BRE documents within the Construction Information Service
- Substructure: DPCs and DPMs - installation
- Substructure: DPCs and DPMs - specification
- Sub-surface radar surveys: predictive modelling - Introductory best practice guide to finite difference time domain modelling
- Subterranean fires in the UK - the problem
- Sulfide-related degradation of concrete in Southwest England ('The Mundic Problem')
- Sulphate resistance of buried concrete. The third report on a long-term investigation at Northwick Park and on similar concretes in sulphate solutions at BRE
- Summary of some long-term performance tests on trussed rafters
- Summer condensation on vapour checks: tests with battened, internally insulated, solid walls
- Summertime solar performance windows with shading devices
- Supplementary guidance for assessment of timber-framed houses: Part 1 examination
- Supplementary guidance for assessment of timber-framed houses: Part 2 interpretation
- Supporting temporary openings
- Surface water run-off in the Code for Sustainable Homes
- Survey of performance of organic-coated metal roof sheeting
- Survey of scaffold boards in use
- Surveying brick or blockwork free-standing walls
- Surveying dwellings with high indoor radon levels: a BRE guide to radon remedial measures in existing dwellings
- Surveying masonry chimneys for rebuilding or repair
- Surveying the moisture contents of cavity-filled timber-framed dwellings
- Suspended timber floors: chipboard flooring - specification
- Suspended timber floors: chipboard flooring - storage and installation
- Suspended timber floors: notching and drilling of joists
- Suspended timber ground floor: remedying dampness due to inadequate ventilation
- Suspended timber ground floor: repairing rotted joists
- Sustainability at BRE: Delivering the S Plan
- Sustainability checklist for developments
- Sustainability in foundations. A review
- Sustainability in the built environment. An introduction to its definition and measurement
- Sustainability indicators for utilities
- Sustainability lessons from private finance and similar private initiatives
- Sustainability strategies for healthcare estates: Lessons from University College London hospitals
- Sustainability through planning. Local authority use of BREEAM, EcoHomes and the Code for Sustainable Homes
- Sustainability: A collection of BRE expert guidance on the issues and impacts of sustainability on the built environment
- Sustainable design and assets: a collection of BRE expert guidance on delivering a sustainable built environment
- Sustainable developments in Sweden. Lessons for Ecotowns
- Sustainable housing refurbishment - an update on current guidance and sources of information
- Sustainable information technology: a review of current opportunities and challenges
- Sustainable masonry construction
- Sustainable refurbishment of non-traditional housing and pre-1920s solid wall housing
- Sustainable refurbishment of the BRE Victorian terrace - Part 1: Design philosophy
- Sustainable refurbishment of the BRE Victorian terrace - Part 2: The construction process
- Sustainable refurbishment of the BRE Victorian terrace - Part 3: Lessons learned
- Sustainable refurbishment of Victorian housing: guidance, assessment method and case studies
- Sustainable retail premises: an environmental guide to design, refurbishment and management of retail premises
- Swimming pool roofs: minimising the risk of condensation using warm-deck roofing
- Tackling condensation: a guide to the causes of, and remedies for, surface condensation and mould in traditional housing
- Taking care of 'mundic' concrete houses
- Task 1. Re-engineering the concrete frame business process. Construction phase report
- Task 4. Early striking of formwork and forces in backprops
- Task 6. Early age acceptance of concrete (improved quality management)
- Techniques for monitoring ground movement above abandoned limestone mines
- Telford steel-clad houses
- Temperature and humidity in batten voids
- Temporary demountable grandstands: dynamic response
- Temporary support: assessing loads above openings in external walls
- Tension tests for concrete
- Termite resistance of board materials
- Termites and UK buildings: biology, detection and diagnosis
- Termites and UK buildings: control and management of subterranean termites
- Test rig for proof-testing building components against wind loads
- Testing anti-carbonation coatings for concrete
- Testing bond strength of masonry
- Testing the performance of terminals for ventilation systems, chimneys and flues
- Thaumasite form of sulfate attack in laboratory-prepared concretes
- Thaumasite form of sulfate attack in limestone-filled cement mortars
- The age and construction of English homes: A guide to ageing the English housing stock
- The health cost-benefits of adapting housing for disabled and vulnerable people
- The October gale of 1987: damage to buildings and structures in the south east of England
- The role of codes, standards and approvals in delivering fire safety
- Thermal bowing in fire and how it affects building design
- Thermal mass in office buildings: an introduction
- Thermal mass in office buildings: design criteria
- Thermal performance of lightweight inverted warm deck flat roofs
- ThermoWood cladding: a technical summary
- Thin layer mortar masonry
- Thorncliffe cast-iron panel houses
- Ties for cavity walls: new developments
- Ties for masonry cladding
- Ties for masonry walls: a decade of development
- Tiled floors with underfloor heating. A guide to minimising and repairing cracking
- Tiling and slating pitched roofs: design criteria, underlays and battens
- Tiling and slating pitched roofs: natural and manmade slates
- Tiling and slating pitched roofs: plain profiled clay and concrete tiles
- Tilt of low-rise buildings with particular reference to progressive foundation movement
- Timber bridges
- Timber cladding
- Timber drying manual. 3rd edition
- Timber for joinery
- Timber frame buildings. A guide to the construction process
- Timber frame construction: an introduction (2004 reprint)
- Timber frame housing 1920-1975: inspection and assessment
- Timber frame housing systems built in the UK 1966-1975
- Timber grading and scanning
- Timber in construction - a collection of BRE expert guidance on timber materials, applications and performance
- Timber in construction: challenges for the future
- Timber piles and foundations
- Timber scaffold boards - reducing the incidence of site injury
- Timber stress grades for trussed rafters
- Timber stress grading machines
- Timber-framed housing - a technical appraisal