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Scottish Government documents within the Construction Information Service
Scottish Government urban/rural classification 2013-2014
Scottish house condition survey - 2014: key findings
Scottish house condition survey - 2015: key findings
Scottish house condition survey - 2016: key findings
Scottish house condition survey. Energy use in the home - measuring and analysing domestic energy use and energy efficiency in Scotland
Scottish house condition survey: 2017 key findings
Scottish house condition survey: 2018 key findings
Scottish house condition survey: 2019 key findings
Scottish house condition survey: 2021 key findings
Scottish house condition survey: 2022 key findings
Scottish house condition survey: 2022 key findings. Methodological and technical notes
Scottish house condition survey: 2023 key findings
Scottish house conditions survey - key findings 2013
Scottish household survey. 2022: key findings
Scottish national adaptation plan 2024-2029
Scottish natural capital accounts: 2020
Scottish social attitudes survey 2009: sustainable places and greenspace
Scottish social attitudes survey 2009: sustainable places and greenspace
Scottish soil framework
Scottish soil framework (SSF) - progress report
Scottish sustainable communities initiative
Scottish sustainable communities initiative - two years on
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2014
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2015
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2016
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2017
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2018
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2019
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2021
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2022
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey 2023
Second annual report on the operation of section 72 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
Secure and resilient - a strategic framework for critical national infrastructure in Scotland
Selecting in-person, virtual or hybrid procedure for pre-examination meetings, hearings and inquiries
Separation of areas in different occupation and to provide occupants with opportunity to escape (issued 09.06.2011)
Seventh annual report on the operation of section 72 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
Short-term lets and planning
Simplified approach to alternative fire safety strategies
Sixth annual report on the operation of section 72 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
Small buildings structural guidance
Snow loads in Scotland - Comparison of BS EN 1991-1-3 and BS 6399: Part 3 for small buildings
Solway Tweed River Basin District (Standards) (Scotland) Directions 2024
Solway Tweed River Basin District (Status) (Scotland) Directions 2024
Sound and air-tightness testing
Space to grow. Design guidance for early learning and childcare and out of school care settings
Spatial planning assessment of climate emissions - SPACE: development stage report
Speculative framework agreements
Spread from neighbouring buildings (issued 20.09.2018)
Stakeholder update
Stakeholder update - July 2022
Standards for single building assessments and additional work assessments
Statutory guidance on strategic development planning authorities
Strategic development plan areas
Strategic environmental assessment - guidance
Strategic environmental assessment for development planning: the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes (Scotland) Regulations 2004
Strategic environmental assessment of development plans
Strengthening fire safety for high rise domestic buildings consultation on guidance for those responsible for fire safety in high rise domestic buildings and information for people who live in high rise domestic buildings
Structural design of cladding systems
Summary of main changes introduced by the Town and Country Planning (Appeals) Scotland Regulations 2013
Summer update 2023
Supplier relief due to COVID-19
Supply chain resilience and diversity
Surface coal mine restoration - towards better regulation: a final report to the Scottish Opencast Coal Task Force by its compliance and finance sub-groups
Sustainable tender pricing
Tackling the abuse of off-street parking for people with disabilities in Scotland
Tackling the abuse of off-street parking for people with disabilities in Scotland
Technical advice note - assessment of noise
Technical feasibility of low carbon heating in domestic buildings
Technical feasibility of low carbon heating in domestic buildings. Cost appendix to the report for Scottish Government's Directorate for Energy and Climate Change
Technical feasibility of low carbon heating in domestic buildings. Technical feasibility appendix to the report for Scottish Government's Directorate for Energy and Climate Change
Technical guide to Transport and Works (Scotland) Act 2007
Technical standard 2.13 - fire and rescue service water supply
The condition. Core fact. Building better schools: investing in Scotland's future
The right tree in the right place - planning for forestry and woodlands
The suitability. Core fact. Building better schools: investing in Scotland's future
Third annual report on the operation of section 72 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
Thirteenth annual report on the operation of section 72 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
Time limits on planning permissions
Time limits on planning permissions
Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003: consequential amendments to planning and compulsory purchase legislation
To identify effective ventilation guidance and practice to mitigate the indoor airborne transmission of infectious diseases in new build non-domestic buildings
Town and Country Planning (Changing Places Toilet Facilities) (Scotland) Regulations 2020
Town and Country Planning (Compensation for Restrictions on Mineral Working and Mineral Waste Depositing) (Scotland) Regulations 1998
Town and Country Planning (Costs of Inquiries etc.) (Standard Daily Amount) (Scotland) Regulations 1996
Town and Country Planning (Demolition Which Is Not Development) (Scotland) Direction 2001
Town and Country Planning (Development Contrary to Development Plans) (Scotland) Direction 1996
Town and Country Planning (Electronic Communications) (Scotland) Order 2004
Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017
Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024
Town and Country Planning (Fees for Monitoring Surface Coal) (Scotland) Regulations 2017
Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Order 1996: consultation with Community Councils and Scottish Environment Protection Agency, etc
Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Order 1997: consultation on planning applications for roadside facilities and developments affecting playing fields
Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2007
Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Order 1992. Level crossing safety and the planning system
Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992: amendments to permitted development rights for mineral working and exploration
Town and Country Planning (Limit of Annual Value (Scotland) Order 2010
Town and Country Planning (Minerals) (Scotland) Regulations 1998
Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Applications Under Section 42) (Scotland) Direction 2020
Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Conventional Oil and Gas) (Scotland) Direction 2023
Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Gypsy/Traveller Accommodation Needs) (Scotland) Direction 2019