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Department of the Environment documents within the Construction Information Service
Action for the countryside
Alternative development patterns: new settlements
Amendment of final notices. Giving of final certificates
Amenity reclamation of mineral workings: main report
Analysis of industrial and commercial waste going to landfill in the UK
Animal and animal products processing works
Applications, permissions and conditions (Valid in Wales only)
Architectural competitions: a handbook for promoters
Asbestos manufacturing works
Assessment of the effectiveness of derelict land grant in reclaiming land for redevelopment
Attitudes to town and country planning
British government panel on sustainable development: first report
Building (approved inspectors etc.) regulations 1985. Approval of three corporate bodies as Approved Inspectors by the Secretaries of State. Approval of persons as Approved Inspectors by the designated body
Building Act 1984. Building (approved inspector etc.) regulations 1985. Designation of a body for the approval of inspectors
Building Act 1984. Building (prescribed fees) regulations 1994. Building regulations (amendment) regulations 1994
Building Act 1984. Building regulations (amendment) regulations 1994. Building regulations (amendment) regulations 1995. Building (approved inspectors etc.) (amendment) regulations 1995
Building Act 1984. Building regulations (amendment) regulations 1997: new parts K and N in schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 1991
Building Act 1984: Building regulations 1991 etc. (Applicable in England only)
Caravan sites and control of development act 1960
Care of redundant churches
Ceramics, cement and asphalt manufacturing works
CFCs and halons in accommodation and estate work
Changes in the quality of environmental statements for planning projects
Changes to the approval of NHBC Building Control Services Ltd's approval as an approved inspector
Chemical works: coatings (paints and printing inks) manufacturing works
Chemical works: cosmetics and toiletries manufacturing works
Chemical works: disinfectant manufacturing works
Chemical works: explosives, propellants and pyrotechnics manufacturing works
Chemical works: fertiliser manufacturing works
Chemical works: fine chemical manufacturing works
Chemical works: inorganic chemicals manufacturing works
Chemical works: linoleum, vinyl and bitumen-based floor covering manufacturing works
Chemical works: mastics, sealants, adhesives and roofing felt manufacturing works
Chemical works: organic chemicals manufacturing works
Chemical works: pesticides manufacturing works
Chemical works: pharmaceuticals manufacturing works
Chemical works: rubber processing works (including works manufacturing tyres and other rubber products)
Chemical works: soap and detergent manufacturing works
Chimney heights. Third edition of the 1956 Clean Air Act memorandum
Classification of rural housing markets in England
Clean air acts 1956 and 1968: financial assistance towards local authority domestic smoke control
Climate change and the demand for water
Coastal superquarries: options for wharf facilities on the lower Thames
Coastal zone management: towards best practice
Collection and disposal of waste regulations
Community involvement in planning and development processes
Constructing the team - "The Latham report": Final report of the government/industry review of procurement and contractual arrangements in the UK construction industry
Control of noise at surface mineral workings (Valid in Wales only)
Controlled waste (registration of carriers and seizure of vehicles) regulations 1991
Countryside Survey 1990: inland water bodies
Countryside survey 1990: main report
Creating development trusts: good practice in urban regeneration
Derelict land grant policy
Derelict land prevention and the planning system
Design principles of fire safety
Development below low water mark: a review of regulation in England and Wales
Development control - policy and practice (Valid in Wales only)
Development of contaminated land
Development plans monitoring survey: position at 31 March 1994
Dockyards and docklands
Earth science information needs for sustainable coastal planning and management
EC directive on protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances (80/68/EEC) (Valid in Wales only)
Ecological consequences of land use change
Economic revitalisation of inner cities: the urban programme and ethnic minorities
Effectiveness of green belts
Effects of major out of town retail development
Efficiency and effectiveness of local plan inquiries
Electricity generating stations and overhead lines
Energy conservation act 1996
Engineering works: aircraft manufacturing works
Engineering works: electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing works (including works manufacturing equipment containing PCBs)
Engineering works: mechanical engineering and ordnance works
Engineering works: railway engineering works
Engineering works: shipbuilding, repair and shipbreaking (including naval shipyards)
Engineering works: vehicle manufacturing works
Enterprise Zone information 1981-1994
Environment Act 1995: review of mineral planning permissions (Valid in Wales only)
Environmental action guide for building and purchasing managers
Environmental appraisal of development plans: a good practice guide
Environmental assessment of projects in simplified planning zones and enterprise zones
Environmental effects of dust from surface mineral workings. Volume 1: summary report and best practice guides
Environmental effects of dust from surface mineral workings. Volume 2: technical report
Environmental effects of surface mineral workings
Environmental protection (control of injurious substances) regulations 1992
Environmental protection (control of injurious substances) regulations 1993
Environmental protection act 1990 section 30(7) and (8): Separation of local authority waste regulation and waste disposal functions
Environmental protection act 1990 section 34: duty of care
Environmental protection act 1990 section 41: waste management licensing (fees and charges) scheme 1994
Environmental protection act 1990: part 1: new local authority and port health authority air pollution and control functions
Environmental protection act 1990: part II. Special waste (amendment) regulations 1996
Environmental protection act 1990: part II. Special waste regulations 1996
Environmental protection act 1990: part II. Waste management licensing - the framework directive on waste
Environmental protection act 1990: Part II. Waste management licensing: the framework directive on waste
Estate based housing management: an evaluation
European Economic Community: directive 89/106/EEC construction products
European Economic Community: directive 93/68/EEC - CE marking of construction products
Evaluating the effectiveness of land use planning
Evaluating the low cost rural housing initiative
Evaluation of flats over shops