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Steel Construction Institute documents within the Construction Information Service
Fire resistance of weathering steel
Fire resistance of web infilled steel columns
Fire safe design: a new approach to multi-storey steel-framed buildings. 2nd edition
Fire safety of light steel construction
Flexural buckling (BS EN 1993-1-1:2022)
Flexural buckling of Tees to EC3
Floor vibrations - multiplying factors for office floors
Floors subjected to rhythmic activities
Frame stability tool on
Full depth stiffeners and lateral torsional buckling
Galvanizing steel of grade S460M
Geotechnical actions on structures - choice of partial factors
Guidance on compactness
Guidance on demountable composite construction systems for UK practice
Guidance on meeting the robustness requirements in Approved Document A (2004 edition)
Guidance on the use of stainless steel
Guide to evaluating design wind loads to BS 6399-2:1997
Guide to site welding
Guide to the major amendments in BS 5950-1:2000
Handbook of structural steelwork. 4th edition
Handbook of structural steelwork. Eurocode edition
Headed shear studs - resistance and minimum degree of shear connection in composite beams with decking
Heating pipes in composite floors - effects on slab beam design
Heavy concentrated loads on composite slabs
High strength steel design and execution guide
Hospital and health buildings using steel: Meeting the needs of the health sector for modern, rapid-build, adaptable hospitals
H-pile design guide
Hybrid connections with bolts and welds
Hydrogen embrittlement of bolts
Impact forces on car parks
In-plane stability of portal frames to BS 5950-1:2000
Insulated render systems used with light steel framing
Integral bracing and diaphragm action of light steel framed walls
Integral steel bridges design guidance
Integral steel bridges: a summary of current practice in design and construction
Integral steel bridges: design of a multi-span bridge - worked example
Integral steel bridges: design of a single span bridge - worked example
Interim report: Design of portal frames to Eurocode 3: an overview for UK designers
Introduction to steelwork design to BS 5950-1:2000 (2006 reprint with minor corrections)
Issues related to coatings and availability of structural fasteners
Joints in steel construction: composite connections
Joints in steel construction: moment connections. Part 1 - Moment connections. (1 of 2)
Joints in steel construction: moment connections. Part 2 - Capacity tables and dimensions for detailing. (2 of 2)
Joints in steel construction: moment-resisting joints to Eurocode 3
Joints in steel construction: Simple connections (includes corrigendum 1 October 2002 and corrigendum 2 July 2005) (reprinted September 2009)
Joints in steel construction: simple joints to Eurocode 3 (2014 reprint)
Lateral and torsional vibration of half-through truss footbridges
Lateral restraint forces for beams
Lateral stability of steel beams and columns - common cases of restraint
Lateral torsional buckling of channels in accordance with EN 1993-1-1
Lateral torsional buckling of rectangular plates in accordance with BS EN 1993-1-1
Length of slotted holes and kidney-shaped slots
Levelling techniques for composite floors
Light steel framed housing
Light steel framing in renovation: Roof-top extensions, internal walls and over-cladding
Light steel framing in residential construction
Light steel framing. Demonstration of Light Steel Framing in a student residence, consisting of a four-bedroomed house, a two-roomed apartment and three study bedrooms, all with occupied roof space. Oxford Brookes University
Light steel infill walls
Light steel load-bearing walls
Light steel modular construction
Light steel residential buildings
Light steel solutions for all applications
Lightweight steel/timber composite solutions: information and guidance for new product development
Load factors in BS 5950-1:2000 for crane loading
Long joints - reduction factor
Management of construction and demolition waste
Masking of faying surfaces for slip-resistance connections
Materials (prEN 1993-1-1)
Metal cladding: U-value calculation: assessing thermal performance of built-up metal roof and wall cladding systems using rail and bracket spacers
Minimum degree of shear connection in composite beams
Minimum degree of shear connection rules for UK construction to Eurocode 4
Minimum requirements for column splices in accordance with Eurocodes
Minimum values of shear and bending moment in beams with web openings
Mini-piles and composite ground floors for housing
Modelling composite floors for vibration
Modelling of steel structures for computer analysis
Modular construction in building extensions: New floors and new facilities using modular units
Modular construction using light steel framing. Design of residential buildings
Modular construction using light steel framing: an architect's guide
Moment connections in composite construction: interim guidance for end-plate connections (partially superseded but remains current)
Moments due to eccentricity at a column splice
Mono pitched portal frames in fire boundary conditions
Motorway widening: steel bridges for wider highway layouts
Movement joints in steel-framed buildings
Multi-storey residential buildings using Slimdek
Multi-storey residential buildings using steel: Steel technologies to meet new housing demands
NCCI: bearing column splices
NCCI: buckling lengths of columns: rigorous approach
NCCI: calculation of alpha-cr
NCCI: column base stiffness for global analysis
NCCI: column splices not requiring full continuity of stiffness
NCCI: continuous strength method for structural stainless steel design
NCCI: critical axial load for torsional and flexural torsional buckling modes
NCCI: design for splices in structural hollow sections
NCCI: design model for non-bearing column splices
NCCI: design model for simple column bases- axially loaded I section columns
NCCI: design model for welded joints in trusses using structural hollow sections
NCCI: design of a notched section at the end of a beam
NCCI: design of fixed column base joints
NCCI: design of out of plane and transverse restraint systems for portal frames