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Steel Construction Institute documents within the Construction Information Service
Shear studs on non-composite edge beams with composite slabs
Single storey buildings: best practice guidance for developers, owners, designers and constructors
Single storey steel framed buildings in fire boundary conditions
Slim floor construction using deep decking
Slim floor design and construction
Slip factor of galvanised steel for non-slip joints
Slip factors for alkali-zinc silicate paint
Slip resistant connections to BS EN 1993-1-8
Specifiers guide to steel piling. 2nd edition
Stability of steel beams and columns: in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes (includes corrigendum March 2012)
Stainless steel angles for masonry support
Stainless steel fasteners
Stainless steel in contact with other metals
Stainless steel masonry support systems - best practice information sheet for contractors
Stainless steel masonry support systems - best practice information sheet for specifiers
Stainless steel tubular handrails and balustrades
Staircases with flat stringers
Steel bearing piles guide
Steel bearing piles: Pile driving formulae and driving resistance
Steel Bridge Group: Completion of Appendix 18/1. For use with Specifications for highway and railway steelwork
Steel Bridge Group: Guidance notes on best practice in steel bridge construction. Sixth issue
Steel Bridge Group: Model project specification for the execution of steelwork in bridge structures (with commentary) (revised January 2012)
Steel Bridge Group: Model project specification for the execution of steelwork in bridge structures (without commentary) (revised January 2012)
Steel building design: concise Eurocodes: in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes. Revised edition
Steel building design: design data: in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes
Steel building design: Design data: Universal column resistances in S460M steel
Steel building design: introduction to the Eurocodes. Revised edition
Steel building design: medium rise braced frames: in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes
Steel building design: worked examples - hollow sections: in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes
Steel building design: worked examples - open sections. Revised edition. In accordance with Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes
Steel building design: worked examples for students - in accordance with Eurocodes and the UK national annexes
Steel designers' manual. 7th edition
Steel in multi-storey residential buildings
Steel intensive basements
Steel package water and wastewater treatment units
Steel strengths for fabricated haunches
Steel supported glazing systems: interfaces
Steelwork design guide to BS 5950. Volume 4: Essential data for designers
Steelwork design guide to BS 5950-1:2000. Volume 1 - section properties, member capacities (Blue book). 7th edition
Steelwork design guide to BS 5950-1:2000. Volume 2. Worked examples
Steelwork joint design – Process and information
Straightness criteria for structural members
Structural design of ferritic stainless steels
Structural design of stainless steel
Structural fire design to EC3 and EC4, and comparison with BS 5950
Structural fire safety: a handbook for architects and engineers
Structural robustness of steel framed buildings
Structural stainless steel design tables in accordance with AISC DG27: Structural stainless steel
Structural steel reuse. Assessment, testing and design principles
Support to profiled steel decking
Sustainability of light steel construction
Sustainability of steel in housing and residential buildings
Tension capacity of bolts in tapped holes or when nuts are not fully engaged
Tension control bolts, grade S10T, in friction grip connections
Tension resistance of angles in SCI P363
Thermal bridging in light steel framing and modular construction
Thermal bridging in steel construction
Thermal expansion in car parks
Thermal performance of light steel construction
Thickness of galvanizing
Toughness of bolts
Transient response factors in vibration analysis of staircases
Transverse bending of composite slabs subjected to point loads
Transverse reinforcement in composite beams
T-sections in bending - stem in compression
Tying resistance of flexible end plates in one-sided connections
Tying resistances of full depth end plates
Typographical error in P419
UK NA to BS EN 1991-1-3: General actions - snow loads
Uninterrupted height of masonry cladding to light steel framing
Use of alkali-zinc silicate paint in slip-resistant bolted connections
Use of fully threaded bolts
Use of washers in single bolt lap joints
Validity rules for hollow section joints
Value benefits of Light steel construction
Vertical shear resistance of composite slabs (prEN 1994-1-1)
Vertical tying of columns and column splices
Vibration assessment of transient response factors
Vibration checks of floors
Vibration of steel staircases
Vibration response: root-mean-quad acceleration
Weathering steel bolts
Web panel shear resistance
Web resistance to transverse loads according to BS EN 1993-1-5
Web to flange welds in box sections subject to bending and torsion
Web-post buckling in composite beams with rectangular and elongated web openings
Weld design for beam end plate connections in accordance with SCI P358
Welding in cold-formed zones
Welding of non-preloaded structural nuts and bolts
Welding of reinforcement to cast-in plates
Welding of shear studs to galvanized steel beams
Welding stainless steel
What height of shear stud should be used in Eurocode 4?
Wind actions to BS EN 1991-1-4
Wind load on unclad frames
Wind loads on building canopies
Wind loads on roofs of multispan portal frame buildings
Wind pressures for buildings with dominant openings
Wind-moment design of low rise frames
Wind-moment design of unbraced composite frames