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Office of the Deputy Prime Minister documents within the Construction Information Service
Reforming planning obligations: the use of standard charges
Refusal by the Borough Council to relax requirement E1 (airborne sound - walls) in respect of the wall separating flat 1A from the common hall and stair on the ground floor, forming part of the building work comprising the alteration of a building to form two additional self contained flats
Refusal by the Borough Council to relax requirement K1 (stairs ladders and ramps) in respect of the design of a stair between the first and second floors, forming part of building work to erect a four storey dwelling and detached garage
Refusal by the District Council to relax requirement M2 (access and use) in respect of the height of the light switches forming part of building work
Regional spatial strategy monitoring: a good practice guide
Regulation 7 (materials and workmanship) and H3 (rainwater drainage) - box gutter on the flank wall adjoining the boundary, forming part of a two storey side extension
Regulatory impact assessment Part L and Approved document F, 2006: Amendment to the Building and approved inspectors (amendment) regulations 2006: New edition of Approved document F
Regulatory impact assessment: Fire safety and resistance to the passage of sound
Regulatory impact assessment: housing act 2004 - part 1: housing conditions
Relationship between transport and development in the Thames Gateway
Relationships between community strategies and local development frameworks - final report
Research on land use change statistics - measuring densities of new dwellings and proportions on brownfield land
Review of approved document F - ventilation (consultation document)
Review of guidance on hedge height and light loss
Review of permitted development rights
Review of the code of best practice on mobile phone network development - final report (for use in Wales)
Review of the planning enforcement system in England - Consultation paper
Review of the Planning Inspectorate
Review of the publicity requirements for planning applications
Satellite dishes and other antennas: changes to planning regulations
Satellite dishes and other antennas: changes to planning regulations
Small firms impact test - new proposals for Part L of the Building regulations
Spatial plans in practice - supporting local planning reforms
Spatial plans in practice - supporting the reform of local plan making
Spatial plans in practice - supporting the reform of local planning: inception report
Standard application forms: final report
Starting out with local development schemes - spatial plans in practice: supporting the reform of local planning
State of the cities: a progress report to the delivering sustainable communities summit
Statements of community involvement and planning applications
Strategic environmental assessment directive: guidance for planning authorities
Strategic gap and green wedge policies in structure plans: main report
Strategic planning for sustainable waste management - guidance on option development and appraisal
Strengthening the role of local leadership
Supplement to 'managing unauthorised camping: a good practice guide'
Survey of arisings and use of construction and demolition waste in England and Wales in 2001
Survey of arisings and use of construction, demolition and excavation waste as aggregate in England in 2003
Survey of arisings and use of secondary materials as aggregates: 2001
Survey of English local authorities about homelessness
Sustainability appraisal of regional spatial strategies and local development documents
Sustainable communities in the south east: building for the future
Sustainable communities: delivering through planning
Sustainable communities: delivering through planning - progress report
Sustainable communities: delivering through planning - second progress report
Sustainable communities: Homes for all: A five year plan from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (corrected edition April 2005)
Sustainable communities: People, places and prosperity: A five year plan from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Sustainable communities: settled homes, changing lives - a strategy for tackling homelessness
Sustainable communities: settled homes, changing lives - a strategy for tackling homelessness. Summary
Sustainable communities: settled homes, changing lives - one year on
Tackling homelessness amongst ethnic minority households - a development guide
Tackling social exclusion: taking stock and looking to the future - emerging findings
Teaming up - how joint working between sport and neighbourhood renewal practitioners can help improve deprived areas
Technical report: development of commercial and industrial property vacancy statistics
Technical report: using town centre statistics to indicate the broad location of retail development - initial analysis
Thaumasite expert group report one-year review
Thaumasite expert group report: review after three years experience
Towards the national spatial address infrastructure
Town and country planning (green belt) direction 2005 - final regulatory impact assessment
Town and country planning act 1990 section 215 - best practice guidance
Transferable lessons from the enterprise zones
Trees and problem hedges: an overview
Unification of consent regimes
Updating coalfield areas
Urban regeneration companies policy stocktake: final report - May 2004
Urban regeneration companies: guidance and qualification criteria - May 2004
Value for money of delivering affordable housing through section 106
Ventilation and indoor air quality in schools - guidance report 202825