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Health and Safety Executive documents within the Construction Information Service
A commentary on routes to competence in the construction sector
A guide to workplace transport safety. 3rd edition
Abrasive blasting
Absolutely essential health and safety toolkit for the smaller construction contractor
Achieving change using the supply chain model in construction
Advice for managers
Advice for managers
An ergonomics study of the minimum space requirement for removal of Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB) ceiling tiles
An investigation into the use of plasterboard manual handling aids in the GB construction industry and factors helping and hindering the practicability of their application
Analysis of responses received to consultation on proposals to review HSE's Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs)
Analysis of responses to consultation CD252
Analysis of the prevalence and distribution of stress in the construction industry
Applying to register a high-rise residential building
Arc-air gouging (air-carbon arc gouging) - control approach 2: engineering control + respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
Asbestos and you - quick guide for trades
Asbestos essentials. A task manual for building, maintenance and allied trades on non-licensed asbestos work. 4th edition (includes amendment March 2018)
Asbestos exposures to workers in the licensed asbestos removal industry
Asbestos in some types of marble and other stone: assessing the risk
Asbestos: the analysts' guide. 2nd edition
Asbestos: the licensed contractors' guide
Asbestos: the survey guide
Assessing safety risks in high-rise residential buildings: a detailed guide
Assessing the slip resistance of flooring. A technical information sheet
Assessment of current guidance in relation to safe carriageway crossing (CIS53) on high speed roads
Assessment of design and leadership during legacy transformation of the Olympic Park following London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Assessment of skin sensitisation by the use of epoxy resin in the construction industry
Avoiding danger from overhead power lines. 4th edition
Avoiding danger from underground services. 3rd edition
Avoiding structural collapses in refurbishment: a decision support system
Basic advice on first aid at work
Behaviour change and worker engagement practices within the construction sector
Biological agents. The principles, design and operation of containment level 4 facilities
Breaking in enclosed spaces
Breathing apparatus with UK Standard Assigned Protection Factor 40
Building completion certificates
Building control bodies: contraventions and criminal offences
Building control: an overview of the new regime. Gateways 2 and 3 - application to completion certificate
Building inspector competence framework (BICoF)
Building Safety Regulator charging scheme 1 October 2023 (made under the Building Safety (Regulator's Charges) Regulations 2023) and to come into force with those regulations on 1 October 2023. Version 1
Building Safety Regulator: giving us structure and safety information (key building information)
Cadmium and you. Working with Cadmium: are you at risk?
Cast iron columns in buildings: the dangers of collapse from powered vehicle collision
Causal factors in construction accidents
Change control and notifiable changes: manage building control approval
Chasing with hand-held power tools
Chemical warehousing - the storage of packaged dangerous substances. 4th edition
Choosing a welding set? Make sure you can handle it
Chromate primer paints
Clearing the air - a simple guide to buying and using local exhaust ventilation (LEV)
Code of conduct for registered building inspectors
Complain about a building safety risk in a high-rise building
Comprehensive guide to managing asbestos in premises
Compressed air safety. 2nd edition
Confined spaces - a brief guide to working safely
Consideration of the options in response to the Löfstedt review to remove the requirement for HSE to approve the training and qualifications of appointed first-aid personnel from the Health and safety (first aid) regulations 1981
Constructing better health. Final evaluation report
Construction (design and management) regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) - Impact assessment
Construction dust
Construction site transport safety: safe use of compact dumpers
Construction statistics in Great Britain, 2024
Consulting employees on health and safety - a brief guide to the law
Consulting workers on health and safety. Safety representatives and safety committees regulations 1977 (as amended) and Health and safety (consultation with employees) regulations 1996 (as amended). Approved codes of practice and guidance. 2nd edition with amendments
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - impact assessment
Control of exposure to silica dust. A guide for employees
Control of lead at work. 3rd edition. Control of lead at work regulations 2002. Approved code of practice and guidance (ACOP)
Control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems
Control of legionella bacteria in water systems - audit checklists
Control of major accident hazards regulations 2015. Guidance on regulations. 3rd edition
Control of substances hazardous to health. The control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002 (as amended). Approved code of practice and guidance. 6th edition
Controlling airborne contaminants at work. A guide to local exhaust ventilation (LEV). 3rd edition
Controlling construction dust with on-tool extraction
Controlling exposure to stone dust
Controlling fire and explosion risks in the workplace. A brief guide to the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations
Controlling noise at work. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 - guidance on regulations. 3rd edition
Crushing and screening demolition material
Cutting blocks, paving and kerbstones with a cut-off saw
Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres. Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres regulations 2002. Approved Code of Practice and guidance. 2nd edition
Design and building work: meeting building requirements
Design, materials and connections for blast-loaded structures
Developing a prototype decision aid for determining the risk of work systems at height when using temporary access systems
Development of a knowledge based system to deliver health and safety information to designers in the construction industry
Diamond coring/hole cutting
Draft: Criteria of approval for independent competence assessment scheme providers
Drilling with hand-held rotary power tools
Dust control on cut-off saws used for stone or concrete cutting
Dust in the workplace. General principles of protection. 4th edition
Dutyholder evidence Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (post implementation review)
Electrical safety and you. A brief guide
Electrical safety on construction sites. 2nd edition
Electrical switchgear safety. A guide for owners and users
Electrical test equipment for use on low voltage electrical systems. 4th edition
Electricity at work. Safe working practices. 3rd edition
Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969. A brief guide for workers
Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969. A guide for employers
Ergonomics and human factors at work. A brief guide
Establishing exclusion zones when using explosives in demolition
Evaluation of safety nets by experiment
Evaluation of the duty to manage asbestos
Evaluation of whole-body vibration exposures in British industry