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Steel Construction Institute documents within the Construction Information Service
Design guide for composite highway bridges: worked examples
Design guide for ladder deck bridges
Design guide for steel railway bridges
Design guide for steel sheet pile bridge abutments
Design loads for splices in columns continuous through transfer structures
Design manual for structural stainless steel. 4th edition
Design moments in equations 6.61 and 6.62 of BS EN 1993-1-1
Design of a parallel flange channel for axial compression and bending
Design of asymmetric Slimflor beams using deep composite decking
Design of asymmetric Slimflor beams with precast concrete slabs
Design of cast-in plates
Design of cold formed portal frames
Design of cold-formed steel trapezoidal sheeting
Design of columns subject to localised fires
Design of composite beams using precast concrete slabs
Design of composite beams using precast concrete slabs in accordance with Eurocode 4
Design of composite beams with large web openings: in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes
Design of composite highway bridges curved in plan
Design of composite slabs and beams with steel decking
Design of composite trusses
Design of compression stiffeners to BS EN 1993
Design of curved steel
Design of end plate joints made with preloaded bolts subject to coincident shear and tension
Design of fabricated composite beams in buildings
Design of floors for vibration: a new approach (revised edition, February 2009)
Design of gusset plate connections
Design of haunched composite beams in buildings
Design of loadbearing light steel walls exposed to fire on two sides
Design of low to medium rise buildings against external explosions
Design of members subject to combined bending and torsion
Design of multi storey braced frames
Design of partial penetration butt welds in accordance with BS EN 1993-1-8
Design of RHS Slimflor edge beams
Design of semi-continuous braced frames
Design of single-span steel portal frames to BS 5950-1:2000
Design of Slimflor fabricated beams using deep composite decking
Design of stability systems for light steel framing
Design of stainless steel bridges
Design of stainless steel offshore structures
Design of steel beams in torsion: in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes
Design of steel bridges for durability
Design of steel concrete composite (SC) structures
Design of steel framed buildings for service integration: interfaces
Design of steel framed buildings without applied fire protection
Design of steel portal frame buildings to Eurocode 3
Design of steel portal frames for Europe
Design of struts for self-weight bending
Design of stub girders
Design of twin-skin metal cladding: how to meet the new requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations (2002)
Design of web to flange welds in plate girders
Design resistances for bespoke components in P358 (Green book)
Design responsibility for welds in fabricated plate girders
Design thickness of cold formed members and sheeting
Design to BS 5950 and other standards V02
Designing for access to facilitate cost effective operation and maintenance of steel bridges
Designing to facilitate cost effective operation and maintenance of steel and composite bridges
Determining design displacements for bridge movement bearings
Determining the buckling resistance of steel and composite bridge structures
Diaphragm action of steel decking during construction
Durability of light steel construction
Durability of light steel framing in residential building. 2nd edition
Durability of steel bridges: a survey of the performance of protective coatings
Durability of steel piling
Dynamic modulus of concrete for floor vibration analysis
Effective length of cantilevers
Effective length of equivalent T-stubs
Effective length of T-stubs – corrections to BS EN 1993-1-8 and P398
Effective length of valley columns out of the plane of a portal frame
Elastic critical moment and correction factor g for bi-symmetric I sections
Elastic critical moment for lateral torsional buckling using design software
Elastic design of single-span steel portal frame buildings to Eurocode 3
Elastic moduli of angle sections
Embodied carbon of light steel frame infill walls
Embodied carbon of light steel framing with composite floors
Embodied carbon of light steel framing with joisted floors
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency housing using light steel framing: how to meet the proposed new requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations
Energy efficient housing using light steel framing
Environmental assessment of steel piling
Environmental floor systems: A range of floor options for steel frame buildings which optimise thermal capacity
Equivalent horizontal forces and combinations of actions
Equivalent horizontal forces in BS EN 1993-1-1
Errata in P385 - design of steel beams in torsion
Error in P359 formula for shrinkage-induced deflection of a composite slab
Eurocode design and National Annexes
Eurocode wind bracing connections
European demonstration project: Steel construction in housing
Execution class for bridge steelwork
Execution class for bridge steelwork
Execution of stainless steel structures
Fatigue assessment of crane supporting structures to Eurocode 3
Fatigue assessment of non-standard bridge details
Fire design of composite beams with rectangular and circular web openings
Fire design of concrete-filled hollow steel columns to Eurocode 4
Fire design of external steelwork
Fire resistance design of steel framed buildings: in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes
Fire resistance of composite floors with steel decking. 2nd edition
Fire resistance of concrete filled tubes to Eurocode 4
Fire resistance of light steel framing
Fire resistance of steel sections galvanized to EN ISO 1461