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Scottish Government documents within the Construction Information Service
Building standards Technical Handbooks 2022 - summary of changes for 1 June 2022
Building standards Technical Handbooks 2022 - summary of changes for 1 June 2022 and 1 December 2022
Building standards verification performance report 2013-14 (including implementation period 2012-13)
Building warrant fees: Consultation. Analysis of consultation responses
Building warrant fees: Consultation. Outcome report
Burial and cremation review group - report and recommendations
Business development and the planning system
Carbon assessment of the infrastructure investment plan 2021-22 to 2025-26
Carbon dioxide emissions (issued 06.2019)
Carbon dioxide monitors meeting guidance to standard 3.14
Carrying out and recording a fire safety risk assessment
Certification handbook for schemes approved under Section 7(2) and direct appointments under Section 7(1) of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. Edition 3, May 2012
Changes to guidance for April 2021 - Building (Scotland) Act 2003: Sections 4(2) and 4(4) Notice relating to guidance documents
Changes to legislation and guidance for July 2017 - Building (Scotland) Act 2003 - Sections 4(2) and 4(4) Notice relating to guidance documents
Changes to legislation and guidance for March 2021 - Building (Scotland) Act 2003 - Sections 4(2) and 4(4) Notice relating to guidance documents
Changes to legislation and guidance for October 2011 - Building (Scotland) Act 2003 - Sections 4(2) and 4(4) Notice relating to guidance documents
Changes to legislation and guidance for October 2015: Building (Scotland) Act 2003: sections 4(2) and 4(4) notice relating to guidance documents
Changes to legislation and guidance for October 2019. Building (Scotland) Act 2003: Sections 4(2) and 4(4) Notice relating to guidance documents
Changes to legislation for January 2015 - Building (Scotland) act 2003 - Amendments introduced by the Buildings (Recovery of Expenses) (Scotland) Act 2014
Changes to legislation for October 2014: Amendments to Building (Scotland) regulations 2004 - as introduced by the Explosives Regulations 2014
Changes to the process of producing Energy performance certificates (EPCs) for new buildings - from 30 June 2013
Changing land use in rural Scotland - drivers and decision-making
Changing places toilets - building standards consultation
Changing places toilets: planning guide
Chief planner letter: stakeholder update - March 2021
Chief planner letter: stakeholder update - November 2021
Chief planner letter: stakeholder update - November 2023
Chief planner letter: stakeholder update - October 2022
Chief planning officers. Guidance
Class 67 permitted development rights for electronic communications code operators
Cleaner air for Scotland 2. Delivery plan
Cleaner air for Scotland 2. Towards a better place for everyone
Cleaner air for Scotland 2. Towards a better place for everyone. 2022/23 progress report
Cleaner air for Scotland 2. Towards a better place for everyone. 2023/24 progress report
Cleaner air for Scotland strategy - an independent review
Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. Report on Scottish Government approach to implementing Section 63 energy performance of non-domestic buildings
Climate change adaptation: review of specific building standards
Climate change delivery plan - meeting Scotland's statutory climate change targets
Climate change plan - the third report on proposals and policies 2018-2032
Climate change plan - the third report on proposals and policies 2018-2032: technical annex
Climate change plan. Monitoring report
Climate change plan. Monitoring report
Climate change plan. Monitoring reports
Climate change plan. Monitoring reports
Climate change plan. Monitoring reports
Climate ready Scotland: Scottish climate change adaptation programme
Climate ready Scotland: Scottish climate change adaptation programme 2014. Fifth annual progress report
Climate ready Scotland: Scottish climate change adaptation programme. Annual progress report 2015
Climate ready Scotland: Scottish climate change adaptation programme. Fourth annual progress report 2018
Climate ready Scotland: Scottish climate change adaptation programme. Second annual progress report 2016
Climate ready Scotland: Scottish climate change adaptation programme. Third annual progress report 2017
Climate ready Scotland: Second Scottish climate change adaptation programme 2019-2024
Code of guidance on homelessness - guidance on legislation, policies and practices to prevent and resolve homelessness (interim update) November 2019
Code of practice - procedures for handling environmental appeals through hearings or local inquiries
Code of practice for local plan inquiries
Code of practice on litter and refuse (Scotland) 2018 - statutory guidance on keeping land free of litter and refuse, and roads clean
Community Councils and planning: review of the town and country planning system in Scotland
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. Part 2 - community planning guidance
Community engagement
Community-led regeneration - a review of literature
Community-led regeneration - a review of literature
Comparison between the HMG construction playbook and Scottish Government client guide to construction projects
Compartmentation (issued 20.09.2018)
Compartmentation (issued 24.01.2013)
Compartmentation and to provide the occupants with opportunity to escape (issued 16.10.2012)
Competency criteria for local authority verifiers when checking fire engineered solutions for compliance with building standards
Compliance handbook. Early adopters scheme
Compulsory acquisition of land: land compensation rate of interest
Compulsory purchase and compensation - a guide for owners, tenants and occupiers in Scotland
Compulsory purchase in Scotland - guidance for acquiring authorities. Can I use compulsory purchase?
Compulsory purchase in Scotland - guidance for acquiring authorities. Confirmed orders - next steps
Compulsory purchase in Scotland - guidance for acquiring authorities. How do I prepare and submit a compulsory purchase order?
Compulsory purchase in Scotland - guidance for acquiring authorities. How do Scottish Ministers consider a compulsory purchase order?
Compulsory purchase in Scotland - guidance for acquiring authorities. What should I do before developing a compulsory purchase order?
Compulsory purchase in Scotland. A guide for property owners and occupiers
Compulsory purchase orders
Confirming a compulsory purchase order. Procedural guidance for Scottish Government and its Agencies
Conflict avoidance - early intervention to avoid disputes
Conservation area management
Consideration of climatic factors within strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
Consideration of high-efficiency alternative systems in new buildings
Construction capability assessment - request for participation in pilot process
Construction manual - project initiation and business case handbook
Construction manual - project initiation and business case handbook
Construction manual - project initiation and business case handbook - chapter 15: design
Construction phase handbook
Construction phase handbook Chapter 3: quality - client guide to construction contracts
Construction Policy Notes - an introduction
Construction procurement handbook
Construction procurement handbook
Construction Products Regulations 2013 - the Building (Scotland) Regulations - Regulation 8 (materials and workmanship)
Consultation on and notification of planning applications for outdoor sports facilities and open space
Consultation on fire and smoke alarms in Scottish homes: analysis of responses
Consultation on heat and energy efficiency strategies, and regulation of district heating: analysis of responses: November 2017
Consultation on practical fire safety guidance for existing specialised housing and similar premises. Analysis of responses. Final report
Consultation report better regulation - review 2014-15 - review of the Building (Scotland) regulations 2004: proposed changes to guidance within the Domestic and Non-domestic building standards technical handbooks
Contact and complaint handling by the planning service
Contaminated land performance indicators - guidance document