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Transport Research Laboratory documents within the Construction Information Service
Review of drainage behind retaining walls
Review of drainage to earth retaining structures for highways
Review of HGV crossover accidents, and the relative costs of steel and concrete barriers (phase II report)
Review of hydraulically bound materials for use in Scotland
Review of Iterlene ACF 1000 as a bitumen regenerator for hot asphalt mixtures
Review of joint repair techniques for thin surface course systems
Review of pedestrian walking speeds and time needed to cross the road
Review of protection provided by surface dressings and thin surfacings to structural pavements
Review of Shell Thiopave sulphur-extended asphalt modifier
Review of simplified streetscape schemes
Review of the class and quality of street lighting
Review of the lighting requirement for traffic signs and bollards
Review of the use of live willow poles for stabilising highway slopes
Review of the use of spaced piles to stabilise embankment and cutting slopes
Road design measures to reduce drivers speed via psychological processes: A literature review
Road foundation design for major UK highways
Road haunches: a guide to maintenance practice
Road layout design standards and driver behaviour
Road surface noise - update (2008-2010)
Road surface properties and high speed friction - the effect of permeability
Road trials of stone mastic asphalt and other thin surfacings
Rock engineering guides to good practice: road rock slope excavation
Rock engineering guides to good practice: rock slope remedial and maintenance work
Rock slope risk assessment
Route safety management and evaluation guidance
Safety barriers - update (2005-2008)
Simplified tables of external loads on buried pipelines
Site investigation - update (2006–2009)
Skid resistance behaviour of thin surface course systems
Soil mechanics / settlement - update (2007-2009)
Soil nailing for slopes
Some aspects of the interaction between landslides and forestry operations
Some considerations affecting the selection of tunnelling methods
Sources of information for site investigations in Britain
Specification for foamed concrete
Specification for low temperature asphalt mixtures
Specification for suitability testing of stress absorbing materials behind integral bridge abutments
Specification for the TRRL frost-heave test
Stabilised sub-bases in road foundations: structural assessment and benefits
Stabilized capping layers using either lime, or cement, or lime and cement
Steel corrosion in reinforced concrete - update (2008-2010)
Strengthening of concrete structures using near surface mounted FRP reinforcement
Structural design and laying of small underground drains of rigid materials
Structural design and pilot-scale trials of modular cellular paving for greened safe havens and emergency access routes
Structural design of bituminous roads
Study of costs of cut and cover tunnel construction
Study of water movement in road pavements
Suitability testing of materials to absorb lateral stresses behind integral bridge abutments
Sulfate specification for structural backfills (updated)
Surface texture measurement on local roads
Surface treatment options for concrete roads
Surface treatment options for concrete roads. Ultra-thin surfacing systems
Survey of slope condition on motorway earthworks in England and Wales
Sustainable choice of materials for highway works: a guide for local authority highway engineers
Swell test requirements for lime stabilised materials
Temporary road markings: Working group findings
Test of Traficon SafeWalk and C-Walk pedestrian detectors
Test procedures for durability and adhesion in asphalt
Theoretical whole life cost modelling of reinforced asphalt
Thermal imaging of slopes and substructures
Thickness design of concrete roads
Through junction running simulation study
Traffic calming - literature search on the design and performance of traffic calming measures
Traffic data for highway bridge loading
Traffic management and concrete safety barriers
Trial of farside pedestrian signals at a puffin crossing
Trial of the use of RFID tags in highway pavement maintenance
Trials of road marking monitor to determine performance levels for network surveys
Tunnel portal dispersion monitoring
Tyre bales in construction
Use and application of the MCA (Moisture Condition Apparatus) with particular reference to glacial tills
Use of asphalt arisings as a Type 4 sub-base
Use of crack and seat treatment in the refurbishment of airfield pavements
Use of high-resolution 3-D surface data to monitor change over time on pavement surfaces. Research into pavement surface disintegration: Phase 3
Use of intelligent compaction technology
Use of London clay backfill against the walls of Chestfield tunnel
Use of lower temperature asphalt in pavement construction: demonstration site construction, in service performance and specification
Use of passively safe signposts and lighting columns
Use of polystyrene for embankment construction
Use of soil nails for the construction and repair of retaining walls
Use of traffic speed Lidar in road asset assessment
Value engineering for tunnel equipment
Value management for tunnel procedures
Vegetation for slope stability
Vehicle activated signs: a large scale evaluation
Visualisation and display of automated bridge inspection results
Water management for durable bridges
Whole life cost model for earthworks slopes
Whole life cost-benefit analysis for median safety barriers
Wind tunnel tests on plate girder bridges
Wise use of landscape resources in road construction and maintenance: Scotland