Health and Safety Executive documents within the Construction Information Service
- Manual handling at work - a brief guide
- Manual handling. Manual handling operations regulations 1992. Guidance on regulations. 4th edition
- Mesothelioma statistics for Great Britain, 2024
- Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) incident analysis
- Need building work done? A short guide for clients on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
- New and existing engineering control systems
- Noise at work. A brief guide to controlling the risks
- Noise. Don't lose your hearing!
- Notification and marking of sites. The Dangerous substances (notification and marking of sites) regulations 1990. Guidance on regulations
- Occupational health standards in the construction industry
- On-tool controls to reduce exposure to respirable dusts in the construction industry. A review
- Operating a complaints system for building safety in a high-rise residential building
- Operating a mandatory occurrence reporting system
- Operational standards rules
- Operational standards rules monitoring arrangements
- Out of control. Why control systems go wrong and how to prevent failure. 2nd edition
- Personal protective equipment at work. The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended). Guidance on regulations. 4th edition
- Plasma arc cutting: fixed equipment - control approach 2: engineering control
- Post implementation review of the Control of asbestos regulations 2012 SI 2012/632
- Preparing a building assessment certificate application
- Preparing a resident engagement strategy
- Preparing a safety case report
- Pressure systems. A brief guide to safety
- Preventing catastrophic events in construction
- Preventing contact dermatitis and urticaria at work
- Preventing slips and trips at work. A brief guide
- Professional conduct rules for registered building control approvers
- Proposals to consolidate and modernise explosives legislation and to withdraw the Approved code of practice to the manufacture and storage of explosives regulations 2005
- Protecting lone workers - how to manage the risks of working alone
- Protection of workers and the general public during the development of contaminated land (Withdrawn)
- Providing and using work equipment safely - a brief guide
- Provision of welfare facilities during construction work
- Reducing at-work road traffic incidents (The Work Related Road Safety Task Group)
- Reducing error and influencing behaviour. 2nd edition
- Reducing risk in temporary traffic management operations
- Register your business as a building control approver
- Registered building control approver (RBCA) assessment criteria
- Registered building inspectors
- Registered building inspectors: professional misconduct and criminal offences
- Reporting a mandatory occurrence
- Reporting accidents and incidents at work. A brief guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)
- Research into the behavioural aspects of slips and trip accidents and incidents
- Respiratory protective equipment at work. A practical guide. 4th edition
- Rider-operated lift trucks: operator training and safe use. Approved code of practice and guidance. 3rd edition
- Risk assessment. A brief guide to controlling risks in the workplace
- Risk to third parties from bored tunnelling in soft ground
- Role of managerial leadership in determining workplace safety outcomes
- Safe erection, use and dismantling of falsework
- Safe handling of chlorine from drums and cylinders. 2nd edition
- Safe isolation of plant and equipment. 2nd edition
- Safe use and handling of flammable liquids. 2nd edition
- Safe use of compressed gases in welding, flame cutting and allied processes
- Safe use of lifting equipment. Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1998. Approved code of practice and guidance. 2nd edition (with amendments 2018)
- Safe use of power presses. Provision and use of work equipment regulations 1998 (as applied to power presses). Approved Code of Practice and guidance. 2nd edition
- Safe use of skip loaders. Advice for workers
- Safe use of vehicles on construction sites. A guide for clients, designers, contractors, managers and workers involved with construction transport
- Safe use of woodworking machinery. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (as applied to woodworking machinery). Approved Code of Practice and guidance. 2nd edition
- Safe use of work equipment. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. Approved code of practice and guidance. 4th edition (includes 2018 amendments)
- Safe work in confined spaces. Confined spaces regulations 1997. Approved code of practice and guidance. 3rd edition
- Safe working and the prevention of infection in clinical laboratories and similar facilities. 2nd edition
- Safer foundations by design
- Safety case for a high-rise residential building
- Safety in electrical testing - switchgear and control gear
- Safety in electrical testing at work
- Safety in gas welding, cutting and similar processes
- Safety in high-rise residential buildings: accountable persons
- Safety in the installation and use of gas systems and appliances: Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 as amended. 5th edition
- Safety in the storage and handling of steel and other metal stock. 2nd edition
- Safety in the use of abrasive wheels - revised in line with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER 98). 3rd edition
- Safety in the use of hand and foot operated presses
- Safety in window cleaning using portable ladders (Withdrawn)
- Safety management systems for high-rise residential buildings
- Safety of pressure systems. Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000. Approved code of practice and guidance. 2nd edition
- Safety requirements for pressure testing. 4th edition
- Safety signs and signals. The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. Guidance on Regulations. 3rd edition
- Scabbling or grinding
- Seating at work. 3rd edition
- Selecting a first-aid training provider. A guide for employers
- Selecting personal protective equipment
- Selecting protective gloves
- Selecting protective gloves for work with chemicals
- Selection, management and use of mobile elevating work platforms
- Silicosis and coal workers pneumoconiosis 2016
- Site inspection: workplace transport checklist
- Skin or eye contact
- Slips and trips and falls from height in Great Britain, 2014
- Slips and trips: the importance of floor cleaning
- Small scale clearing of rubble, dust and debris
- Solvents
- Spray foam insulation applied to timber sloped roofs in dwellings. Modelling of moisture risk for retrofitted spray foam insulation in existing dwellings
- Spray foam insulation applied to timber sloped roofs in dwellings. Modelling of moisture risk for retrofitted spray foam insulation in existing dwellings. Appendices
- Stacking round timber, sawn timber and board materials - safe working practices. Revision 2
- Standards of training in safe gas installation. Approved code of practice (Withdrawn)
- Statistics of fatal injuries 2006/07
- Statistics on fatal injuries in the workplace in Great Britain 2016
- Step by step guide to COSHH assessment. 2nd edition
- Storage of flammable liquids in containers. 3rd edition
- Storage of flammable liquids in tanks. 2nd edition
- Strategic context for the regulatory framework
- Submitting mandatory occurrence notices and reports