Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs documents within the Construction Information Service
- 2011 census results for rural England 2013 - November 2013
- 25 year environment plan annual progress report. April 2021 to March 2022
- 25 year environment plan annual progress report. April 2022 to March 2023
- 30by30 on land in England: confirmed criteria and next steps
- 8-point plan for England's National Parks
- Access to green space in England
- Accounting for environmental impacts - supplementary green book guidance
- Achieving a better quality of life: review of progress towards sustainable development
- Achieving the public service agreement target for SSSIs: a review of the contribution of water level management plans
- Adaptation policy framework (consultation)
- Adapting to climate change - a new approach
- Adapting to climate change - UK climate projections 2009
- Adapting to climate change in England - a framework for action
- Adapting to climate change: ensuring progress in key sectors. 2013 strategy for exercising the adaptation reporting power and list of priority reporting authorities
- Adapting to climate change: helping key sectors to adapt to climate change. Findings from the benchmarker reports for the adaption reporting power
- Adapting to climate change: helping key sectors to adapt to climate change. Government report for the adaptation reporting power
- Adapting to climate change: helping key sectors to adapt to climate change. Statutory guidance to reporting authorities 2009
- Adapting to coastal change - developing a policy framework
- Air pollution - action in a changing climate
- Air quality and climate change - a UK perspective
- Air quality pollutant inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-2011
- Air quality statistics in the UK 1987 to 2016
- Air quality statistics in the UK 1987 to 2017
- Air quality statistics in the UK 1987 to 2018
- Air quality statistics in the UK, 1987 to 2022 - summary
- Air quality statistics in the UK, 1987 to 2023 - summary
- Air quality strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - Volume 1
- Air quality strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - Volume 2
- Air quality strategy. Framework for local authority delivery
- Amendments to the Environmental permitting (England and Wales) regulations 2010 - impact assessment
- An alternative solution to the 'right to apply' for extinguishments and diversions of rights of way - impact assessment
- Anaerobic digestion strategy and action plan - a commitment to increasing energy from waste through anaerobic digestion
- Anaerobic digestion strategy and action plan - annual report 2012-13
- Annex 1: climate risks and opportunities. The 61 climate risks and opportunities, and planned actions to address them by government departments (Includes correction slip issued February 2024)
- Annex 2 to 5: further supporting information
- Annex A. The UK's national targets
- Annex A: clean air zone minimum classes and standards
- Annex A: estimated waste arisings
- Annex B: general approach to clean air zones
- Annex D - updated maps for each local authority
- Annex III - SD indicators survey
- Annex IV - developing new indicators: results of survey, September 2011
- Annexes to surface water management plan technical guidance
- Appraisal of flood and coastal erosion risk management - a DEFRA policy statement
- Appraisal of sustainability - national policy statement for waste water
- Approving the latest code of practice on construction noise and vibration (British Standard 5228)
- Artificial light in the environment - policy update
- Assessing risks from land contamination - a proportionate approach: Soil guideline values: the way forward
- Assessment of how strategic surface water management informs Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) delivery through the planning system. Final report
- Benefits of sites of special scientific interest - final report
- Benyon review into highly protected marine areas
- Biodiversity 2020 - a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services: indicators 2013
- Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services
- Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. Indicators
- Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. Indicators
- Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. Indicators
- Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. Indicators
- Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. Indicators - revised
- Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. Indicators (Revised March 2022)
- Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. Indicators (Revised November 2016)
- Biodiversity net gain: exempt developments
- Biodiversity net gain: what local planning authorities should do
- Biodiversity offsetting - guiding principles for biodiversity offsetting
- Biodiversity offsetting - planning policy and biodiversity offsetting research summary
- Biodiversity offsetting in England - green paper: consultation
- Biodiversity offsetting in England - impact assessment
- Biodiversity offsetting pilots - guidance for developers
- Biodiversity offsetting pilots - guidance for offset providers
- Biodiversity offsetting pilots - information note for local authorities
- Biomass task force report to Government - October 2005
- Blueprint for halting and reversing biodiversity loss: the UK's national biodiversity strategy and action plan for 2030
- British waterways: policy review 2004 - consultation document
- Buy statutory biodiversity credits
- Calculate biodiversity value with the statutory biodiversity metric
- Carrying out works on common land
- Catchment based approach: improving the quality of our water environment
- Central Government funding for flood and coastal erosion risk management in England
- Changing patterns - UK government framework for sustainable consumption and production
- Charting progress 2 - the state of UK seas: overview
- Clean air strategy 2019
- Clean air zone framework
- Clean neighbourhoods and environment act 2005 - interim guidance for measures commenced on 18 October 2005
- Clean neighbourhoods and environment act 2005 - interim guidance for measures commenced on 7 June 2005
- Clean neighbourhoods and environment act update
- Climate change risk assessment for Northern Ireland
- Climate change risk assessment for Scotland
- Climate change risk assessment for Wales
- Climate resilient infrastructure - preparing for a changing climate. Cm 8065
- Climate resilient infrastructure: preparing for a changing climate. Progress update report
- Coastal change pathfinder review - final report
- Coastal concordat for England
- Coastal concordat for England - implementation document
- Coastal pathfinder evaluation - an assessment of the five largest pathfinder projects: a final report
- Code of practice for litter and refuse. Modification to the code of practice on litter and refuse 2006 - effective enforcement
- Code of practice on litter and refuse (modified November 2019)
- Code of practice on the discharge of the obligations of public authorities under the Environmental information regulations 2004 (SI 2004/3391)
- Combining environmental payments: biodiversity net gain (BNG) and nutrient mitigation
- Commencement of section 30 and schedule 1 of the Flood and water management act 2010 (designation of third party flood management assets)
- Common land consents policy
- Commons act 2006 and voluntary dedication of land as a town or village green