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Scottish Government documents within the Construction Information Service
Housing and sound insulation: Improving existing attached dwellings and designing for conversions
Housing in the countryside
Housing land audit guidance
Housing quality
Housing statistics for Scotland 2014 - key trends summary
Housing statistics for Scotland 2015 - key trends summary
Housing statistics for Scotland 2016 - key trends summary
Housing statistics for Scotland 2017 - key trends summary
Housing statistics for Scotland 2018: key trends summary
Housing statistics for Scotland 2019: key trends summary
Housing statistics for Scotland 2020 and 2021: key trends summary
Housing statistics for Scotland, 2022-23: key trends summary
Housing to 2040
Housing to 2040. Vision and principles
Housing: fresh thinking, new ideas (summary)
Hydrogen action plan
Implementation of building information modelling within construction projects
Implementation of designing streets policy across Scotland
Implementation of project bank accounts in construction contracts
Implementation of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. Report to the Scottish Parliament - 2020
Implementation of the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 and the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 - annual report to the Scottish Parliament: 2011
Implementing designing streets - aligning consents. Update report - July 2015
Implementing project bank accounts in construction contracts
Implementing the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 - the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011: policy statement
Implementing the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 - use of CAR 2011 emergency provisions: policy statement
Implementing the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003: assessing Scotland's water environment - use of environmental standards, condition limits and classification schemes. Policy statement
Implications of future technological change for Scotland's infrastructure
Important changes to data protection legislation
Improvements to energy standards for new buildings within Scottish Building Regulations 2021: modelling report. Domestic buildings. July 2020, with July 2021 amendments
Improvements to energy standards for new buildings within Scottish Building Regulations 2021: modelling report. Non-domestic buildings. May 2020, with July 2021 amendments
Improvements to energy standards for new buildings within Scottish Building Regulations 2021: overheating in new homes
Improving compliance with building regulations - consultation report
Improving energy performance and emissions in existing non-domestic buildings. A guide for building owners. The assessment of energy performance of non-domestic buildings (Scotland) regulations 2016. S63-001
Improving energy performance and emissions in existing non-domestic buildings. A guide to display energy certificates and advisory reports for buildings in Scotland. S63-002
Improving gypsy/traveller sites - guidance on minimum site standards, and site tenants' core rights and responsibilities
Improving gypsy/traveller sites - guidance on minimum sites standards, and site tenants' core rights and responsibilities: progress report
Improving town centres
Inclusive design
Indicators of sustainable development for Scotland
Indicators of sustainable development for Scotland: progress report 2004
Indicators of sustainable development for Scotland: progress report 2005
Infrastructure investment plan 2015 - progress report for 2020-21
Infrastructure investment plan 2021-2022 to 2025-2026. Progress report for 2021-2022
Infrastructure investment plan 2021-22 to 2025-26. Major capital projects progress update (August 2024)
Infrastructure investment plan 2021-22 to 2025-26. Programme pipeline update (March 2023)
Infrastructure investment plan 2021-22 to 2025-26. Progress report for 2022-2023
Infrastructure investment plan 2021-22 to 2025-26. Progress report for 2023-2024
Inhibit fire spread within a building and to adjacent buildings (issued 11.02.2013)
Interaction between land use planning and environmental regulation
Interim guidance for site inspection and assurance on behalf of public sector clients
Interim site design guide for gypsy/traveller sites in Scotland provided by local authorities and registered social landlords
Introducing the Scottish index of multiple deprivation 2020
Inventory of closed mining waste facilities
Investigation of compliance levels with the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (including Schedule 3)
Joint housing delivery plan for Scotland
Keeping Scotland moving: a Scottish transport green paper. Cm 3565
Key Scottish environment statistics 2014
Key Scottish environment statistics 2015
Key Scottish environment statistics 2016
Kitchen facilities within a dwelling (issued 03.07.2008)
Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (Modification) Order 2013. Guidance for local authorities and national park authorities
Land use strategy (LUS) delivery evaluation project - final report. Volume 1: main report
Land use strategy (LUS) delivery evaluation project - final report. Volume 2: appendices
Land use strategy (LUS) delivery evaluation project - Scotland, 2014
Let's get Scotland walking - the national walking strategy
Let's get Scotland walking - the national walking strategy. Appendix 1 - supporting material
Licensing of houses in multiple occupation: statutory guidance for Scottish Local Authorities
Living with flooding - an action plan for delivering property flood resilience in Scotland
Local authority interest developments
Local development planning guidance
Local energy policy statement
Local heat and energy efficiency strategies and delivery plans. Guidance
Local housing strategy guidance
Local place plans
Local plans: meeting area waste plan objectives
Local review procedures
Low carbon building standards strategy for Scotland - 2013 update: report of a panel appointed by Scottish Ministers chaired by Lynne Sullivan
Low carbon economic strategy for Scotland
Low carbon equipment and building regulations - a guide to safe and sustainable construction. Air source heat pumps
Low carbon equipment and building regulations - a guide to safe and sustainable construction. Biomass installations
Low carbon equipment and building regulations - a guide to safe and sustainable construction. Ground source heat pumps and water source heat pumps
Low carbon equipment and building regulations - a guide to safe and sustainable construction. Introduction
Low carbon equipment and building regulations - a guide to safe and sustainable construction. Photovoltaics
Low carbon equipment and building regulations - a guide to safe and sustainable construction. Solar water heating systems
Lower carbon buildings - a review of energy standards and guidance within Scottish Building Regulations: Consultation report and Scottish Government response
Lower carbon buildings review of the Building (Scotland) regulations 2004: Technical Handbooks - Section 6: Energy. Analysis of consultation responses
Making a quality building warrant application. What you need to know
Making best use of procurement resources during COVID-19 outbreak
Making the most of communities' natural assets: green infrastructure. An information note for community planning partnerships on applying an ecosystems approach
Managing an efficient inquiry process
Managing fire risks associated with use of external wall systems
Mapping flood disadvantage in Scotland 2015
Mapping flood disadvantage in Scotland 2015: main report
Marine Scotland - Report on social and economic objectives for a Scottish marine plan
Masterplan consent areas guidance
Means of access between levels in a building (issued 01.09.2010)
Means of access between levels in a building (issued 02.06.2008)
Means of access between levels in a building (issued 16.02.2009)
Means of escape and facilities for fire fighters (issued 05.03.2009)