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Transport Research Laboratory documents within the Construction Information Service
A review of tunnel lining practice in the United Kingdom
Accident analysis on rural roads - a technical guide
Accidents and the skidding resistance standard for strategic roads in England
Advice on integrity testing of piles
Aggregates in road construction - update (2006-2008)
Analysis of performance of spaced piles to stabilise embankment and cutting slopes
Analysis of police collision files for pedestrian fatalities in London, 2006-10
Analysis of the stability of masonry faced earth retaining walls
Annual research review 2014/2015
Application of bridge deck waterproofing to concrete aged from 3 to 28 days
Application of enrobe a module eleve in flexible pavements
Application of soil acceptability forecasts
Asphalt surfacing to bridge decks
Assessing the risks to infrastructure from coastal storms in a changing climate
Assessment of asphalt durability tests: Part 1, widening the applicability of the SATS test
Assessment of asphalt durability tests: Part 2, comparison of wheel tracking tests using European standards
Assessment of asphalt durability tests: Part 3, review of SATS test to evaluate existing base layers
Assessment of repair and strengthening techniques for brick and stone masonry arch bridges
Assessment of repair and strengthening techniques for brick and stone masonry arch bridges
Automated detection of fretting on HRA surfaces
Automated inspection of highway structures
Automated inspection of highway structures 2008/09
Background to the development of BD 49/01: Design rules for aerodynamic effects on bridges
Behaviour during construction of a stabilised base embedded wall at Coventry
Behaviour of a shallow buried pipeline under impact and abnormal loads
Behaviour of asphalt in adverse hot weather conditions
Behaviour of SUV and MPV-type vehicles in collisions with roadside safety barriers
Best practice guide for durability of asphalt pavements
Best practice guide for overlaying concrete
Best practice guide for the selection of pothole repair options
Bituminous binders and mix design - update (2006-2008)
BOS slag as a surface course aggregate - ten years of skid resistance monitoring
Bridge assessment and testing - update (2009-2010)
Bridge bearing survey and problem assessment
Bridge deck waterproofing: non-U4 concrete finishes
Buried flexible pipes: 1 Design methods
Buried flexible pipes: 2 analytical method
Buried flexible pipes: 3 application of a new design method
Case history studies of soil berms used as temporary support to embedded retaining walls
Centrifuge modelling of a cutting slope stabilised by discrete piles
Compaction monitoring devices for earthworks
Comparison of embedded and conventional retaining wall design using Eurocode 7 and existing UK design methods
Compendium of selected research in ground engineering
Concrete road design and construction - update (2007-2009)
Construction industry mass balance: resource use, wastes and emissions
Cooperative vehicle highway systems - implications for the Highways Agency
Correlation between the CBR value and penetrability of pavement construction materials
Corrosion of weathering steel under real and simulated bridge decks
Corrosion protection of external tendons in post-tensioned concrete bridges
Cycle facilities and engineering: summary of TRL research
Cyclic loading of sand behind integral bridge abutments
Cycling in bus lanes
Design guidance on the use of a row of spaced piles to stabilise clay highway slopes
Design guide and specification for structural maintenance of highway pavements by cold in-situ recycling
Design guide for applications of sandstone quarry sand in South Wales
Design guide for pavements incorporating slag bound mixtures (SBM)
Design guide for road surface dressing
Design of bridge with external prestressing: design example
Design of large span corrugated steel structures
Design of long-life flexible pavements for heavy traffic
Design of porous asphalt mixtures to performance related criteria
Design of reinforcement in piles
Design, construction and instrumentation of the Pen-y-Clip section of the A55, North Wales coast road
Detection of changes in pavement texture conditions using high resolution 3D surface measurements
Developing a new method for measuring pavement layer thickness
Development of a methodology for a highway drainage risk model for pluvial flooding
Development of a more versatile approach to flexible and flexible composite pavement design
Development of a performance-based surfacing specification for high performance asphalt pavements
Development of a reference surface for the assessment of pavement skid resistance measurement devices
Drainage of earthwork slopes: a review
Drainage of earthworks slopes
Drainage of level or nearly level roads
Durability of continuously reinforced concrete surfaced with asphalt
Durability of thin asphalt surfacing systems. Part 2 - findings after three years
Durability of thin asphalt surfacing systems. Part 3: findings after six years monitoring
Durability of thin asphalt surfacing systems. Part 4: final report after nine years' monitoring
Durability of thin asphalt surfacing systems: Part 1 - Initial findings
Early life skid resistance - an assessment of accident risk
Early life skid resistance of asphalt surfaces
Early life trafficking of overlaid concrete. Pavement test facility trials
Earth pressures against an experimental retaining wall backfilled with silty clay
Edge deterioration on local roads
Effect of road narrowings on cyclists
Effect of surcharge loading adjacent to piles
Effectiveness of berms and raked props as temporary support to retaining walls
Effectiveness of sub-standard shear reinforcement in bridge decks
Effects of age on cement stabilised/solidified contaminated materials
Effects of climate change on highway pavements and how to minimise them: technical report
Embankments constructed on soft foundations: settlement study at Avonmouth
Emergency refuge area simulation study
Enabling the use of hydraulically bound quarry by-products in road foundations
Enhanced levels of reclaimed asphalt in surfacing materials: a case study evaluating carbon dioxide emissions
Establishment of vegetation for slope stability
Estimation of flood flows from natural catchments
Evaluation of EME2 type mixtures incorporating softer grade binders. Phase I progress report
Factors influencing energy performance of modern conservatories
Feasibility of pre-wetted treatments with uniformly-graded salt
Feasibility of using twin-layer porous asphalt surfaces on England's strategic road network
Fibre reinforced concrete update (2005-2008)
Field measurement of pore water pressures