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Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions documents within the Construction Information Service
State of English cities
Strategic environmental assessment of plans and programmes
Structure plans: a guide to procedures
Subsidiarity and proportionality in spatial planning activities in the European Union
Supplement to the approved documents. Agrément certificates issued in accordance with aspects of performance agreed by the Secretary of State. Issue no 60
Surrey Act 1985: Section 19 (Fire precautions in large storage buildings) - impose a condition relating to the insulation (fire) of glazing panels in a compartment wall forming part of the extension and fitting out of a warehouse building
Sustainable development and buildings
Sustainable distribution: a strategy
Sustainable local communities for the 21st century: why and how to prepare an effective Local Agenda 21 strategy
Tapping the potential. Assessing urban housing capacity: towards better practice
Telecommunications prior approval procedures as applied to mast/tower development
Thaumasite form of sulphate attack: risks, diagnosis, remedial works and guidance on new construction
Town and country planning (playing fields) (England) direction 1998
Town centres: defining boundaries for statistical monitoring
Traffic calming bibliography
Traffic calming bibliography
Traffic calming bibliography
Traffic calming bibliography
Training in planning for councillors
Transport 2010: the 10 year plan
Transport 2010: the background analysis
Unpopular housing
Use and effectiveness of planning and development briefs
Use of coal mining waste as an aggregate
Use of density in urban planning
Use of incinerator bottom ash as an aggregate
Use of permitted development rights by statutory undertakers
Use of pulverised fuel ash (PFA) for construction purposes
Use of pulverised fuel ash as a bituminous filler
Value of urban design
Walking bibliography
Walking in Great Britain
Waterways for tomorrow
Women and public transport: the checklist