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Scottish Government documents within the Construction Information Service
Means of escape and fire service facilities (issued 18.11.2014)
Meeting the needs…priorities, actions and targets for sustainable development in Scotland
Methodology for the production of operational ratings, display energy certificates and advisory reports in Scotland. S63-003
Microgeneration strategy for Scotland
Minimum standards for open space
Minor amendments to utilities and concession contracts legislation
Mixed communities - literature review
Model changes to building standards fees: report
Model planning conditions
Model policies in land use planning in Scotland
Modern methods of construction (MMC): Guidance for building standards verification
Monitoring of retail developments
Monitoring the outcomes of planning - a research study
National calculation methodology (NCM) modelling guide for non-domestic buildings in Scotland. 2015 edition. V1.2 - April 2018 (Superseded but remains current)
National calculation methodology (NCM) modelling guide for non-domestic buildings in Scotland. 2022 edition. V1.2 - February 2023
National care standards review: Consultation analysis
National care standards review: Consultation analysis
National customer satisfaction survey to support the Building standards verification performance framework. 2018 national survey findings. December 2018
National flood resilience strategy
National flood resilience strategy. Supporting case studies
National litter and flytipping strategy
National litter and flytipping strategy. 2023-24 action plan
National litter and flytipping strategy. Update and year 2 action plan 2024-2025
National low emission framework
National mission with local impact. Infrastructure investment plan for Scotland 2021-2022 to 2025-2026
National Parks strategic review - report
National parks strategic review recommendations: consultation report
National planning framework 4
National planning framework 4. Delivery programme v3
National review of town centres external advisory group report: community and enterprise in Scotland's town centres
National review of town centres. Town centre action plan - the Scottish Government response
National strategy for public space CCTV in Scotland
Natural lighting (issued 18.12.2013)
Natural stone masonry in modern Scottish construction: a guide for designers and constructors
Neighbour notification report on the working group
Net zero nation. Public engagement strategy for climate change
New build heat standard: factsheet
New ideas in rural development: promoting the development of effective information and advice services for rural areas
New matters and the submission of documents, materials or evidence
New Scottish public sector cyber security guidance note
Ninth annual report on the operation of section 72 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
Non-Domestic (Applicable to works from 1 January 2025)
Non-domestic building services compliance guide for Scotland. 2015 edition. V1.1 April 2018 (Superseded)
Non-domestic building services compliance guide for Scotland. 2022 edition. V1.1 - February 2023
Non-domestic permitted development rights
Note accompanying the development plan gateway (DPGW) - service standard
Notes on the implications of Directive 2010/31/EU on the Energy Performance of Buildings (recast)
Notification of planning applications
Notification of planning applications - development affecting trunk roads and special roads
Onshore wind policy statement
Outline planning permission, reserved matters and EIA: interim guidance
Part 1 - Full fill masonry construction details
Part 2 - Partial fill masonry construction details
Part 3 - Timber frame construction details
Part 4 - Metal frame construction details
Part 5 - Additional common junction construction details
Part IV of the Environment Act 1995. Local air quality management. Policy guidance. PG(S) (24)
Participation in placemaking
Peat landslide hazard and risk assessments - best practice guide for proposed electricity generation developments. 2nd edition
Permitted development rights - domestic wind turbines and air source heat pumps
Permitted development rights for fish farming. Guidance document
Permitted development rights for microgeneration technologies on non-domestic buildings
Permitted development rights for microgeneration technology on non-domestic properties - analysis of consultation responses
Permitted development rights, trunk roads and quarrying activities
Place standard - how good is our place?
Planning - work programme update: Chief Planner and Ministerial letter - September 2024
Planning and archaeology
Planning and Compensation Act 1991 - land compensation and compulsory purchase
Planning and Compensation Act 1991: enforcement of tree preservation orders
Planning and Compensation Act 1991: simplified planning zones
Planning and Environmental Appeals Division: guidance on taking part in planning appeals and other cases
Planning and noise
Planning and open space
Planning and sustainable urban drainage systems
Planning and the housing emergency - delivery plan
Planning and waste management advice
Planning appeals
Planning control for hazardous substances
Planning controls for marine fish farming (partially superseded)
Planning enforcement
Planning enforcement charter - a guide to enforcing planning controls
Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Consequential Provisions) Order 2007
Planning for housing
Planning for infrastructure research - interim response to the recommendations
Planning for infrastructure research project: final report
Planning for natural heritage
Planning for transport
Planning in small towns
Planning obligation appeals (POA)
Planning obligations and good neighbour agreements (revised November 2020)
Planning performance - annual report
Planning performance - annual report, 2014/2015
Planning performance statistics 2004-2007
Planning procedures and COVID-19
Planning procedures and COVID-19
Planning reforms: an impact assessment
Planning update
Planning, economy, place
Planning, environmental protection and regulation (revised edition)
Play strategy for Scotland: our action plan