Department for Communities and Local Government documents within the Construction Information Service
- Councillor involvement in planning decisions - final report
- Councillors' guide to creating quality public spaces
- Creating strong, safe and prosperous communities - statutory guidance
- Credit crunch and regeneration: impact and implications (also known as the Parkinson report)
- Cross boundary working - spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
- Culture change and planning - literature review. Spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
- Cumulative impacts of regulations on house builders and landowners
- Current and future performance of radon protective measures. BD2848
- Data ducting infrastructure for new homes: guidance note
- Database on local development frameworks. Closure report - end December 2010
- Dealing with illegal and unauthorised encampments - a summary of available powers
- Decent home: definition and guidance for implementation. June 2006 - update
- Decentralisation of planning application fees - impact assessment
- Deemed discharge of planning conditions - Government response to consultation
- Definition of the term 'gypsies and travellers' for the purposes of the housing act 2004 - final regulatory impact assessment
- Definition of zero carbon homes - impact assessment (December 2009)
- Definition of zero carbon homes and non-domestic buildings - consultation
- Delivering lifetime homes, lifetime neighbourhoods - a national strategy for housing in an ageing society
- Delivering mixed communities - learning the lessons from existing programmes
- Delivering mixed communities - learning the lessons from existing programmes
- Demolition
- Departmental adaptation plan: Update May 2011
- Design coding in practice: an evaluation
- Design guide handbook for EN 1996 Design of masonry structures
- Design of Lifetime homes
- Determination in respect of the use of self-closing devices on bedroom doors in a care home (FLSP 4/6/4)
- Determination on the suitability and sufficiency of a fire risk assessment in a hotel in respect of the adequacy of the existing bedroom fire doors
- Determining the best option for the provision of additional smoke alarms in dwellings and houses
- Developing the future arrangements for local area agreements
- Development and implementation of business improvement districts
- Development control statistics 2008-09: England
- Development management - proactive planning from pre-application to delivery: consultation
- Development of a lower-cost sprinkler system for domestic premises in the UK
- Development on garden land
- Devising and delivering masterplanning at the neighbourhood level - some lessons from the new deal for communities programme
- Disabled facilities grant - the package of changes to modernise the programme
- Display energy certificates (DEC) and advisory reports (AR): transitional arrangements for buildings on a site or campus
- Domestic heating compliance guide: compliance with Approved Documents: L1A: New dwellings and L1B: Existing dwellings (2nd edition - December 2008)
- Domestic installation of microgeneration equipment - final report from a review of the permitted development regulations
- Draft government circular: biodiversity and geological conservation - statutory obligations and their impact within the planning system. Revised version of ODPM Circular 06/2005, DEFRA Circular 01/2005 - consultation
- Dwelling stock estimates: 2013, England
- Dwelling stock estimates: 2015, England
- Dwelling stock estimates: 2016, England
- E1 (airborne sound (walls)) - ground floor extension, alterations, and creation of a room in the roof space of an existing two-storey, mid-terrace building
- E1 and E3 (resistance to the passage of sound) - extension to a school boarding house
- Economic analysis of changes to the Building Control Procedures
- Economic and analytical support for impact assessment of proposals to amend the Building Regulations in 2013
- Economic rationale for spatial policies or 'why place matters'
- Eco-towns - allocations from the eco-towns fund: consultation
- Eco-towns - living a greener future (consultation)
- Eco-towns - living a greener future: progress report
- Eco-towns - location decision statement
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the draft eco-towns planning policy statement
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the draft eco-towns planning policy statement and the eco-towns programme: non-technical summary
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the draft planning policy statement: eco-towns. Addendum
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the draft planning policy statement: eco-towns. Statement
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: conclusion
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Curborough
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Ford
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Greater Norwich
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Hanley Grange and Cambridgeshire
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: introduction
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Leeds city region
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Manby
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Marston Vale
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Middle Quinton
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: North East Elsenham
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Pennbury
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Rossington
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Rushcliffe
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: St Austell (China Clay Community)
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Weston Otmoor and Cherwell
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the eco-towns programme: Whitehill-Bordon
- Eco-towns - sustainability appraisal: scoping report for the planning policy statement on eco-towns
- Eco-towns prospectus
- Eco-towns sustainability appraisal: scoping report for the planning policy statement - appendices
- Eco-towns: draft sustainability appraisal and habitats regulations assessment of the draft eco-towns planning policy statement - annex: profile of European sites
- EHS 2015-16 headline report - errata
- Electrical safety standards in the private rented sector: working group report
- Electronic communication of building control documents: divisional letter
- Elphicke-House report. From statutory provider to housing delivery enabler: review into the local authority role in housing supply
- Enabling power for allowable solutions: Final impact assessment
- Ending rough sleeping by 2012 - a self assessment health check
- Energy performance certificate
- Energy performance of buildings (certificates and inspections) (England and Wales) regulations 2007. SI 2007/991
- Energy performance of buildings (certificates and inspections) (England and Wales) regulations 2007. The Building act 1984
- Energy performance of buildings certificates statistical release: Q1 2017: England and Wales
- Energy performance of buildings certificates statistical release: Q2 2017: England and Wales
- Energy performance of buildings certificates statistical release: Q3 2017: England and Wales
- Energy performance of buildings certificates: Statistics release Q1 2008 to Q4 2016 England and Wales
- Energy Performance of Buildings Directive article 8 equivalence. Second UK biennial report
- Energy performance of buildings regulations (certificates and inspections) (England and Wales) (amendment) regulations 2008 (S.I. 2008/647) divisional letter 9 September 2008
- England's seaside towns - a 'benchmarking' study
- England's smaller seaside towns - a benchmarking study
- English housing survey - adaptations and accessibility report, 2014-15
- English housing survey - energy efficiency of English housing 2012
- English housing survey - energy efficiency of English housing 2013
- English housing survey - energy report, 2014
- English housing survey - fire and fire safety 2012-13
- English housing survey - fire and fire safety 2013-14