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Transport Research Laboratory documents within the Construction Information Service
Filling potholes and making local repairs using Roadmaster® vehicle
Footway maintenance management
Friction tests on contaminated road surfaces
Geotechnical stress analysis for bridge abutment design
Geotechnical stress analysis: possible approach for cantilever retaining walls on spread foundations
Geotextiles in civil engineering - update (2005-2008)
Ground classification systems in tunnel construction
Ground movements caused by different embedded retaining wall construction techniques
Ground vibration caused by civil engineering works
Groundborne vibration caused by mechanised construction works
Guidance on the development, assessment and maintenance of long-life flexible pavements
Guidance on the lighting requirement for traffic signs and bollards
Guidance on the lighting requirement for traffic signs and bollards (V2)
Guide for engineers to the design of storm sewer systems. 2nd edition
Guide to accommodating or avoiding soil induced lateral loading of piled foundations for highway bridges
Guide to axle load surveys and traffic counts for determining traffic loading on pavements
Guide to repair and strengthening of masonry arch highway bridges
Guide to the structural design of pavements for new roads. 3rd edition
Guide to the use and specification of cold recycled materials for the maintenance of road pavements
HA/QPA/RBA collaborative programme 2004/07: surface requirements for asphalt roads
High-tech remote monitoring for the management of highway structures
Highway embankments over soft compressible alluvial deposits: guidelines for design and construction
Highways Agency skid resistance survey policy 2014: a review
Impact of road humps on vehicles and their occupants
Impacts of traffic calming measures on vehicle exhaust emissions
Implications of implementing the European asphalt test methods
Improved appearance of bridge parapets: Advice to designers on best practice for the appearance of bridge parapets
Improved design of overlay treatments to concrete pavements. Final report on the monitoring of trials and schemes
Improving the performance of bridge expansion joints: Bridge deck expansion joint working group final report
Improving the stability of slopes using a spaced piling technique
In service performance of recycled asphalt roadbase
In service performance of Steelphalt products
Increasing the environmental sustainability of asphalt
Influence of fine aggregate on the early friction performance of SMA: a laboratory study
Infrastructure and cyclist safety
Innovative geotechnical repair techniques - comparative life cycle assessment
Innovative geotechnical repair techniques - effectiveness of electrokinetic geosynthetics
Integrated monitoring system for drains and other tubular structures
Integrated transport planning update (2004-2007)
Intelligent monitoring of jack arch structures
International comparison of roundabout design guidelines
International review of chloride ingress into structural concrete
Investigation of the impacts of climatic conditions on skid resistance variation
Life cycle assessment of the use of solid waste materials in highway construction
Literature review of road safety at traffic signals and signalised crossings
Literature review of the geotechnical aspects of the design of integral bridge abutments
Load test to collapse on a full scale model six metre span brick arch bridge
Long term performance of an anchored diaphragm wall embedded in stiff clay
Long term performance of embedded retaining walls
Longitudinal shear in composite concrete bridge beams. Part 1 - literature review
Low cost/low volume roads - update (2004-2008)
Manual for streets: evidence and research
Mapping underground assets - a technique to reduce congestion
Masonry properties for assessing arch bridges
Material performance of porous asphalt, including when laid over concrete
Maximising the use of recycled and secondary aggregates: examples from Hampshire
Measurement of the acoustic performance of road surfaces
Measuring skid resistance without contact
Measuring skid resistance without contact - 2009-2010 progress report
Mechanism program for computing the strength of masonry arch bridges
Mitigating the disruption caused by utility street works
Monitoring of concrete surface treatment options on the A46 Sixhills to Widmerpool. September 2013 to June 2016
Multi storey parking garages - update (2005-2010)
New continuously reinforced concrete pavement designs
New surface course specification for Scotland
New toolkit for highways asset management - an integrated toolkit for understanding the performance of highway assets in the information age
Noise barrier review
Non-destructive testing update (2004-2007)
Nuclear gauges for measuring the density of roadbase macadam: report of a working party
Optimising the returns from modern asphalt surfacings: The potential effect of reclaimed asphalt on the friction characteristics of surface course materials
Parking: dynamic capacities for car parks
Passive safety tests on steel circular hollow section sign posts
Pavement wear factors
Pedestrian and vehicular detectors for traffic management and control
Performance of a single row of spaced bored piles to stabilise a Gault clay slope on the M25
Performance of a single row of spaced bored piles to stabilise a London clay slope on the A12
Performance of an integral bridge over the M1-A1 Link Road at Bramham Crossroads
Performance of impregnants
Performance of quieter surfaces over time
Performance of re-textured concrete pavements
Performance of surfacing overlaying bridge deck waterproofing systems
Performance of two integral bridges forming the A62 Manchester Road Overbridge
Performance under cyclic loading of the foundations of integral bridges
Permeability of structural backfills
Pilot-scale trial of Advera WMA in asphalt mixtures for binder and surface course
Practical guide to the use of bridge expansion joints
Processing of contaminated land in highway works
Protocol for the calculation of whole life cycle greenhouse gas emissions generated by asphalt
Puffin pedestrian crossing accident study
Quieter concrete roads: construction, texture, skid resistance and noise
Rapid-cure foamed concrete - a technique to reduce congestion
Recycled asphalt in surfacing materials: a case study of carbon dioxide emission savings
Recycling in transport infrastructure
Recycling of road materials - update (2008-2010)
Reducing congestion on the road network: Part 2, Use of temporary backfill
Reduction of lateral forces in retaining walls by controlled yielding
Repair of concrete in highway bridges: a practical guide
Response of a reinforced soil wall to differential movement
Resurfacing a motorway with porous asphalt: effects on rural noise exposure and community response
Review of current research on road surface noise reduction techniques