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Health and Safety Executive documents within the Construction Information Service
Summary of responses to the proposals to revise the Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995 (as amended) (RIDDOR '95)
Surface preparation: pressure blasting (large items) - control approach R: respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
Surface preparation: pressure blasting (medium-sized items) - control approach: engineering control + respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
Surface preparation: pressure blasting (small items) - control approach 3: containment
Tackling work-related stress using the management standards approach. A step-by-step workbook
Talking toolkit - preventing work-related stress in construction
Talking with your workers about preventing coronavirus
Technical guide to the selection and use of fall prevention and arrest equipment
The electricity at work regulations 1989. Guidance on regulations. 3rd edition
The health and safety toolbox. How to control risks at work
The right start - work experience for young people. Health and safety basics for employers
The use and non-use of seat belts in the operation of forward tipping dumpers
The use of emery cloth on metalworking lathes
Thermal comfort checklist
Thorough examination and testing of lifts - simple guidance for lift owners
Thorough examination of lifting equipment. A simple guide for employers
Tower crane incidents worldwide
Transitional building control approval for new higher-risk buildings
Transitional building control approval for work on existing higher-risk buildings
Trojan horse construction site safety messages
UK Standard Assigned Protection Factor 10 (APF 10)
UK Standard Assigned Protection Factor 20 (APF 20)
UK Standard Assigned Protection Factor 2000 (APF 2000)
UK Standard Assigned Protection Factor 4 (APF 4)
UK Standard Assigned Protection Factor 40 (APF 40)
Upper limb disorders in the workplace
Urine sampling for isocyanate exposure measurement
Using contractors. A brief guide
Using cut-off saws. A guide to protecting your lungs
Using plastic kerb
Using work equipment safely
Valuation of health and safety benefits. Dread risks
Vehicle finishing units: fire and explosion hazards (Withdrawn)
Ventilation in catering kitchens
Ventilation of enclosures for removal of asbestos containing materials
Vibration solutions: practical ways to reduce the risk of hand-arm vibration injury
Violence at work. A guide for employers
Weld cleaning with pickling paste - control approach special: harm via skin or eye contact
Welding fume control - control approach 1: general ventilation, control approach 2: LEV and RPE
Welding in confined/limited/restricted spaces - control approach 4: forced ventilation and respiratory protection equipment (RPE)
Welfare at work. Guidance for employers on welfare provisions
Whole-body vibration. The control of vibration at work regulations 2005 - guidance on regulations
Work aggravated asthma: a review of reviews
Work at height. A brief guide
Work with display screen equipment. Health and safety (display screen equipment) regulations 1992 as amended by the Health and safety (miscellaneous amendments) regulations 2002. Guidance on regulations. 2nd edition
Work with ionising radiation. Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017. Approved Code of Practice and guidance. 2nd edition
Working on roofs
Working together to reduce stress at work. A guide for employees
Working with display screen equipment (DSE). A brief guide
Working with substances hazardous to health. A brief guide to COSHH
Workplace exposure limits. Containing the list of workplace exposure limits for use with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended). 4th edition
Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain, 2019
Workplace fatal injuries in Great Britain, 2020 (includes November 2020 correction)
Workplace health, safety and welfare - a short guide for managers
Workplace health, safety and welfare. Workplace (health, safety and welfare) regulations 1992. Approved code of practice and guidance. 2nd edition
Workplace transport safety - a brief guide
Work-related fatal injuries in Great Britain, 2024
Written schemes of examination. Pressure systems safety regulations 2000