Concrete Society documents within the Construction Information Service
- Abrasion resistance of slabs containing lightweight aggregate
- Achieving good quality as struck in-situ concrete surface finishes
- Alkali-silica reaction: minimising the risk of damage to concrete. Guidance notes and model specification clauses. 3rd edition (includes amendment No. 1, 1999)
- Analysis of hardened concrete: a guide to tests, procedures and interpretation of results. 2nd edition
- Assessing as struck in-situ concrete surface finishes
- Assessment of in-situ concrete strength using data obtained from core and indirect testing - BS EN 13791:2019
- Assessment, design and repair of fire-damaged concrete structures (includes amendment No. 1 January 2009)
- Autogenous healing: the self-sealing of fine cracks
- Autogenous shrinkage
- Axial shortening of concrete columns in high-rise buildings
- Brushed and tamped surface finishes
- Calcium aluminate cements in construction - a re-assessment
- Carbonation
- Cathodic protection of steel in concrete - including model specification
- Cathodic protection of steel in concrete - including model specification - appendices
- Cementitious materials: the effect of ggbs, fly ash, silica fume and limestone fines on the properties of concrete
- Checklist for assembly, use and striking of formwork
- Checklist for erecting and dismantling falsework
- Cold joints
- Composite concrete slabs using steel decking: guidance on construction and associated design considerations
- Composting facilities - loss of exposed surfaces
- Concrete for industrial floors: Guidance on specification, mix design
- Concrete industrial ground floors - a guide to design and construction. 4th edition (reprinted June 2014, March 2016 with minor amends, and January 2018 with minor amends)
- Concrete industrial ground floors - user expectations
- Concrete petrography: an introductory guide for the non-specialist
- Concrete practice: guidance on the practical aspects of concreting. 2016 edition
- Concrete surfaces for painting
- Concretes for agricultural and general applications including mass (unreinforced) foundations
- Congested reinforcement: effects on placing and compacting concrete
- Construction joints
- Construction repair with wet-process sprayed concrete and mortar
- Contiguous and secant piled walls
- Control and conformity of water to binder ratio in fresh concrete
- Cover to stainless steel reinforcement
- Crack width measurement
- Cracking in composite concrete slabs using metal decking
- Cracking in pile-supported ground slabs
- Crazing: power trowelled concrete floor slabs
- Curing
- Curing concrete
- Curling of ground floor slabs
- Dark discolouration on smooth formed concrete surfaces (mottling)
- Deflections in concrete slabs and beams (Includes amendments dated July and December 2008, and January 2019)
- Delamination of concrete floor surfaces
- Design guidance for high strength concrete (includes amendment No. 3, May 2013 (incorporating amendments 1 and 2))
- Design guidance for strengthening concrete structures using fibre composite materials. 3rd edition (includes Amendment No. 1 dated October 2013)
- Designed and detailed. Eurocode 2. 2017 edition
- Development of standard prestressed concrete bridge beams
- Diagnosis of deterioration in concrete structures: identification of defects, evaluation and development of remedial action
- Diamond drilling and sawing - techniques and applications
- Discussion document. Performance-based durability design for concrete
- Drying times for concrete slabs
- Durable post-tensioned concrete structures
- Electrochemical tests for reinforcement corrosion
- Enhancing reinforced concrete durability: Guidance on selecting measures for minimising the risk of corrosion of reinforcement in concrete
- Enhancing reinforced concrete durability: Guidance on selecting measures for minimising the risk of corrosion of reinforcement in concrete: Part 2 Supplementary technical reports
- Enhancing reinforced concrete durability: Guidance on selecting measures for minimising the risk of corrosion of reinforcement in concrete: Part 3 Supplementary data reports
- External in-situ concrete paving (includes amendment No. 1 January 2009)
- Foamed concrete: application and specification
- Formwork
- Formwork - a guide to good practice (3rd edition) worked examples
- Formwork - a guide to good practice. 3rd edition (includes Amendment 1 dated January 2013)
- Friction between materials
- Galvanised steel reinforcement
- Guidance for the design of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete (includes amendment No. 1 Oct 2007)
- Guidance on radar testing of concrete structures
- Guidance on the use of macro-synthetic-fibre-reinforced concrete (includes amendment No. 1 Oct 2007)
- Guidance on the use of stainless steel reinforcement
- Guide to evaluation and repair of concrete structures in the Arabian Peninsula
- Guide to flat slab formwork and falsework
- Guide to surface treatments for protection and enhancement of concrete
- Guide to the construction of reinforced concrete in the Arabian Peninsula
- Guide to the design and construction of reinforced concrete flat slabs (including Amendment No. 1 dated April 2014)
- Guide to the design of concrete structures in the Arabian Peninsula (Includes amendments June and July 2009, and January 2019)
- Guide to the selection of admixtures for concrete. 2nd edition
- Health and safety
- High strength concrete columns and normal strength slabs
- Historic reinforcing bars and steel fabric
- Historical approaches to the design of concrete buildings and structures. 2nd edition
- Holding down bolt design to Eurocode 2
- Holding down bolts to BS 8110-1
- Identity testing for strength in accordance with BS EN 206 and BS 8500-1
- Identity testing of fresh concrete for properties other than strength
- Imprinted concrete. Model installation clauses and guidance notes
- In situ concrete strength. An investigation into the relationship between core strength and standard cube strength
- Indoor decorative concrete floors - points to consider
- Influence of cement content on the performance of concrete
- Influence of integral water-resisting admixtures on the durability of concrete
- Influence of tension stiffening on deflection of reinforced concrete structures
- Interpretation of hygrometer readings for moisture in concrete floors
- Large area pours for suspended slabs
- Large volume concrete pours
- Loss of concrete surface in contact with water
- Maintenance and repair of industrial concrete floors
- Making test cubes
- Making-good and finishing
- Moisture in concrete and the performance of impermeable floor coverings
- Moisture in concrete floors
- Mortars for masonry. Guidance on specification, types, production and use
- Mould release agents