HM Government documents within the Construction Information Service
- 25 year environment plan progress report. April 2019 to March 2020
- 25 year environment plan progress report. April 2020 to March 2021
- 25 year environment plan progress report. January 2018 to March 2019
- A green future: our 25 year plan to improve the environment
- A green future: our 25 year plan to improve the environment. Annex 1: supplementary evidence report
- A green future: our 25 year plan to improve the environment. Annex 2: Government strategies to protect and improve the environment
- A green future: our 25 year plan to improve the environment. Annex 3: the UK's international agreements to protect or improve the environment (revised)
- Accelerating to net zero. Responding to the CCC progress report and delivering the clean energy superpower mission (HC 468)
- Access to and use of buildings Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings (2015 edition incorporating 2020 and 2024 amendments) (For use in England)
- Amendments to the Approved Documents (For use in England). April 2016 amendments coming into force 6 April 2016
- Amendments to the Approved Documents (only applicable in England)
- Amendments to the Approved Documents. This document contains amendments to the following Approved Document: Approved Document B: Fire safety. Volume 1 - Dwellings. Volume 2 - Buildings other than dwellings. 2019 edition. May 2020. For use in England
- Analysis and interpretation methodology for the soil investigation at Grenfell Tower
- Approved Document L1B 2010 edition. 2018 amendments coming into force 6 April 2018
- Better connected - a practical guide to utilities for home builders
- Carbon plan - delivering our low carbon future: December 2011
- Clean growth strategy - leading the way to a low carbon future (Includes correction slip issued April 2018)
- Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems. (2010 edition incorporating 2010, 2013 and 2022 amendments) (For use in England)
- Conservation of fuel and power. Volume 1: Dwellings (2021 edition incorporating 2023 amendments - for use in England)
- Conservation of fuel and power. Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings (2021 edition incorporating 2023 amendments - for use in England)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): an update on the Grenfell Tower site
- Cyber security supplier to government scheme. Guidance for applicants
- Delivering clean growth. Progress against meeting our carbon budgets - the Government response to the Committee on Climate Change
- Digital built Britain. Level 3 Building information modelling - strategic plan
- Domestic building services compliance guide (2013 edition) (Incorporating 2018 amendments) (For use in England)
- Energy white paper. Powering our net zero future
- Environmental improvement plan 2023
- Fire safety - Volume 1: Dwellings. 2019 edition incorporating 2020 and 2022 amendments (For use in England) (Superseded, remains current)
- Fire safety - Volume 1: Dwellings. 2019 edition incorporating 2020 and 2022 amendments and forthcoming 2025, 2026 and 2029 changes (For use in England)
- Fire safety - Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings. 2019 edition incorporating 2020 and 2022 amendments (For use in England) (Superseded, remains current)
- Fire safety - Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings. 2019 edition incorporating 2020 and 2022 amendments and forthcoming 2025, 2026 and 2029 changes (For use in England)
- Fire safety risk assessment - animal premises and stables
- Fire safety risk assessment - educational premises
- Fire safety risk assessment - factories and warehouses
- Fire safety risk assessment - healthcare premises
- Fire safety risk assessment - large places of assembly
- Fire safety risk assessment - offices and shops
- Fire safety risk assessment - open air events and venues
- Fire safety risk assessment - residential care premises
- Fire safety risk assessment - sleeping accommodation
- Fire safety risk assessment - small and medium places of assembly
- Fire safety risk assessment - supplementary guide - means of escape for disabled people
- Fire safety risk assessment - theatres, cinemas and similar premises
- Fire safety risk assessment - transport premises and facilities
- Flood and coastal erosion risk management - policy statement (Revised)
- Generic screening criteria
- Government response to the Climate Change Committee. 2021 report to Parliament - progress in adapting to climate change
- Government response to the Climate Change Committee. 2023 report to Parliament - progress in adapting to climate change
- Government response to the Climate Change Committee. 2023 report to Parliament - progress in adapting to climate change
- Government response to the Committee on Climate Change. 2017 report to Parliament - meeting carbon budgets
- Government response to the Committee on Climate Change. 2017 report to Parliament - progress in preparing for climate change
- Government response to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities select committee report on Building safety: remediation and funding
- Grenfell environmental checks - stage 1 results
- Grenfell environmental checks - summary of the investigation methodology for potential land contamination around Grenfell Tower: stage 1
- Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 report: Government response
- Habitats and wild birds implementation review: summary of measures
- Heat and buildings strategy
- Industrial strategy: building a Britain fit for the future. Cm 9528
- Industrial strategy: government and industry in partnership. Construction 2025
- Infrastructure for the charging of electric vehicles (2021 edition) (Revised and consolidated February 2022) (For use in England)
- Infrastructure planning. How will it work? How can I have my say?
- Laying the foundations - a housing strategy for England
- Litter strategy for England
- Litter strategy for England: first annual report (2017-2018)
- Local growth - realising every place's potential. Cm 7961
- Low carbon construction - final report
- Low carbon construction action plan - Government response to the low carbon construction Innovation and Growth Team report
- Manual to the building regulations. A code of practice for use in England
- Materials and workmanship Regulation 7 (2013 edition incorporating 2018 amendments) (For use in England)
- National flood resilience review
- National policy statement for waste water - a framework document for planning decisions on nationally significant waste water infrastructure
- Natural choice - securing the value of nature. Cm 8082
- Net zero strategy: build back greener
- Northern transport strategy: autumn report
- Northern transport strategy: spring 2016 report
- Our waste, our resources: a strategy for England
- Our waste, our resources: a strategy for England. Evidence annex
- Overheating (2021 edition) (Revised and consolidated February 2022) (For use in England)
- Overview of the risk assessment process
- Paris 2015: Securing our prosperity through a global climate change agreement
- Powering up Britain
- Powering up Britain. Energy security plan
- Powering up Britain. The net zero growth plan
- Public health summary
- Regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005. A short guide to making your premises safe from fire
- Report of the habitats and wild birds directives - implementation review
- Responding to the Climate Change Committee's (CCC) 2023 annual progress report to Parliament
- Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency (2015 edition incorporating 2016 and 2024 amendments) (For use in England)
- Strategic national guidance - the decontamination of buildings, infrastructure and open environment exposed to chemical, biological, radiological substances or nuclear materials. 5th edition
- Third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3) and the fourth strategy for climate adaptation reporting (Includes correction slip issued July 2023)
- Toilet accommodation (2024 edition) (For use in England)
- UK climate change risk assessment 2022
- UK climate change risk assessment: Government report
- UK marine policy statement
- UK marine policy statement - appraisal of sustainability
- UK marine policy statement - equalities impact assessment screening report
- UK marine policy statement - habitats regulations assessment
- UK marine policy statement - impact assessment
- UK marine policy statement - post adoption statement
- Unlocking growth in cities