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Concrete Society documents within the Construction Information Service
Movement, restraint and cracking in concrete structures (includes Amendment No.1 dated May 2008 rev a)
Moving fresh concrete
No fines concrete
Non-structural cracks in concrete. 4th edition
Patch repair of reinforced concrete - subject to reinforcement corrosion. Model specification and method of measurement
Permeability testing of site concrete
Placing and compacting
Plain formed concrete finishes. 2nd edition
Post-tensioned concrete floors - Design handbook. 2nd edition (includes addendum No. 2, November 2007 (incorporating addendum No. 1))
Pour lines and shadow marks
Power-trowelled concrete floors and lignite
Practical look at concrete
Precast concrete column connections
Prefabricated reinforced concrete houses
Provision of holes in reinforced concrete beams
Pumping concrete
Rain damaged concrete
Ready-mixed concrete
Reinforced concrete bund structures
Reinforcement ripple
Relevance of cracking in concrete to reinforcement corrosion. 2nd edition
Rendering - a practical handbook
Rendering: defects and remedial measures
Repair of concrete structures with reference to BS EN 1504
Role of water in concrete and its influence on properties
Sampling and testing fresh concrete
Screeds with underfloor heating: guidance for a defect-free interface
Self-compacting concrete - a review
Shrinkage of concrete
Slipforming of vertical structures
Slump, flow table and slump-flow tests: assessment checklist and reporting
Spacers and visual concrete
Staining by pyrites and lignite on concrete surfaces
Straightening and rebending reinforcement on site
Strengthening concrete structures using fibre composite materials: acceptance, inspection and monitoring
Structural use of steel fabric reinforcement in ground-supported concrete floors
Study of reinforcement procurement
Surface blemishes on power trowelled floors caused by near surface coarse aggregate particles
Surface regularity - effects of deflection on suspended slabs
Surface regularity - levelness and flatness
Suspended concrete floors: maximum size of pour allowable and location of construction joints
Thin floor coverings on cement sand screeds
Underwater concreting
Use of computers in the design of concrete structures
Use of fly ash to BS EN 450 in structural concrete
Vapour resistance of concrete
Vertical slipform surface finish
Visual concrete - Control of blemishes
Visual concrete - Finishes
Visual concrete - Planning and assessment
Visual concrete - Weathering, stains and efflorescence
Waste transfer facility floors - damage from abrasion
Winter working