Highways England documents within the Construction Information Service
- Road layout. Design. Traffic signs to retail destinations and exhibition centres (formerly TD 53/05)
- Road layout. General information. Traffic signs to tourist destinations and leisure facilities (formerly TD 52/17)
- Road lighting appraisal (formerly TA 49/07)
- Road lighting design (formerly TD 23/99, TD 34/07, TA 49/07, IAN 167/12)
- Road lighting inspection (formerly TD 23/99)
- Road lighting maintenance (formerly TD 23/99)
- Road to good design
- Roadside environmental mitigation and enhancement (formerly LA 119 which superseded HA 65/94, HA 66/95)
- Skidding resistance (formerly HD 28/15). Revision 2
- Smart motorways stocktake. First year progress report 2021
- Smart motorways: upgrading hard shoulder running to all lane running operation
- Strengthening highway structures using fibre-reinforced polymers and externally bonded steel plates (formerly BD 85/08, BD 84/02)
- Structural review and assessment of highway structures (formerly BD 101/11)
- Sumpless gullies (formerly HA 105/17). Revision 1
- Surface protection for concrete highway structures (formerly BA 85/04)
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Cultural heritage assessment (formerly HA 208/07, HA 60/92, HA 75/01). Revision 1
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Cultural heritage asset management plans (formerly HA 117/08)
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Geology and soils
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Habitats regulations assessment (formerly HD 44/09). Revision 1
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Introduction to environmental assessment (formerly HA 200/08, HA 201/08, IAN 125/15, IAN 126/15, IAN 133/10)
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Landscape and visual effects (formerly DMRB Volume 11 Section 3 Part 5 Landscape effects and IAN 135/10). Revision 2
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Material assets and waste (formerly IAN 153/11)
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Population and human health (formerly DMRB Volume 11, Section 3, Part 6 (Land), Volume 11, Section 3, Part 8 (Pedestrians, cyclists, equestrians and community effects) and Volume 11, Section 3, Part 9 (Vehicle travellers)). Revision 1
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Scoping projects for environmental assessment (formerly HA 204/08, IAN 125/15, IAN 133/10). Revision 1
- Sustainability and environment. Appraisal. Screening projects for environmental impact assessment (formerly HD 47/08, IAN 126/15, IAN 133/10)
- Technical approval of highway structures (formerly BD 2/12). Version 0.1.0
- Traffic assessment (formerly HD 24/06)
- Treatment of existing structures on highways widening schemes (formerly BD 95/07)
- Unreinforced masonry arch bridges (formerly BD 91/04)
- Use of compressive membrane action in bridge decks (formerly BD 81/02). Revision 2
- Use of highest safe speed limits including advice on using 60mph at/through road works (formerly CHE Memo 446/19)
- Vehicle speed measurement (formerly TA 22/81)
- Walking, cycling and horse-riding assessment and review (formerly HD 42/17)