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Welsh Assembly Government documents within the Construction Information Service
Amendments to design requirements for portal and cantilever sign/signal gantries
Assessment and upgrading of existing vehicle parapets
Assessment of concrete highway bridges and structures BD 44/95
Assessment reporting
Changes to the development management system in Wales - position at July 2010
Climate change strategy for Wales
Climate change strategy for Wales - adaptation delivery plan
Climate change strategy for Wales - delivery plan for emission reduction
Coal Authority - risk based approach to development management in the coalfields
Code for sustainable homes - supplementary technical guidance (Wales, 2010)
Code of practice. New Roads and Street Works Act 1991. Code of practice for the co-ordination of street works and works for road purposes and related matters. 2nd edition
Community infrastructure levy (CIL) - preparation of a charging schedule
Community infrastructure levy regulations 2010 - implications from 6th April 2010
Concrete half-joint deck structures
Conservation principles for the sustainable management of the historic environment in Wales
Crown application of the planning acts (includes memorandum)
Delivering affordable housing using section 106 agreements - a guidance update
Delivering affordable housing using section 106 agreements - practice guidance
Design and access statements
Design guidance for road pavement foundations (draft HD 25) (Revision 1 (2009))
Design of concrete highway bridges and structures. Use of BS 5400: Part 4: 1990 BD 24/92 - Amendments
Design of passively safe portal signal gantries
Development and flood risk
Driver information signs at road works
Environment strategy action plan 2008-2011 (second action plan)
Environment strategy for Wales
Environmental impact assessment: Reporting of determination and publication of notices (Wales only)
European cement standards
Evaluation of the processes used to develop national planning policy in Wales - final report
Fees for monitoring mining and landfill sites. A guide to implementation and good practice
Flood risk management - community engagement toolkit
Guidance on implementing results of research on bridge deck waterproofing
Guidance on regulations applying environmental impact assessment to stalled reviews of conditions attached to old mineral planning permissions in Wales
Housing need and demand in Wales 2006 to 2026
Implementation of Construction (design and management) 2007 and the withdrawal of SD 10/05 and SD 11/05
Implementation of new reinforcement standards (BS 4449:2005, BS 4482:2005, BS 4483:2005 and BS 8666:2005)
Improving lives and communities - homes in Wales
Improving your home - a climate change guide
Interim advice on the identification of 'particularly at risk' supports
List of statutory and non-statutory consultees in the planning application process - information report
Local development plans - sustainability appraisal procedure for alternative site representations
Local development plans - sustainability appraisal procedure incorporating strategic environmental assessment for site allocation representations
Maintenance of traffic signs with dew resistant coatings
Measures to minimise the risk of sulphate attack (including thaumasite) - New construction and structures under construction
National minimum standards for accommodation of students under 18 by further education colleges
National minimum standards for boarding schools
National minimum standards for care homes for younger adults
National minimum standards for children's homes
National minimum standards for residential family centres
National minimum standards for residential special schools
Natural slate
Nature conservation and planning
One Wales: one planet. The sustainable development scheme of the Welsh Assembly Government
Patching lime render
People, places, futures - the Wales spatial plan: 2008 update
Planning and affordable housing
Planning for gypsy and traveller caravan sites
Planning for sustainable rural communities
Planning permission: a guide for business
Policy statement - Welsh Assembly Government announces target for first changes to Welsh Building Regulations
Post tensioned grouted duct concrete bridges
Post-tensioned concrete bridges BA 50/93
Practice guidance - planning implications of renewable and low carbon energy. February 2011
Principle and general inspection of sign/signal gantries, and gantries with low handrails or open mesh flooring
Replacing sash cords
Repointing in lime
Research: planning implications of renewable and low carbon energy
Research: strategic search area (SSA) reassessment and validation
Revised guidance regarding the use of BS 8500(2006) for the design and construction of structures using concrete
Setting local speed limits in Wales
Sport, recreation and open space
Stone tiles
Strategic policy position statement on water 2011
Study to examine local barriers to the delivery of affordable housing in rural Wales
Study to examine the planning application process in Wales
Supplementary guidance for users of DMRB Volume 11 'Environmental assessment' (Wales only)
Towards zero waste - one Wales: one planet. The overarching waste strategy document for Wales
Use and value of planning obligations in Wales
Use of warning signs for new asphalt road surfaces
Welsh Assembly Government response to the recommendations made in: 'study to examine the planning application process in Wales'
Welsh Government policy statement - preparing for a changing climate: implementation of adaptation provisions in the Climate Change Act 2008
Window glass