Fire Industry Association documents within the Construction Information Service
- 2023 revision of BS 5306-8. Specifics regarding the provision of extinguishers for fires involving electrical equipment
- Additional requirements for watermist systems protecting high-rise buildings
- Annual checking of pressure gauge calibration for inert gas containers
- Application of hold time heights in enclosures protected by gaseous fire fighting systems
- Best practice guide to fire safety
- Block plans for foam installations
- Block plans for watermist installations
- BS 5839-1 L5 systems. Version 2
- BS 5839-8:2013. Changes to the code of practice for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of voice alarm systems. Version 2
- Care and maintenance of fire hoses
- Category of fire alarm system - a short guide
- CE marking under the Construction products directive and the Construction products regulation. Version 2
- Class F fires
- Code of practice for the commissioning and maintenance of fire blankets manufactured to BS EN 1869
- Code of practice for the provision of premises information boxes in residential buildings
- Code of practice for the selection, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire blankets manufactured to BS EN 1869
- Colour coding of portable fire extinguishers
- Construction products regulation
- Control of ozone depleting substances used in fire protection in the EU
- Eco design for energy related products
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) directive. Version 2
- Environmental guidance - class F fire extinguishers. Version 2
- Environmental guidance - fire fighting powder and powder fire extinguishers. Version 2
- Environmental guidance - foam fire extinguishers. Version 2
- Environmental guidance - legislative overview. Version 2
- Environmental guidance - powder fire extinguisher disposal
- Equality act 2010. Version 2
- EU regulation EC 1907/2006 Registration, evaluation, authorisation of chemicals (REACH)
- FIA Application guidance on BS 7273-4:2015
- FIA application guidelines for thermally-enhanced carbon monoxide (CO) fire detectors. Version 4
- FIA Guide to Regulation 7(2) to 7(4) of the Building Regulations
- FIA information paper on the 2008 edition of BS 5839-8 - Code of practice for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of voice alarm systems
- FIA position on BS 5306-9:2015 'verified alternatives'
- Fire alarm detector applications and documentation of the selection
- Fire detection and alarms - guide to the revision of EN 54-3 on fire alarm devices - sounders
- Fire detection and alarms - revision of BS 5446-3 Detection and alarm devices for dwellings. Part 3: Specification for fire alarm and carbon monoxide alarm systems for deaf and hard of hearing people
- Fire detection and alarms - Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm (England) regulations 2015
- Fire detection and alarms. FIA application guidelines for carbon monoxide (CO) only fire detectors. Version 3
- Fire extinguishers and electrical risks
- Fire, the environment and foams
- Fixed gaseous fire extinguishing systems. System actuation considerations
- Foam inductors: Guidelines on their selection, use and maintenance
- Gaseous extinguishing systems post discharge extract
- Government guidance on the fire alarm systems appropriate for compliance with legislation
- Guidance document - Attestation of fixed gaseous extinguishing systems - design, installation, commissioning and maintenance
- Guidance document - filling stations forecourts
- Guidance document - foam extinguisher restrictions briefing
- Guidance document - objective 5 guidance on PSTN phase out (all IP)
- Guidance document - watermist pipe test guide
- Guidance document covering the use of combined smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Version 2
- Guidance document for testing and maintaining self-contained emergency lighting and luminaires
- Guidance document on best practice for fire detector testing/test equipment
- Guidance document on eco-foams
- Guidance document on fire safety signs and notices
- Guidance for responsible persons on false alarm management of fire detection and alarm systems
- Guidance for specifiers of control and indicating equipment
- Guidance on Directive 2006/25/EC - artificial optical radiation. Version 2
- Guidance on EN 54-13
- Guidance on EN 54-29, 30 and 31 for multi-sensor fire detectors
- Guidance on regular testing of fire fighting foam concentrates and discharged foam solutions
- Guidance on room integrity testing and its interpretation
- Guidance on safe investigation of fire alarm signals in Scotland
- Guidance on the application of primary visual alarm devices (VAD) and supplementary visual indication devices (VID). Version 2
- Guidance on the end user's responsibilities to organise good planned preventative maintenance as required under the CFOA policy on false alarm management
- Guidance on the issue of cladding and external wall construction in fire risk assessments for multi-occupied residential premises
- Guidance on the pressure relief and post discharge venting of enclosures protected by gaseous fire fighting systems - FIA guidance for the fire protection industry. Issue 2
- Guidance policy on the remote access and control of fire detection and alarm systems
- Guide to (point) detector cleanliness
- Guide to beam smoke detectors
- Guide to tests and inspections. Version 2
- Guide to the use of surge arrestors in fire detection and fire alarm systems
- Interface between fire fighting systems and other systems in commercial kitchens
- Ionisation chamber smoke detectors and the Radioactive material (road transport) regulations 2002
- Mains powered fire alarm systems with no standby power supply
- Maintenance instructions for female instantaneous couplings
- Maintenance of fire detection and fire alarm systems for dwellings - domestic type smoke alarms
- PFAS in firefighting foams. Restrictions update October 2024. Version 1
- Pipe cleanliness and the requirements for dirt traps
- Pipework for gaseous fixed fire fighting systems
- Point type multisensor fire detection systems: Guidelines for deployment, field testing and design for test
- Portable fire extinguishers under the ADR
- prEN 54-2 and prEN 54-4
- Published document PD CEN/TS 54-32:2015 Fire detection and fire alarm systems
- Registration, evaluation, authorisation of chemicals (REACH)
- Report on tests conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of visual alarm devices (VAD) installed in different conditions. Version 2
- Restriction of hazardous substances
- Revision of EN 50130-4 and 5. Version 2
- Role of fire alarms in the internet of things
- Safe handling of pressurised container assemblies used in fire extinguishing systems
- Scope of works for the fire engineer
- Short guide to BS 5306-3:2017
- Smoke detection in high spaces using ASD
- Technical Bulletin: The use of maintenance free connections
- Technical Bulletin: User responsibilities: Fire detection and fire alarm systems
- Update on BS 7273-4:2015. BS 7273-4:2015 supersedes BS 7273-4:2007, which is now withdrawn
- Waste management - Waste electronic and electrical equipment
- Waste management general (inc. hazardous)
- Watermist fire protection of plant rooms
- Watermist systems
- Wirefree visual alarm devices (VAD) - Guidance for the application of EN 54-23:2010 to wirefree VAD