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Scottish Government documents within the Construction Information Service
Contribution of housing, planning and regeneration policies to mixed communities in Scotland
Control and management of fly-posting
Control of development in airport public safety zones
Control of unconventional oil and gas developments
Controlling the environmental effects of surface mineral workings
Controlling the environmental effects of surface mineral workings. Annex A: the control of noise at surface mineral workings
Controlling the environmental effects of surface mineral workings. Annex B: the control of dust at surface mineral workings
Controlling the environmental effects of surface mineral workings. Annex C: the control of traffic at surface mineral workings
Controlling the environmental effects of surface mineral workings. Annex D: the control of blasting at surface mineral workings
Core facts. Overview. Building better schools: investing in Scotland's future
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - impact on construction contracts
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - managing disputes and cashflow
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - preparations for contracting authorities to restart the procurement and management of construction contracts
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - project bank accounts signing requirements during COVID-19
Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer public spaces for Scotland - urban centres and green spaces
Cost benefit analysis to inform decision making process for limitations to Standard 2.15 Automatic fire suppression systems - alterations, extensions and conversions
Cost impact analysis for low carbon and EcoHomes standard housing using lifecycle costing methodology
Cost impact analysis for low carbon and EcoHomes standard housing using lifecycle costing methodology
Cost-benefit analysis for additional residential heat and smoke alarms in Scotland
COVID-19 and development planning. Consultation and engagement advice - May 2020
Creating places - a policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland
Danger from accidents (issued 11.06.2014)
Danger from accidents (issued 24.01.2014)
Dealing with defective buildings
Deliverability of site allocations in local development plans
Delivering better places in Scotland - a guide to learning from broader experience
Delivering planning reform
Delivering planning reform for aquaculture
Delivering Scotland's river basin management plans: The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011. Proposed amendments. Analysis of consultation responses and next steps
Design at the heart of house-building
Design statements
Designing safer places
Designing streets: a policy statement for Scotland
Determining the fire risk posed by external wall systems in existing multi-storey residential buildings. Version 2.0
Determining the need for environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the making of screening directions in planning cases
Developing an energy efficiency standard for social housing: analysis of consultation responses
Developing an energy efficiency standard for social housing: analysis of consultation responses
Development delivery and viability
Development management procedures
Development of a site clearance capability in Scotland
Development of contaminated land
Development plan examinations
Development plan examinations
Development plan examinations - guidance note for people who submitted representations
Development plan gateway (DPGW) - service standard
Development planning - action and delivery programmes: letter to planning authorities - June 2024
Development proposal cannot be varied on appeal (section 32A of Act)
Digital competency assessment system
Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) Regulations - general guidance
Disposal of surplus government land - the Crichel Down rules
Does closed circuit television prevent crime?
Domestic (Applicable to works from 1 January 2025)
Domestic building services compliance guide for Scotland. 2015 edition (Superseded)
Domestic building services compliance guide for Scotland. 2022 edition. V1.1 - February 2023
Domestic ventilation. 2nd edition. Version 2.1
DPEA Coronavirus (Covid-19) guidance. 2 February 2022
Draft advice on net economic benefit and planning
Duty of care - a code of practice
Eighth annual report on the operation of section 72 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
Electricity generating stations and overhead lines: permitted development for electricity undertakings
Electronic planning service delivery (updated 2008)
Eleventh annual report on the operation of section 72 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
Empowering planning to deliver great places - an independent review of the Scottish planning system
Energy conservation and planning
Energy efficiency and condition standards in private rented housing: analysis of responses to the public consultation exercise
Energy performance certificates (EPC): frequently asked questions
Energy performance certificates for holiday let accommodation
Energy performance certificates for new construction - dwellings and non-domestic buildings
Energy standards of replacement window installation - final report
Energy targets and Scottish planning policy
Engaging and empowering communities and stakeholders in rural land use and land management in Scotland
Environment Act 1995: section 96. Guidance on the statutory provisions and procedures
Environment Act 1995: section 96. Guidance on the statutory provisions and procedures: suggested forms of notices and certificates, and an illustrative guide to conditions
Environment and heritage in rural development
Environment statistics from the Scottish Household Survey 2023
Environment strategy for Scotland: progress report on environment strategy
Environment strategy for Scotland: progress report to the Parliament
Environment strategy for Scotland: second progress report to the Parliament
Environment strategy for Scotland: vision and outcomes
Environmental assessment of development plans
Environmental impact assessment (revised May 2017)
Environmental Impact Assessment Directive: questions and answers
Environmental Protection - the Cross-Border River Basin Districts (Scotland) Directions 2015
Environmental Protection Act 1990: Part IIA Contaminated Land: the Radioactive Contaminated Land (Scotland) Regulations 2007 - statutory guidance
Environmentally sensitive areas
Equality impact assessment - results. Proposed Amendment to the Building (Scotland) regulations 2004 - A review of standards and guidance in the Technical Handbooks on Section 6: Energy
Escape (issued 06.2019)
Escape (issued 09.2019)
Escape to a place of safety (issued 13.08.2008)
EU exit: guidance for Scotland's national marine plan
European single procurement document (Scotland)
Evaluation of adapting for change
Evaluation of community-led design initiatives: impacts and outcomes of the Charrettes and Making Places funds
Evaluation of homelessness prevention activities in Scotland
Evaluation of renewable and zero emissions heating systems in affordable housing projects. Final report
Evaluation of revised planning controls over telecommunications development
Evaluation of sustainability features in new build social housing in Scotland
Evaluation of sustainability features in new build social housing in Scotland