Department for Communities and Local Government documents within the Construction Information Service
- M1 (access and use) and M3 (sanitary conveniences in extensions to buildings other than dwellings) - building work to convert the centre of a former Odeon cinema building into a night club
- M1 (access and use) in Part M (access to and use of buildings) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended), in respect of the construction of lobbies forming part of building work to erect a new mansard storey comprising six self-contained flats
- M1 (Access and use) in Part M (Access to and use of buildings) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended), in respect of the provision of vertical circulation within a unit in a business park
- M1 and M3, and requirement K5, of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended), in respect of the construction of a swimming pool and changing facilities, forming an extension to a leisure centre
- M2 (access and use) - squash courts' access doors at a leisure centre
- M4 (sanitary conveniences in dwellings) - ground floor WC facilities, forming part of the erection of two dwellings
- M4 (sanitary conveniences in dwellings) - ground floor WC, forming part of the erection of a new infill house
- M4 (sanitary conveniences in dwellings) in Part M (access to and use of buildings) of Schedule 1, in relation to Regulation 4(3) of the Building regulations 2010 (as amended), in respect of the relocation of a ground floor bathroom with a WC to a first floor
- Major infrastructure planning - extending the regime to business and commercial projects: summary of responses and government response
- Major infrastructure planning - streamlining consenting process: impact assessment
- Major infrastructure planning reform - work plan
- Major infrastructure planning: expanding and improving the 'one stop shop' approach for consents. Summary of responses and government response
- Making energy performance certificate and related data publicly available. Privacy impact assessment
- Making energy performance certificate and related data publicly available: guidance for authorised recipients
- Making energy performance certificate and related data publicly available: impact assessment
- Making energy performance certificate and related data publicly available: privacy impact assessment
- Making energy performance certificate data available
- Making timely progress and the integration of policy - spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
- Managing town centre partnerships - a guide for practitioners
- Manual for streets
- Mapping the building and fire safety regulatory system - high-rise residential buildings
- Mapping the interfaces between building control and other regulatory regimes which impact on a building: BD2733: Scenarios for appendices case studies
- Mapping the interfaces between building control and other regulatory regimes which impact on a building: final report - BD2733
- Mapping the standard of the existing housing stock and its turnover. BD2531
- Maps of areas exempt from office to residential change of use permitted development right 2013
- Matters relating to high hedges: notes to Local Authorities
- Minor material changes to planning permissions - options study
- Mixed communities - evidence review
- Mobile connectivity in England - technical consultation
- Model planning obligation (section 106) agreement
- Model standards 2008 for caravan sites in England - caravan sites and control of development act 1960 - section 5
- Modelling the current and potential accessibility of the housing stock
- Monitoring the sustainability of buildings. Progress reports to Parliament on sustainability and measures to improve compliance with part L of the Building Regulations
- Multi-criteria analysis - a manual
- Multi-foil insulation. BD2768
- National and regional guidelines for aggregates provision in England 2005-2020
- National and regional guidelines for aggregates provision in England 2005-2020
- National and regional guidelines for aggregates provision in England: 2005-2020
- National calculation methodology (NCM) modelling guide (for buildings other than dwellings in England and Wales). 2010 edition. Updated October 2016. Northern Ireland
- National planning casework unit
- National planning casework unit
- National planning policy for waste
- National planning policy framework - impact assessment
- National planning policy framework (Withdrawn)
- National policy statements
- Nationally significant infrastructure planning: extending the regime to business and commercial projects - consultation
- Neighbourhood planning
- Neighbourhood planning - government response to consultation
- Neighbourhood planning (general) (amendment) regulations 2015 - impact assessment
- Neighbourhood planning regulations - consultation: summary of responses
- Net supply of housing: 2013-14, England
- Net supply of housing: 2014-15, England
- New and amended Approved Documents and new Building Services Compliance Guides to support the energy efficiency requirements of the Building Regulations
- New and extended Competent Person Schemes - Impact assessment
- New deal for communities experience: a final assessment. The new deal for communities evaluation: final report - volume 7
- New deal for communities programme: achieving a neighbourhood focus for regeneration. The new deal for communities national evaluation: final report - volume 1
- New deal for communities programme: assessing impact and value for money. The new deal for communities national evaluation: final report - volume 6
- New deal for communities programme: evidence from the new deal for communities programme. The new deal for communities national evaluation: final report - volume 3
- New homes bonus: final scheme design
- New opportunities for sustainable development and growth through the reuse of existing buildings - consultation
- New opportunities for sustainable development and growth through the reuse of existing buildings - impact assessment
- New opportunities for sustainable development and growth through the reuse of existing buildings - summary of responses
- New policy document for planning obligations - consultation
- Next steps to zero carbon homes - allowable solutions: Government response and summary of responses to the consultation
- Next steps to zero carbon homes - small sites exemption. Government response and summary of responses to the consultation
- Ninth statement of new regulation - measures coming into force between 1 January and 30 June 2015 (SNR9)
- No one left out: communities ending rough sleeping. Good practice notes: developing a strategic response to prevent and tackle rough sleeping
- Notes and recommendations from session 1 of eco-town challenge
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 1
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 10
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 11
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 12
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 13
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 14
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 15
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 16
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 17
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 18
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 19
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 2
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 3
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 4
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 5
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 6
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 7
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 8
- Notes on neighbourhood planning. Edition 9
- Notice of approval of the methodologies of calculation of the energy performance of buildings to demonstrate compliance with the Building Regulations 2010 in England and in respect of certain buildings in Wales
- Outdoor advertisements and signs - a guide for advertisers
- Overriding easements and other rights: possible amendment to section 237, Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - consultation
- Parades of shops - towards an understanding of performance and prospects
- Parades to be proud of - strategies to support local shops
- Part L of the Building Regulations: Proposed new editions of the Approved Documents L - Consultation: Summary of responses
- Part R of the Building Regulations: physical infrastructure for high speed electronic communications networks. Government response and summary of responses to the consultation
- Partial regulatory impact assessment - planning for a sustainable future
- Participation and policy integration in spatial planning - spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
- Party Wall etc. Act 1996 - explanatory booklet
- Party wall etc. act 1996. Electronic communications act 2000
- Performance limitations of flueing systems
- Performance testing of buildings