Health and Safety Executive documents within the Construction Information Service
- Evidence base for identifying potential failures in the specification, use and maintenance of PPE at work
- Evidence review of the effectiveness of soft landing systems for preventing injury from falls when working at height
- Explosives Regulations 2014. Safety provisions. Guidance on regulations
- Explosives Regulations 2014. Security provisions. Guidance on regulations
- Exposure measurement: air sampling
- Exposure to cadmium in silver soldering or brazing. Revision 1
- Falls from windows or balconies in health and social care
- Fire risk assessment for workplaces containing flammable substances
- Fire safety in construction. 3rd edition
- First aid at work - your questions answered
- First aid at work. The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. Guidance on regulations. 3rd edition (reissued with minor amendments - 2018 and 2024)
- Fragile roofs - safe working practices
- Gas safety in catering and hospitality
- General advice - chemicals causing harm via skin or eye contact
- Glass reinforced plastic vessels and tanks: advice to users. 3rd edition
- Global perspective in addressing construction risks
- Guidance on respiratory protective equipment (RPE) fit testing
- Guide to the borehole sites and operations regulations 1995. Guidance on regulations. 2nd edition
- Guide to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (as amended). Guidance on regulations. 3rd edition
- Guide to the pipelines safety regulations 1996. Guidance on regulations
- Hand-arm vibration - the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005: guidance on regulations. 2nd edition
- Hand-arm vibration and noise emissions of battery powered tools compared with equivalent traditionally powered tools
- Hand-arm vibration at work. A brief guide
- Hand-arm vibration. A guide for employees
- Hand-fed surface planing machines - safe working practices. Revision 2
- Handling kerbs: reducing the risks of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
- Health and safety at quarries. Quarries regulations 1999. Approved code of practice and guidance. 2nd edition
- Health and safety in construction sector in Great Britain, 2014/15
- Health and safety in construction. 3rd edition
- Health and safety in engineering workshops. 2nd edition
- Health and safety in public sector construction procurement
- Health and safety in public sector construction procurement. A follow-up study
- Health and safety in refurbishment involving demolition and structural instability
- Health and safety in roof work. 5th edition
- Health and safety in swimming pools. 4th edition
- Health and safety made simple. The basics for your business
- Health and safety regulation - a short guide
- Health and safety statistics 2004/05
- Health and safety statistics 2005/06
- Health and safety statistics 2006/07
- Health and safety statistics 2007/08
- Health and safety training. A brief guide
- Health monitoring for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Health surveillance for occupational dermatitis
- Heat stress in the workplace. A brief guide
- High 5. Five ways to reduce risk on site
- High rise residential buildings: preliminary serious incident scenarios and potential control measures
- High-rise residential building information accountable persons must provide
- Horizon scanning short report - solar energy
- How to deal with Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) - guidance for employers, building owners and building managers. 3rd edition
- Identifying human factors associated with slip and trip accidents
- Impact assessment for proposed changes to the RIDDOR reporting system
- Impact assessment for the Acetylene Safety (England and Wales and Scotland) Regulations 2014
- Improving health and safety in construction: phase 2 - depth and breadth: volume 1 - summary report
- Improving health and safety in construction: phase 2 - depth and breadth: volume 2 - RIDDOR Accident Data Analysis Tool
- Improving health and safety in construction: phase 2 - depth and breadth: volume 4 - hand arm vibration syndrome - underlying causes and risk control in the construction industry
- Improving health and safety in construction: phase 2 - depth and breadth: volume 5 - falls from height: underlying causes and risk control in the construction industry
- Improving health and safety in construction: phase 2 - depth and breadth: volume 6 - generic model for health and safety in construction
- Improving health and safety in construction: phase 2 - depth and breadth: volume 7 - analysis of HSE mechanisms
- Improving health and safety in construction: phase 3 - depth and breadth: volume 3 - construction transport accidents underlying causes and risk control
- Improving health and safety outcomes in construction - making the case for Building Information Modelling (BIM)
- Insight into procurement of construction by private clients
- Inspecting fall arrest equipment made from webbing or rope
- Inspection and reports
- Inspection of building control bodies: inspection selection criteria
- Investigating accidents and incidents. A workbook for employers, unions, safety representatives and safety professionals
- Investigation of approaches to worker engagement
- Investigation procedure statement
- Involving your workforce in health and safety. Guidance for all workplaces
- Keep your top on - health risks from working in the sun: advice for outdoor workers from the Health and Safety Executive and the Health Departments in England, Scotland and Wales
- Keeping electrical switchgear safe. 2nd edition
- Keeping information about a higher-risk building: the golden thread
- Lead and you
- Leading health and safety at work. Actions for directors, board members, business owners and organisations of all sizes
- Legionnaires' disease. The control of Legionella bacteria in water systems. Approved Code of Practice and guidance on regulations. 4th edition
- Legionnaires' disease: a brief guide for dutyholders
- Legionnaires' disease: technical guidance. Part 1: the control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems. 2nd edition
- Legionnaires' disease: technical guidance. Part 2: the control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems. 2nd edition
- Legionnaires' disease: technical guidance. Part 3: the control of legionella bacteria in other risk systems. 2nd edition
- Levels of respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica at construction sites
- Lifting equipment at work - a brief guide
- Lift-truck training. Advice for employers
- Lighting at work. 2nd edition
- Literature review: understanding how to improve the management of exposure to wood dust amongst construction sub-contractors and manufacturing SMEs
- LOLER 1998. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998: open learning guidance
- Maintaining portable electric equipment in low-risk environments
- Maintaining portable electrical equipment. 3rd edition
- Maintenance priorities in catering
- Management of asbestos in school buildings 2022/23
- Managing and working with asbestos. Control of asbestos regulations 2012. Approved code of practice and guidance. 2nd edition
- Managing building control approval applications for higher-risk buildings
- Managing for health and safety. 3rd edition
- Managing health and safety in construction. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. Guidance on regulations
- Managing infection risks when handling the deceased. Guidance for the mortuary, post-mortem room and funeral premises, and during exhumation
- Managing safety risks in high-rise residential buildings: a detailed guide
- Managing shiftwork. Health and safety guidance
- Managing skin exposure risks at work. 2nd edition
- Managing upper limb disorders in the workplace - a brief guide
- Manual gas and oxy-gas cutting - control approach: respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
- Manual handling assessment charts (the MAC tool)