BRE documents within the Construction Information Service
- Control of solar shading
- Controlling death watch beetle
- Controlling mould growth by using fungicidal paints
- Controlling particles, vapour and noise pollution from construction sites. Part 1 - Pre-project planning and effective management
- Controlling particles, vapour and noise pollution from construction sites. Part 2 - Site preparation, demolition, earthworks and landscaping
- Controlling particles, vapour and noise pollution from construction sites. Part 3 - Haulage routes, vehicles and plant
- Controlling particles, vapour and noise pollution from construction sites. Part 4 - Materials handling, storage, stockpiles, spillage and disposal
- Controlling particles, vapour and noise pollution from construction sites. Part 5 - Fabrication processes and internal and external finishes
- Conventions for calculating linear thermal transmittance and temperature factors. 2nd edition
- Conventions for U-value calculations
- Converting from traditional draughting to 3D CAD: MacKellar Schwerdt
- Cool roofs and their application in the UK
- Cooling buildings in London: overcoming the heat island
- Co-ordination with land survey drawings: PJ Dunphy Construction Services Ltd
- Corrosion of metal components in walls
- Corrosion of metals by wood
- Corrosion of metals in swimming pool buildings
- Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete: electrochemical monitoring
- Corrosion of steel in concrete - durability of reinforced concrete structures
- Corrosion of steel in concrete - investigation and assessment
- Corrosion of steel in concrete - protection and remediation
- Corrosion of steel in concrete: a review of the effect of humidity
- Corrosion of steel in concrete: service life design and prediction
- Corrosion of steel wall ties: history of occurrence, background and treatment
- Corrosion of steel wall ties: recognition and inspection
- Corrosion-protected and corrosion-resistant reinforcement in concrete
- Cost and performance of solar water heating systems in the UK
- Cost benefit analysis of residential sprinklers for Wales - report of cost benefit analysis
- Cost of poor housing in Wales
- Cost-effectiveness of heat pumps in highly insulated dwellings: an assessment
- Coventry Corporation steel-framed houses
- Cover systems for land regeneration: thickness of cover systems for contaminated land
- Cowieson steel-clad houses
- Cracking in buildings. 2nd edition
- Cracks caused by foundation movement
- Crane steel-framed bungalows
- Cranwell steel-framed houses
- Creating a funding mechanism for UK carbon reduction projects
- Creating environmental weightings for construction products. Results of a study
- Crime opportunity profiling of streets (COPS). A quick crime analysis - rapid implementation approach
- Critical materials and material security for the construction industry and its supply chain
- Cross laminated timber: An introduction to low-impact building materials
- Cruden Rural steel-framed houses
- Cussins steel framed houses
- Cypermethrin: a new insecticide for wood preservation
- Damage to buildings caused by trees
- Damage to structures from ground-borne vibration
- Damp-proof courses
- Daylight and shading - a collection of BRE expert guidance on designing for daylight and sunlight, and shading of buildings
- Daylight in atrium buildings
- Daylighting as a passive solar energy option: an assessment of its potential in non-domestic buildings
- Daylighting design for display-screen equipment
- Daylighting requirements for display-screen equipment
- DC isolators for photovoltaic systems: a good practice guide
- Dealing with difficult demolition wastes: a guide
- Dealing with noisy plumbing
- Dealing with poor sound insulation between new dwellings
- Deconstruction and reuse of construction materials
- Defects in local authority housing: results of building problems survey
- Delayed ettringite formation: in-situ concrete
- Delivering a successful demonstration project
- Delivering a sustainable masterplan
- Delivering energy efficiency in commercial buildings: a guide for facilities managers
- Delivering sustainability objectives through planning
- Delivering sustainable buildings: savings and payback
- Delivering sustainable, low energy housing with softwood timber frame
- Delivering waste efficiency in commercial buildings: A guide for facilities managers
- Delivering water efficiency in commercial buildings: A guide for facilities managers
- Demonstration of reuse and recycling of materials: BRE energy efficient office of the future
- Dennis-Wild steel framed houses
- Depth factor adjustments in the determination of characteristic bending stresses for visually stress graded timber
- Desiccation in clay soils
- Design and manufacture of ply-web beams
- Design approaches for smoke control in atrium buildings
- Design decision-making in architectural practice
- Design development and coordination using the single building model: Buro Happold Consulting Engineers
- Design fires for use in fire safety engineering
- Design guide for wind loads on unclad framed building structures during construction
- Design guide: soft soil stabilisation. EuroSoilStab: development of design and construction methods to stabilise soft organic soils
- Design methodologies for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation
- Design of durable concrete structures
- Design of low-temperature domestic heating systems: a guide for system designers and installers
- Design of masonry walls subjected to concentrated vertical loads
- Design of normal concrete mixes. 2nd edition
- Design of timber floors to prevent decay
- Design principles for smoke ventilation in enclosed shopping centres
- Design stresses for timber - background to BS 5268: part 2
- Designing buildings for daylight
- Designing concrete for the visual environment. Proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Dundee, Scotland, UK on 10 July 2008
- Designing for cyclists: a guide to good practice
- Designing for future climate change: Lessons learned from developing an adaptation strategy (June 2013)
- Designing for pedestrians: a guide to good practice
- Designing out unintended consequences when applying solid wall insulation
- Designing quality buildings: a BRE guide
- Designing resilient cities: a guide to good practice
- Designing roofs for climate change. Modifications to good practice guidance
- Designing roofs with safety in mind
- Designing to reduce the chemical, biological and radiological vulnerability of new buildings
- Designing urban streets to minimise urban heat island effects - understanding wind-driven convective heat transfer from the surfaces of inner-city buildings and streets
- Designing with innovative daylighting