Office of the Deputy Prime Minister documents within the Construction Information Service
- Achieving environmental equity through neighbourhood renewal: policy and practice guide
- Achieving positive outcomes on homelessness - a homelessness directorate advice note to local authorities
- Affordability targets: implications for housing supply (includes technical annex)
- Appeal against refusal by the borough council to relax or dispense with requirement B1 (means of warning and escape) of the building regulations 2000 (as amended) in respect of the proposed installation of a sprinkler system to a loft conversion
- Appeal against refusal by the borough council to relax requirement M2 (access and use) of the building regulations 2000 (as amended) in respect of the provision of a vertical passenger lift in a new four storey building at an academy
- Appeal under sub section 65(6) against a decision by the Borough Council to reject plans for building work to provide a stand alone smoke ventilation system in a warehouse building
- Appeal under sub section 65(6) against a decision by the Borough Council to reject plans relating to the erection of a factory building containing a raw materials store
- Approved Document J: 2002 edition: Guidance and supplementary information on the UK implementation of European standards for chimneys and flues. 2nd edition
- Assessing the impacts of spatial interventions - regeneration, renewal and regional development: main guidance
- Asthma/dust mite study - final report: sensitivity of humidity and mould growth to occupier behaviour in dwellings designed to the new air tightness requirements
- B1 (means of escape) - proposed south aisle extension and associated alterations at a church
- B1 (means of warning and escape) - Building work at Flat 5
- B1 (means of warning and escape) - building work to install a platform stair lift on the second floor of a polytechnic
- B1 (means of warning and escape) - Completed terrace of five four-storey town houses
- B1 (means of warning and escape) - height of a new window, forming part of completed building work
- B1 (means of warning and escape) - in respect of a loft conversion above a flat to form a maisonette
- B1 (means of warning and escape) - need to reinstate a glazed door and screens to the main stair enclosure at first floor level, as part of building work comprising an additional first floor office at a school
- Best value in housing - what makes local authorities improve and sustain their performance
- Best value performance indicators: 2005/06
- Better streets, better places: delivering sustainable residential environments
- Bristol accord - conclusions of ministerial informal on sustainable communities in Europe
- Building (amendment) (No.2) regulations 2004. Regulatory impact assessment. Part P - Electrical safety
- Building (approved inspectors etc) regulations 1985 and 2000. Withdrawal by the Secretary of State of approval as inspectors of 12 companies
- Building act 1984 and the building regulations: Building (amendment) (No.2) regulations 2004
- Building act 1984 and the building regulations: Building (amendment) (No.3) regulations 2004
- Building act 1984. The building regulations and the Building (approved inspectors etc.) regulations 2000
- Building act 1984: Amendments to approved document L1, conservation of fuel and power in dwellings
- Building and approved inspectors (amendment) regulations 2006 (SI 2006/652). Building regulations 2000 (SI 2000/2531). Building (approved inspectors etc) regulations 2000 (SI 2000/2532) (30 March 2006) (see also DCLG Circular 06/2007 and DCLG Divisional Letter 7 December 2007)
- Building operational performance framework scoping study on impact sound transmission - final report
- Building operational performance framework: development of acoustic performance standards for robust details - final report
- Building regulations explanatory booklet (2005 amended reprint)
- Causes of homelessness amongst ethnic minority populations - research
- Choosing and using land evaluation techniques
- Cities, regions and competitiveness
- Clean, safe and green - approaches that work
- Collection of data on new build dwellings
- Community involvement in planning: the Government's objectives
- Compulsory purchase powers, procedures and compensation: the way forward
- Creating sustainable communities - delivering on large sites
- Creating sustainable communities - delivering the Thames gateway
- Creating sustainable communities in London
- Creating sustainable communities in the East Midlands
- Creating sustainable communities in the East of England
- Creating sustainable communities in the North East
- Creating sustainable communities in the North West
- Creating sustainable communities in the South East
- Creating sustainable communities in the South West
- Creating sustainable communities in the West Midlands
- Creating sustainable communities in Yorkshire and The Humber
- Creating sustainable communities: greening the gateway. Implementation plan
- Decent homes - options and options appraisal
- Decent homes - the national picture
- Decent homes - the regional picture
- Design coding in practice: an evaluation (summary)
- Determination of compliance with requirement H4 (building over sewers) of the building regulations 2000 (as amended) in respect of building work to erect a two storey extension to a two storey house
- Developing accessible play space: a good practice guide
- Development of a town and city indicators database
- Development on unstable land: landslides and planning (Withdrawn)
- Egan review of skills
- Egan review: skills for sustainable communities
- Empty property: unlocking the potential - a case for action
- Empty property: Unlocking the potential - an implementation handbook
- End to end review of the Housing Corporation
- Enhancing the whole life structural performance of multi-storey car parks
- Environmental sustainability
- Evaluating the impacts of design awards for housing
- Evaluation of the starter home initiative: final report
- Evidence based review of skills for sustainable communities
- Evidence to support the consultation on the future of local strategic partnerships and community strategies
- F2 (ventilation - condensation in roofs) in respect of the insulation within the roof, forming part of building work to erect a single storey extension to a house
- Fees for monitoring of mining and landfill sites in England - a guide to implementation and good practice
- Final report for signage and wayfinding for people with learning difficulties
- Final report to ODPM building regulations division under the building operational performance framework - impact of replacement windows on IAQ of occupied dwellings project
- Fire safety in adult placements: a code of practice
- Fire services act 2003. Chapter 36. Explanatory notes
- Fire suppression in buildings using water mist, fog or similar systems - final report
- Framework for city-regions
- Full national land use database: county demonstrator
- Full regulatory impact assessment - Town and country planning (major infrastructure project inquiries procedure) (England) rules 2001
- Full regulatory impact assessment (RIA) - changes to the use classes order for casinos
- Generalised land use classification statistics
- Good practice guidance on the environmental appraisal of the provision of aggregates
- Good practice in managing the evening and late night economy: a literature review from an environmental perspective
- Government circular: biodiversity and geological conservation - statutory obligations and their impact within the planning system
- Government response to Kate Barker's review of housing supply: the supporting analysis
- Government response to law commission report: towards a compulsory purchase code
- Government response to the Egan review: skills for sustainable communities
- Guidance appropriate for inclusion in Approved Document N
- Guidance on best value and performance improvement for the Greater London Authority, Transport for London and the London Development Agency
- Guidance on managing unauthorised camping
- Guidance on the business improvement districts (England) regulations 2004
- Guide to reducing the number of false alarms from fire-detection and fire-alarm systems
- Guide to the condensing boiler installation assessment procedure for dwellings (Archived)
- Hedge height and light loss
- High hedges complaints: prevention and cure
- High hedges, daylight and sunlight: final report
- Home information packs and home condition reports
- Housing act 2004. Chapter 34. Explanatory notes
- Housing and black and minority ethnic communities - review of the evidence base
- Housing and neighbourhood renewal