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Concrete Bridge Development Group documents within the Construction Information Service
Aesthetics of concrete bridges
Best construction methods for concrete bridge decks - cost data
Bridge deck waterproofing
Bridge durability
Bridge joints
Bridge replacement guide
Case study of cathodic protection using sacrificial anodes on Queen's Park and Albert Royds Street bridges
Concrete bridge - Construction methods - Arches and frames
Concrete bridge - Construction methods - Precast
Concrete bridge detailing
Concrete bridge form-work and falsework
Concrete bridge layouts
Concrete bridge types
Construction methods - in-situ
Controlled permeability formwork
Corrosion inhibitors
Development of prestressed concrete bridges
Effect of shear enhancement on the resistance of an infill deck
Enhancing the capacity of concrete bridges
Fast construction - segmental and launched bridges
Fast construction of concrete bridges
Flush bond tests - concise report
Guidance on joining concrete bridges
Guidance on the assessment of concrete bridges
Guide to compressive membrane action in concrete bridge decks
Guide to testing and monitoring the durability of concrete structures
Guide to the use of lightweight aggregate concrete in bridges
High performance concretes and new materials
High strength concrete in bridge construction
Implementation of European concrete and aggregate standards and their influence on the use of recycled aggregates in concrete for bridges
Incrementally launched concrete bridges
Integral bridges
Integral concrete bridges to Eurocode 2: Commentary and a worked example of a two span bridge
Introduction to concrete bridges
Introduction to concrete bridges
Jacked box underbridges using the Ropkins system
Long term monitoring of moisture in concrete structures
Long term monitoring of stresses behind three integral bridge abutments
Management of concrete bridges
Modular precast concrete bridges
Overview of the thaumasite form of sulfate attack and its significance for highway structures
Permanent formwork for composite bridge decks
Precast concrete arch structures
Precast concrete substructure for bridge construction
Precast reinforced concrete arch and portal units
Precast segmental concrete bridges
Prestressed concrete bridge beams
Prestressing for concrete bridges
Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction. Guide for design and construction
Specialist concrete bridges
Strengthening concrete bridges with fibre composites
Temporary works for concrete bridges
Testing of high strength concrete beams with limestone aggregates
Towards the design of soil loading for integral bridges
Use of fibre composites in concrete bridges - state of the art review