Office of the Deputy Prime Minister documents within the Construction Information Service
- Housing and planning in the regions - consultation
- Housing health and safety rating system - enforcement guidance. Housing act 2004 - part 1: housing conditions
- Housing health and safety rating system - operating guidance. Housing Act 2004 - guidance about inspections and assessment of hazards given under Section 9
- Housing in England 2001/2
- Housing in England 2002/3
- Housing in England 2003/4 - part 1: trends in tenure and cross tenure topics
- Housing in England 2003/4 - part 2: owner occupiers and second homes
- Housing in England 2003/4 - part 3: social renters and private renters
- Housing in England 2003/4 - part 4: households in deprived areas and other topics
- Housing market report: May 2004
- How to create quality parks and open spaces
- 'How to' guides on cleaner, safer, greener communities
- How to improve residential areas
- How to manage town centres
- Implementation of Structural Eurocodes in the UK
- Improving the delivery of affordable housing in London and the south east
- Improving the delivery of affordable housing in London and the South East
- Improving the delivery of affordable housing in London and the South East
- Infrastructure
- Innovative products and Building Regulations
- Investigating the increasing volume of planning appeals in England
- Joint working in sport and neighbourhood renewal
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - Headroom of a stair, as part of building work to form a habitable room in the roof space
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - Headroom of a stair, as part of completed building work to form a habitable room in the roof space
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - headroom over a stair, forming part of completed building work
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - in respect of a stair, forming part of a completed building work at a visitors centre
- K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) and M2 (access and use) - change of use of a disused cow byre for use as office accommodation with associated facilities
- L1 (conservation of fuel and power - dwellings) - in respect of a proposed open plan conservatory
- L1 (conservation of fuel and power - dwellings) - proposed glazing within the new windows and doors, forming part of building work comprising two extensions
- L1 (conservation of fuel and power - dwellings) - proposed glazing within the windows, forming part of building work at a farmhouse
- Land use change in England to 2003: additional tables (LUCS 19A)
- Land use change in England to 2004: additional tables (LUCS 20A)
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2003 (LUCS 19)
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2004 (LUCS 20)
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2004. January update
- Land use change in England: residential development to 2004. Update - July 2005
- Living places - caring for quality
- Living places - cleaner, safer, greener
- Local area agreements
- Local authorities' homelessness strategies - evaluation and good practice
- Local authority gypsy/traveller sites in England
- Local development framework monitoring: a good practice guide (partially superseded)
- Local government act 1999: Part 1 Best value and performance improvement. Addendum to Circular 02/2004. Guidance on best value performance plans
- Local government act 1999: Part 1 Best value and performance improvement. Addendum to Circular 03/2003. Guidance on best value performance plans (see addendum Circular 05/2006)
- Local government act 2003. Chapter 26. Explanatory notes
- Local neighbourhood renewal strategies: document analysis and review
- Local sites - guidance on their identification, selection and management
- Local strategic partnerships: shaping their future - a consultation paper
- Location of flues to prevent ingress of gas and oil firing flue gases under all weather conditions
- London Thames gateway UDC boundaries
- London Thames gateway urban development corporation (UDC): full regulatory impact assessment
- Low or zero carbon energy sources - report 4: final report
- Low or zero carbon energy sources - Strategic guide (1st edition - March 2006)
- LSP evaluation and action research programme - case-studies interim report: a baseline of practice
- M1 (access and use) - access to the first floor of a two storey extension to a church
- M1 (access and use) - access to the first floor of a two storey extension, forming the education resource suite and consultants' offices at the adult psychiatric unit, city hospital
- M2 (access and use) - Provision of vertical lift access between the ground and first floors, forming part of building work at Unit 3
- M3 (sanitary conveniences) - Provision of sanitary accommodation, forming part of building work at Unit 6
- M4 (sanitary conveniences in dwellings) - provision of sanitary accommodation in the entrance storey of a new dwelling
- Making it happen in neighbourhoods: the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal - four years on
- Making it happen: decent homes
- Making it happen: the Northern way
- Making it happen: urban renaissance and prosperity in our core cities - a tale of eight cities
- Making the system work better - planning at regional and local levels
- Mapping approaches to integrating performance indicators across local strategic partnerships - gathering examples of perceived good practice. Final report October 2003
- Meeting local needs, responding to national challenges
- Mixed communities initiative
- Mixed use development, practice and potential
- National evaluation of local strategic partnerships - issues paper: local strategic partnerships, multi-level governance and economic development
- National land use database: land use and land cover classification
- National strategy for neighbourhood renewal
- Neighbourhood management - at the turning point?
- New horizons research programme. Rethinking the planning regulation of land and property markets - final report
- NHS LIFT and local government: understanding the options, considering the opportunities
- Our cities are back - competitive cities make prosperous regions and sustainable communities
- Our towns and cities: the future - full report
- Outstanding planning permission for housing development in northern England
- Participatory planning for sustainable communities
- People, places and prosperity: case studies
- Piloting the home condition report
- Planning
- Planning aid: a review of its role and prospects for development
- Planning and access for disabled people - a good practice guide (Withdrawn)
- Planning and diversity: research into policies and procedures
- Planning control of mezzanine and other internal floorspace additions
- Planning delivery grant determination 2005
- Planning for economic development
- Planning for leisure and tourism
- Planning for the supply of natural building and roofing stone in England and Wales - a summary report
- Planning for waste management facilities - a research study
- Planning policy statement 11: regional spatial strategies
- Planning regulations 2003: (Accompanies SI 2003/2048) - Amendment to the planning (listed buildings and conservation areas) regulations 1990
- Planning response to climate change - advice on better practice
- Practical guide to the strategic environmental assessment directive
- Preparing for floods: interim guidance for improving the flood resistance of domestic and small business properties (2003 reprint with amendments)
- Producing boundaries and statistics for town centres - England and Wales 2000: interim report
- Production of smoke and burning droplets from products used to form wall and ceiling linings
- Proposals for allocation of planning delivery grant 2005/6
- Proposals for amending Part L of the Building Regulations and implementing the energy performance of buildings directive (consultation document)
- Putting more power into the hands of the community