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Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions documents within the Construction Information Service
Evaluation of the Single Regeneration Budget challenge fund. A partnership for regeneration: an interim report
Examination of the operation and effectiveness of the structure planning process
F2 (condensation in roofs) - Insulation of a pitched roof space which has been converted into bedroom accommodation
Final evaluation of City Challenge
Fire risk in houses in multiple occupation: research report
Focus on roads
From workhorse to thoroughbred: a better role for bus travel
Future of regional planning guidance
Good practice guide for the development of local transport plans
Good practice guide on managing the use of common land
Good practice guide on sustainability appraisal of regional planning guidance
Government response to the UK Round Table on Sustainable Development report "Getting the best out of indicators"
Guidance on enhancing public participation in local government
Guidance on preparing regional sustainable development frameworks
Guidance on provisional local transport plans
Guidelines for environmental risk assessment and management
Gypsy sites policy and unauthorised camping: revision of advice on "toleration"
H3 (rainwater drainage) - Five bay aircraft hangar port
Hampshire Act 1983 - Section 13 (fire precautions in certain large buildings) - Fitting out of a new distribution warehouse building
Hampshire Act 1983: Section 13 - Extension to an existing single storey factory
Hampshire act 1983: Section 13 (Fire precautions in certain large buildings) - Provision of a smoke ventilation system as part of building work
Hampshire Act 1983: Section 13(5) - Rejection of plans relating to the erection of a single storey distribution warehouse
Highway construction: whisper concrete in Austria and the UK
Housing grants, construction and regeneration act 1996: part 1
Housing grants, construction and regeneration act 1996: Part 1
Housing grants, construction and regeneration act 1996: Part 1. Amendments to the renovation grant system
Housing grants, construction and regeneration act 1996: Part 1. Changes to the renovation grant system
Housing in the South East: the inter-relationship between supply, demand and land use policy
Impact of large food stores on market towns and district centres
Improving poor ground conditions: lime and cement stabilisation in weak clay soils
Increased efficiency in the use of primary aggregates through improvements in mineral extraction and processing operations
In-situ road recycling
K1 (stairs and ramps) - New stair to serve a new room in a roof space
K1 (stairs and ramps) - Replacement of a spiral stair by a ship's ladder in a two storey flat
K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - Intermediate handrails to the principal access stairs as part of building work at a national museum
K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - Open and unguarded stair giving access to a loft conversion
K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - Proposed balustrade guarding to an existing stair in a dwelling
K1 (stairs, ladders and ramps) - Spiral stair installed as part of a conversion of a barn to a dwelling
K2 (protection from falling) - Design of the balustrades to the balconies and external walkway as part of the conversion of a building to form eleven apartments
K2 (protection from falling) - Height of the balustrades to the first floor balconies to apartments
Life cycle assessment of polyvinyl chloride and alternatives: summary report
List of large information sources
Living in urban England
Local authority powers for managing unauthorised camping: research report
Lowland ponds survey 1996: final report
M2 (access and use) - Free standing mezzanine storage platform in an existing industrial unit
M2 (access and use) - Lift access for disabled people in a temporary modular building
M2 (access and use) - Provision of a ramp to provide access to a new office building
M2 (access and use) - Two storey office extension
M2 (access and use) and B1 (means of escape) - Construction of a modular office complex
M3 (sanitary conveniences) - Sanitary conveniences in a small single storey office facility
M3 (sanitary conveniences) - WC compartment in a newly constructed dental surgery
Mediation in the planning system
Millennium villages and sustainable communities
Mobile homes: a guide for residents and site owners
Modern ports: a UK policy
Nature of the demand for housing in rural areas
New deal for trunk roads in England
New directions in speed management - a review of policy
Noise act 1996
Obtaining planning consent for processing plant
Older people: their transport needs and requirements
Operation of the Crichel Down rules
Parking standards in the South East
Peatland issues - report of the working group on peat extraction and related matters
Planning and the historic environment - notification and directions by the Secretary of State
Planning for clusters
Planning for sustainable development: towards better practice
Potential sources of secondary aggregate in England and Wales
Preparing your organisation for transport in the future: the benefits of green transport plans
Prevention of dereliction through the planning system
Progress on adoption of area wide local plans and UDPs
Quality and choice: a decent home for all. The housing green paper
Quality and choice: a decent home for all. The way forward for housing
RDA's regional strategies: building partnerships for prosperity
Recycling of arisings from highway maintenance works: a case study
Recycling of construction and demolition waste: a list of potential sources of recycled aggregate
Recycling strategies for road works: a report by the OECD on international policy and practice
Relationship between planning and the EU structural funds
Report on the production of noise maps in the city of Birmingham
Rethinking construction - the report of the Construction Task Force (Egan Report)
Reuse and recycling of contaminated soils
Reuse and recycling of utility trench arisings
Reuse of crushed concrete as aggregate
Reuse of demolition arisings as aggregate materials on M20 improvement contract (J5 to J8)
Reuse of foundry sand as an aggregate
Review of the evidence base for regeneration policy and practice
Review of the hedgerow regulations 1997
Review of the overall approach to planning for the supply of aggregates
Revised guidance on securing the better use of empty homes
Right hedge for you
Road recycling: ex-situ road recycling
Role of the planning system in improving the efficient use of aggregates: development plans and development control
Role of the planning system in improving the efficient use of aggregates: policies and plans
School travel strategies and plans: a best practice guide for local authorities
School travel: strategies and plans
Secondary and recycled aggregates uses in road construction under existing specifications
Sites of special scientific interest: better protection and management
Social exclusion and the provision and availability of public transport
Soil-forming materials: their use in land reclamation