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Royal Town Planning Institute documents within the Construction Information Service
Better planning for housing affordability
Better planning: smart city-regions
Biodiversity in planning - obligations and opportunities to promote biodiversity through the UK planning systems
Biodiversity in planning in post-Brexit Northern Ireland
Building in the green belt? A report into commuting patterns in the Metropolitan green belt
Children and town planning. Creating places to grow
Cracking the code. How design codes can contribute to net-zero and nature's recovery
Creating economically successful places - why planning is needed in a fast-changing world
Deliverability and affordability of housing in the South West of England
Delivering better development - the role of the urban and rural planner
Delivering growth? Planning and growth management in the south east of England
Delivering large scale housing. Learning from research in the South West of England
Delivering large scale housing: unlocking schemes and sites to help meet the UK's housing needs
Delivering the value of planning
Dementia and town planning - creating better environments for people living with dementia
Developing a planning research agenda for Ireland
Digital economy and town planning - planning's role in the growth of the new economy
Economic resilience in small and medium sized towns
Enabling healthy placemaking - overcoming barriers and learning from best practices
Environmental planning after Brexit. Working with the legacy of EU environmental directives
Evidence from ESPON to support smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Financial implications of implementing the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019
Five reasons for climate justice in spatial planning
Fostering growth: understanding and strengthening the economic benefits of planning
Future-proofing society - why planners need to be at the forefront of responses to climate change and demographic change
Gorbals regeneration - delivering economic value through planning
Guidance note for planning enforcement professionals on the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (2023)
Housing for older people. Planning for the future
Improving fire safety in development management in England
Issue: green belts in England
Local enterprise partnerships in the South West: planning and delivery potential
Location of development - analysis and accessibility of approved residential development in England
Location of development - mapping planning permissions for housing in three South West city-regions
Location of development - mapping planning permissions for housing in twelve English city-regions
Location of development - mapping planning permissions for housing in two North West city-regions
Location of development - mapping planning permissions for housing in two South East city-regions
Making better decisions for places - why where we make decisions will be critical in the twenty-first century
Mental health and town planning - building in resilience
Monteshire district design code. Design code for net zero and nature recovery
Net zero transport. Methodological appendix
Net-zero transport. The role of spatial planning and place-based solutions
Overcoming barriers to net zero transport. A discussion paper on how to enable a place-based approach
Partnerships for sub-regional growth
Past in the future: the role of planning cultures and legacies in delivering growth in the South East of England
Peak oil - the implications for planning policy
Place-based approaches to climate change. Opportunities for collaboration in local authorities
Plan the world we need - the contribution of planning to a sustainable, resilient and inclusive recovery
Planning and design quality. Creating places where we want to live, work and spend time
Planning and tech - planning for the growth of the technology and advanced manufacturing sectors
Planning as 'market maker': how planning is used to stimulate development in Germany, France and the Netherlands
Planning enforcement handbook for England. 2nd edition
Planning enforcement resourcing. The scale and nature of resourcing challenges faced by enforcement teams
Planning for a better future. RTPI proposals for planning reform in England
Planning for a smart energy future
Planning for construction safety. Reducing the impacts of construction traffic with the Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) Standard
Planning for critical infrastructure in London - speeding up development and creating better places
Planning for growth: the role of local enterprise partnerships in England. Final report
Planning for growth: the role of local enterprise partnerships in England. Interim report
Planning for housing in England: understanding recent changes in household formation rates and their implications for planning for housing in England
Planning for more people
Planning risk and development - how greater planning certainty would affect residential development
Planning through zoning
Poverty, place and inequality - why place-based approaches are key to tackling poverty and inequality
Pragmatic and prepared for the recovery - the planning profession's rapid response to Covid-19
Priorities for planning reform in England
Process for developing robust housing evidence for local development plans
Promoting healthy cities - why planning is critical to a healthy urban future
Prospects for cities: generating prosperity beyond capitals
Regional development in Northern Ireland: perspectives from the European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion (ESPON)
Renewable energy - planning's role in delivering renewable energy in the new low carbon economy
Resourcing public planning - five stories about local authority planning in England and recommendations for the next chapter
Rural planning in the 2020s
Settlement patterns, urban form and sustainability - an evidence review
Site level design code. Design code for net zero and nature recovery
Strategic environmental assessment - improving the effectiveness and efficiency of SEA/SA for land use plans
Strategic planning for climate resilience - recommendations to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
Strategic planning: effective cooperation for planning across boundaries
Success and innovation in planning - creating public value
Summary: responsibility for fire safety during the development application process in England
Transport infrastructure investment - capturing the wider benefits of investment in transport infrastructure
UK planning profession in 2019
Urban form and sustainability
Urban planning after Covid-19. Supporting a global sustainable recovery
Value of planning
Where should we build new homes?
Wider insights - the planning profession's rapid response to Covid-19
Wider insights part II - the planning profession's rapid response to Covid-19
Women and planning (part II). Creating gender-sensitive urban environments post-Covid-19: challenges and opportunities
Women and planning. An analysis of gender related barriers to professional advancement