the local government white paper. Implementation plan: one year on
Strong and prosperous communities - the local government white paper. Making it happen: the implementation plan
Study on the provision of carbon monoxide detectors under the Building regulations - BD 2754
Sulfate damage to concrete floors on sulfate-bearing hardcore: identification and remediation
Summary of responses to the technical consultation on implementation of planning changes, consultation on upward extensions and rural planning review call for evidence
Supplementary report - basement extensions householder development consents review: implementation of recommendations